Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1848 Tenfold evolution, experience soars!

Zhang Yi can't be sure to be by Han Yarou's side all the time.

If Zhang Yi happened to be not by Han Yarou's side when the ghost clan came, her situation would definitely be very dangerous.

Even in the Dragon Soul Hall, there is a seventh-order destroying Dragon King Liga.

If you encounter the main force of the ghost clan, even if it is Riga, it is not an opponent!

And although Han Yarou can't leave the Dark Dragon Realm for too long, in a short time, there is still no problem.


At this time, Han Yarou seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said to Zhang Yi, "Xiaoxi's intimacy is full, and she can go on the promotion mission!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi glanced at the little purple tits dragon that Han Yarou had been holding in his arms. After checking the data, he could see that the intimacy between her and Han Yarou had reached 100%!

It is indeed the descendant of the seventh-order dragon king.

The growth of this tide is much faster than the previous Babu!

The task of advancing from the first rank to the second rank is not very difficult. For Zhang Yi, it is even more of a waving thing.

So Zhang Yi said to Han Yarou, "Go, take her to complete the mission!"

"Okay!" Han Yarou said happily.

Afterwards, Han Yarou manually activated Tide's second-order Dragon King challenge quest.

Mission metrics are pretty simple!

All you need is the dragon master, that is, Han Yarou, to kill 1,000 monsters whose level is not lower than her own!

So, Zhang Yi summoned the minibus, rode the minibus with Han Yarou, and left the Dragon Soul Palace.

"My current level is level 220, we just need to find a level 221 map."

As Han Yarou's voice just fell.

Zhang Yi said, "That level is too low, I'll take you to the high-level pictures."

With that said, Zhang Yi brought Han Yarou to an endless empty plain!

At this time, Han Yarou checked the information of this Oprah Woodland through the map, and was suddenly surprised: "A map of level 255?"

Zhang Yi glanced over the level 255 Oprah wolves in the woodland, and said to Han Yarou, "They are our target tonight."

"But such a high-level monster, can we deal with it?"

After all, Han Yarou has never seen Zhang Yi's true strength with her own eyes.

It is reasonable for a little priest who is only level 220 to be afraid of level 255 monsters.

On the other hand, Zhang Yi just smiled lightly and said, "Just leave it to me, you are only responsible for harvesting."

With that said, before the battle started, Zhang Yi opened his backpack, took out a golden magic scroll from the bag, and handed it to Han Yarou: "If you use this, the level will be faster, within tonight, See if I can get you to level 230."

"Up to 10 levels in one night?" Han Yarou said in silence, "That's impossible, right?"

Take the magic scroll from Zhang Yi's hand.

Tenfold evolution (God-level magic scroll):

Description: After use, the experience gained by killing monsters within 10 hours is increased by 10 times (the increase rate of elites, lords, and bosses is reduced to 7 times, 4 times, and 2 times).

"My God, ten times the experience!" Han Yarou said in surprise, "Where did you get this god-level magic scroll?"

"Killing bosses has exploded these days." Zhang Yi said bluntly.

In order to feed the Lord of the Underworld, Zhang Yi slaughtered so many bosses before.

He has already accumulated too many various magic scrolls.

For Zhang Yi himself, even using this tenfold evolution scroll to kill monsters would not have much effect.

Because the experience points he needs to upgrade now are too much!

Even if the monster killing experience is increased tenfold, it will not help.

But for Han Yarou, it was not easy.

With her level of 220, to deal with these 255-level demon wolves, the more monsters they kill at level 35, the more expensive the cross-level killing monster experience will be.

Coupled with this ten-fold increase in experience, Han Yarou will be able to easily and level up!

So, Han Yarou crushed the magic scroll and obtained ten times the evolution effect.

At this time, she lifted up the 220-level 108-star super artifact staff that Zhang Yi gave her last time, got ready for battle, and said to Zhang Yi, "Let's start!"

Zhang Yi looked at Han Yarou's growing belly and said, "Don't move, I'll kill, you'll reap."

Say it.


Zhang Yi unfolded the dragon feathers on his back, broke away from the dragon's back, and leaped over the forest.

Pick up the trial of ashes, turn on the blood lock protection mode, lock the Oprah wolf in the woodland below, and launch an attack!

Boom boom boom!

roar roar

After being strengthened by the fire-bathing dragon soul and the dragon camp, the skills evolved into countless fire dragons, which fell from the sky and instantly covered the wolves in several areas on the ground!

The next moment, a large area of ​​explosive damage of around 20 trillion jumped wildly on the heads of those demon wolves!

A 255-level ordinary devil wolf with only 8 trillion total HP, how can it withstand the devastation of this kind of damage.

In an instant, the blood bars of a large group of demon wolves were all gone!

Under the protection of Zhang Yi's blood lock, they were all beaten with only 1 blood left!

At the rear, Han Yarou, who was riding on the minibus, was surprised to see this scene.

"What a lot of damage!


She knew that Zhang Yi was very powerful.

She also knew that Zhang Yi could kill even the Dark Dragons faction and the seventh-order Dragon King of the Dark Dragons.

But she really couldn't imagine that Zhang Yi's damage had been exaggerated to such an extent!

"Is it because I haven't been out to see the world for too long, and I'm out of touch with society?" Han Yarou murmured in disbelief.

So, under the guidance of the minibus, Han Yarou passed the place where Zhang Yi had been.

The staff swings.

Boom boom boom!

One after another attack fell on the ground, and those demon wolves who were beaten by Zhang Yi with only 1 blood left were easily harvested!

In fact, Han Yarou, a priest with a relatively low output ability, under the blessing of a 220-level 108-star full-level reinforced dragon super artifact suit, the damage caused by this time is not low.

Facing a level 255 demon wolf, Han Yarou was able to deal around 2 trillion damage!

This is the power of the hundred star dragon super artifact suit!

In addition, Han Yarou is now an undetermined member of the dragon faction, and can enjoy the authority of the dark dragon faction and obtain a large number of additional attribute bonuses for dragon equipment.

Even Han Yarou herself did not expect that her current damage could reach this level!

So, Zhang Yi swiped wildly in front, and Han Yarou reaped in the back.

Killing monsters across level 35, the high experience gain of full-level monsters, plus the influence of tenfold evolution.

Han Yarou's experience bar rose rapidly at an exaggerated speed!

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