Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1886 The second edict says!

With this support, almost all the players in the Star Country region have all gathered here in Hell City!

Among them, it naturally includes the army of 300,000 dragons who came from Dawn City!

At this time, Zhang Yi sent all the giant dragons down to meet the people of the dragon family.

In an instant, more than 3,000 dragon knights rose to the sky!

roar roar

In the sound of one after another, the dragon players who turned into dragon knights drove the giant dragons and launched a strong counterattack against the ghost monsters inside and outside the hell city!

This scene, the players of the sword pavilion, the royal family, and the warring states, who saw it, were envious.

"I'm so envious of the people of the Dragon Clan, you can ride a dragon behind Yinuo Qingcheng!"

"Yeah! This treatment is so good! I want it too!"

"Boss, can I quit the Jiange to join the Dragon Clan?" Beside the Juggernaut, a player from the Jiange applied to the Juggernaut.

Without saying a word, the swordsman slapped the man on the forehead with a slap: "Are you going to abandon the sword pavilion for a dragon? It's useless!"

After the younger brother was sent away, the Sword Saint immediately sent a private message to Zhang Yi: "Old Zhang, give me a ride to Tiaolong! In the future, my brother of Jiange, you can send it as you like!"

Without thinking about it, Zhang Yi replied: "No, remember to be earlier next time."

"If that doesn't work, it's okay to give me your sixth-order dragon to ride!" The Sword Saint said: "Anyway, you don't ride, and he has nothing to do there. Ride it for me!"

"Okay, you can go if you can."

Hearing this, Juggernaut couldn't be more excited.

Rubbing his hands, he was ready to ride the sixth-order Dragon King Babu.

But just turned around.

Babu, who was standing beside Han Yarou, seemed to sense what the swordsman wanted to do, and immediately opened his mouth wide and roared at the swordsman!

The swordsman shivered with fright.

"If you don't ride, don't ride, why are you yelling at me? You stingy! Just as stingy as Lao Zhang!"

Without the Dragon Rider, the Juggernaut had no choice but to act as a free-range chicken, grabbing his sword and killing the nearby ghosts and beasts.

In the air, countless giant dragons flew around.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

One after another dragon flames engulfed the earth.

The dragon player sitting on the back of the dragon also locked on the ghost soldiers and beasts on the ground and launched a fierce attack!

At the same time, the rest of the players also started a full-scale counterattack!

Inside and outside the city, wars are raging, and gunpowder smoke is everywhere!

Zhang Yi is constantly activating domain skill space transformation.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Through the displacement again and again, it keeps changing its position.

Then, release skills in different positions.

Pull the attack range to the maximum, so that your attack always covers different areas!

Because, after any skill of Zhang Yi has been strengthened by the dragon camp, he can kill all the monsters in a large area at one time.

If the skills overlap in the same area, it is too wasteful.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

The sound of dragon roaring attack resounds through the sky.

Endless fire dragon devours the earth!

At the same time, Riga, the Dragon King of Destruction, the Knight of the Day and the Dragon King of the Day, as well as Jon and Viana, all joined the battle one after another!

In Hell City, Fuying City, Shenyue City, Aurora City, Tianyu City and Dawn City, there are a total of more than one billion players in the six first-level main cities, as well as the strong alliance of Zhang Yi and the Night King from the two dragon camps. Down.

The battle lasted for half an hour, and it was over!

At this time, looking inside and outside the entire hell city, there is no longer a ghost monster in sight!

Only the corpses of ghost soldiers and beasts lying all over the ground!

The darkness completely dissipated, and the light enveloped the earth!

This battle against the ghosts is finally over!

At this moment, the cheers and shouts of countless players resounded inside and outside the entire hell city!

All players are showing off their victory!

Meanwhile, in a corner outside the city.

A warrior man in blood-colored armor, holding a long sword and stepping on a ghost beast, pulled the long sword in his hand from the ghost beast under his feet.

Putting down the long knife, he took a deep breath and said, "It's finally over."

As soon as he finished speaking, a little Lolita dressed in white and blue Lolita fashion and surrounded by several cute pets smiled happily: "Finally won!"

"The people of Xingguo are really strong!"

As Spirited Away finished speaking.

Miyamoto Musashi said: "No, if you don't have a promise to conquer the city, the star country will lose in this battle."

Spirited Away did not agree: "Then you say, Yinuo Qingcheng is not a star country person, right?"


"That's fine!" Spirited Away said: "So the people of Xingguo are very strong!"

"Then according to your words, if it weren't for Yinuo Qingcheng, I'm afraid that both of us would have to die here!"

Miyamoto Musashi said in a deep voice: "I heard that this ghost clan was also brought by Yinuo Qingcheng."

"It doesn't matter!" Spirited Away sat on a Dapeng, swaying his calf, and said leisurely: "Anyway, everything is over!"

"And this time, Xingguo has given birth to another dragon faction member. When the national war starts in the future, we must not be the enemy of Xingguo!"

"But sometimes, it's not that you don't want to be enemies, others

I won't see you as an enemy," Miyamoto Musashi muttered.

Spirited Away asked, "What did you just say?"

"It's fine." Miyamoto Musashi said, "Your Highness, it won't be long before we return to China."

"Yeah, so happy!"

the other side.

After the ghost clan forces were completely eliminated, players inside and outside Hell City began to clean up the battlefield one after another.

While cleaning the things that fell from the death of ghost monsters, clean up the life orbs that fell from the dead players.

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, came to the place where the seven-star ghost king's blood swordsman: Jie De, and the messenger of thunder and lightning: Wagor were killed by the lord of the underworld, and found the bodies of the two ghost kings.

Unexpectedly, he did not die in Zhang Yi's hands in the end, but died in the hands of his own ghost king.

These two ghost kings are really two unjust ghosts!

It is a pity that the last blow was snatched by the Lord of the Underworld.

Otherwise, the two seven-star ghost kings will definitely explode!

And the purpose of Zhang Yi's trip is to search for the ghost emperor's edict on them!

There is an edict in each ghost clan station, a total of six.

On the side of Hell City, the edict of the ghost clan's residence must be on these two leader-level ghost kings!

Nothing else fell, but this one will definitely fall!

Sure enough, Zhang Yi found a fragment of the ghost emperor's edict beside the corpses of the two ghost kings!

Afterwards, Zhang Yi combined the two fragments into one complete edict!

Just at this time, the night king, the day knight, came down from the sky, riding the day dragon king Yongye.

Sitting next to Zhang Yi, the day knight looked at the ghost emperor's edict in Zhang Yi's hand and said, "There are five more edicts, and if all are collected, I can take you to the ghost emperor."

At this time, Zhang Yi took out another one from the bag, the ghost emperor's edict that he had obtained from Dawn City before.

Said to the Night King, "Only four cards left."

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