Before contacting the candle dragon suit, Zhang Yi had 6-7 trillion damage in one hand, and he felt pretty good about himself.

But since he used the Torch Dragon suit and dealt 20 to 30 trillion damage, Zhang Yi was no longer satisfied with the previous damage.

Putting on the candle dragon suit, the familiar feeling suddenly came back!

Zhang Yi only felt that there was a powerful force all over his body, and it was about to come out!

Without further ado, Zhang Yi rode the minibus and began to sweep the world!

Even if the talents possessed by the monsters in Daqian World can bring them up to 90% damage-free effect, they can't resist Zhang Yi's damage.

With the unparalleled Shenhuo robbery of the magic color skill every 5 seconds, Zhang Yi slaughtered the Quartet in the field, unmatched!

The unparalleled divine fire robbery, one shot into the soul, two shots destroyed the group.

In the Great Thousand World, all the mountain gods and wild monsters in the area that Zhang Yi passed by turned into experience and absorbed by Zhang Yi!

Although there are hundreds of monsters in Daqian World, there are only 10 kinds of illustrations that are required for the task.

But under Zhang Yi's large-scale group killing, he didn't need to find the designated monster in the picture book at all.

Anyway, if you see a monster, kill it, there are always some monsters that can burst into the picture book.

Under Zhang Yi's slaughter, countless trophies piled up on the ground.

At this time, the three little soul reapers, the undead crossbowmen and the dragon blood knights, started their garbage picking operation again.

I'm afraid that before this, even Zhang Yi himself did not expect it.

In the previous life, players from all walks of life in Hell City, as well as the super god realm, which was almost invincible in the eyes of those top families, had become so vulnerable in front of Zhang Yi at this time!

In Zhang Yi's eyes, the biggest difficulty in this task is not the strength of the monster, but the time.

The progress of the collection of illustrations is not very fast.

It took Zhang Yi three days to finally collect a full 1,000 illustrations!

Among them, there are 10 kinds of illustrations required by the mission, 100 of each.

Just after Zhang Yi gathered all the illustrations.


All the illustrations in the package are transformed into little stars and merge into the sky above the world.

Immediately afterwards, in Zhang Yi's line of sight, a huge red light curtain appeared in the air!

At the same time, Zhang Yi's long-awaited system prompt finally fell from the sky——

Map Announcement (Heaven and Earth Domain): "Ding ~ Heaven and Earth Domain Hidden Instance Heaven has been opened. All players who have cleared the fifth floor of the domain can enter the heaven and challenge the ultimate boss. If you defeat the ultimate boss, you can get the unique domain skills of Heaven and Earth Domain!"

"Ding~ Please note: All players have only one chance to enter the dungeon of the heaven, and once they quit halfway, they will never be able to enter the heaven!"

The system's prompt made Zhang Yi excited, but also a little worried.

"Is there only one chance to challenge?"

Zhang Yi's worry is not that he can't beat the ultimate boss in this dungeon.

It's because: It has now been three days since the Lord of the Underworld became the Seven-star Ghost King and obtained the hidden occupation.

Logically, the Lord of the Underworld should have completely absorbed the elemental power of the Frost Warrior by now.

That is to say, he and the army of ghosts who escaped from the Devil City may launch an attack on Hell City at any time!

Intuition tells Zhang Yi: he can beat the ultimate boss in the dungeon, but it will definitely take some time.

After all, it took a lot of time to set up tasks in the entire Heaven and Earth Domain. Even Zhang Yi took four or five days to pass the fifth-layer domain.

In case the lord of the underworld happened to take advantage of Zhang Yi's attack on the heavens, he joined the army of the ghost clan to launch an all-out attack on the city of hell.

That's not good.

Although in Zhang Yi's eyes, the Lord of the Underworld is insignificant.

But in front of other players in Hell City, the current strength of the Lord of the Underworld has reached an unmatched level!

Even Xingtian would not be an opponent of the Lord of the Underworld.

After having this concern, Zhang Yi did not enter the heaven for the time being.

Anyway, there is no time limit for raiding the super god realm.

The only limit is that the total number of deaths of players in the field does not exceed 5 times.

And until now in the field of heaven and earth, Zhang Yi has never died once.

Still have to be steady, to be on the safe side, after winning the Lord of the Underworld, let's fight the ultimate boss in the heaven!

After all, without the skills in this field, Zhang Yi can also slaughter the Lord of the Underworld and other ghosts in the Devil City.

It's a pity that the Lord of the Underworld can't understand the skills in this field.

In recent days, the entire territory of Hell City has been shrouded in a dark atmosphere at all times.

I haven't seen the sun for three days.

Inside and outside the city of hell, people are also panicking, all the time, players are not discussing the same topic.

"Recently, there has always been a feeling of unease. Looking at the continuous vision in the sky, is it that the released ghosts announced by the system some time ago are going to attack our hell city?"

"Yeah, wasn't there an announcement two days ago that the Lord of the Underworld has also become a seven-star ghost king? They should have been in Hell City all the time, but I don't know what they are waiting for. It must be a matter of time to attack Hell City!"

"Hey, if you want to come, come early! This makes us

Those who are anxious all day long, who cannot eat well, and who cannot sleep even when they sleep, suffer! "

"If it really comes, can we stop it? In addition to the lord of the underworld, there must be other seven-star ghost kings in the ghost clan, plus there are six-star and five-star ones. Remember last year's Ghost Festival, we gave a three-star rating. The ghost king is enough."

"Don't forget that we have a promise in the city of hell! If you see a ghost, you will be worried!"

"Ah! Fortunately, Yinuo Qingcheng is in our hell city"

That night, Zhang Yi was having dinner with Han Yarou in the Dragon Soul Hall.

Han Yarou also saw the discussions from the players in Hell City on the public screen of Hell City.

Unconsciously, she asked worriedly, "Is the ghost clan coming?"

"Well, it's time to come." Zhang Yi ignored it and said softly to Han Ya, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Han Yarou nodded: "Zhang Yi, you have to be more careful."

"Don't worry." Zhang Yi said with a smile: "After the crisis of this ghost invasion is resolved, you can leave the Dragon Soul Palace."

"When the time comes, I'll take you to experience the different scenery of Apocalypse World!"

Hearing this, Han Yarou was still a little puzzled.

Because Zhang Yi never told her that in the main body of the underworld, the nutritious ghost core that he cultivated with his own hands can completely restore Han Yarou!

Han Yarou asked, "Why?"

Zhang Yi deliberately created suspense: "I won't tell you!"

"Humph! Forget it!" Han Yarou pouted and gave Zhang Yi a blank look.

At this time, Zhang Yi took out a flashback scroll from his bag and handed it to Han Yarou. He solemnly instructed Han Yarou: "When the ghost clan comes, you must leave here as soon as possible and go to Hell City."

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