Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1887 Star Country's Richest Man

Seeing that Zhang Yi already had two ghost emperors' edicts in his hands, the night king, the knight of the day, was a little surprised.

"Before this, you actually broke through a ghost capital city and killed all the ghosts inside?"

After a pause, the Night King said to himself, "I should have known earlier that you are different from ordinary people."

"It's just that I didn't expect you to be so powerful!"

Zhang Yi didn't talk nonsense, and asked the Night King directly: "A thousand years ago, you saw the ghost emperor. I want to know, who is the ghost emperor? Or, what kind of species?"

The Night King, the Knight of the Day, was silent for a while, and said to Zhang Yi, "That's all I can tell you."

"A thousand years ago, he defeated me with just one move."

The words of the Night King are just unbelievable.

One move to defeat the dark dragon camp?

The Night King then said to Zhang Yi, "This edict can only be used to find out the signs of the ghost emperor."

"But if you want to defeat the Ghost Emperor, your current strength is far from enough."

"You have to become stronger than you are now!" The Night King said: "Of course, it's not just you, I have to work hard to strengthen myself, otherwise, if the ghost emperor comes again, a thousand years ago, the Apocalypse Continent was faced with Crisis will come back!"

"With my current strength, is it impossible for me to be the opponent of the Ghost Emperor?"

Zhang Yi was silent for a while, and said to the Night King, "Okay, I understand."

"Right!" After a pause, Zhang Yi said to the Night King, "Thank you for helping Hell City fight against the ghosts together."

"Small thing!" The Night King said indifferently, "It's your kindness for resurrecting me last time!"

"If it's okay, I'll leave first!"

After that, the day knight, the night king, rode the day dragon king, Yongye, to rise from the ground and leap into the far sky.

Zhang Yi stood there, recalling what the Night King just said in his mind.

"So, if you want to fight against the ghost emperor, it seems that you can only use the power of the gods!"

Zhang Yi remembered a force that was sealed in his body, a force that had not yet been activated - the trial of the gods!

A thousand years ago, the ghosts descended on the Apocalypse Continent.

Humans, aliens, demons, and even dragons are not the opponents of ghosts!

In the end, the lord god of the gods easily sealed the ghosts with the help of hundreds of gods under his seat!

If Zhang Yi can complete the trial of the gods, evolve into a god, and gain the blessing of the power of the gods, he will definitely be able to defeat the ghost emperor!

So Zhang Yi returned to Han Yarou's side.

At this time, the swordsman ran and said: "Old Zhang, you said, we came all the way to kill the ghosts for you and protect the hell city for you. You have to show something, right?"

Don't wait for Zhang Yi to speak.

Ruochen, who can also be regarded as the representative of Hell City, laughed and said, "I really appreciate all the brothers who traveled thousands of miles to help us fight against the ghost clan!"

"Well, everyone will stay tonight. Anyway, the passage will not be closed for the time being. I'll treat everyone to a meal!"

In the voice of the words, Warring States Lu Bu said suspiciously: "Let's not say anything else, just our few, add up to millions of people, can you afford it?"

Ruochen coughed lightly, pointed at Zhang Yi, and said, "I can't afford it, he does! He has money! At that time, our Star Palace will be responsible for entertaining~"

"No problem, I'll treat you." Zhang Yi was also very forthright.

After all, in general, this time the ghost clan invasion was caused by Zhang Yi.

As the "initiator" of this crisis, Zhang Yi should do the best of his friendship!

Not to mention anything else, just killing the Lord of the Underworld with a single click allowed Zhang Yi to gain more than 320 billion gold coins!

Zhang Yi is now the richest man in the country!

Therefore, during the day, everyone used it to clean up the battlefield and carry out post-war recovery work.

At night, in order to celebrate the defeat of the ghost clan, we welcomed the birth of the second dragon camp powerhouse of the star country.

Players from the six major cities gathered in various open spaces outside Hell City and held a bonfire party!

Amidst the laughter, the bonfire party went on happily.

The battle experienced during the day seemed to be thrilling, and it almost led to the destruction of Hell City and the fall of the entire star country.

But in fact, this war has also stabilized the military spirit of the people of Xingguo!

Under the witness of the people of the whole star country, Zhang Yi defeated the super seven-star ghost king and led them to defeat the ghost clan.

Even such a powerful enemy can be defeated.

In the future, is there any enemy that cannot be defeated?

This is also the first time that players from all star countries have gathered together.

They happily played games and sang songs together.

At this moment, it seemed that they had forgotten that they were in the world of apocalypse.

Halfway through the party, Zhang Yi sent Han Yarou back to a high-star hotel in the city.

After all, Han Yarou has been pregnant for more than five months now.

Resting early every night is the greatest care for her body.

I just fell asleep with Han Yarou.


Zhang Yi received a private message.

I opened it and found that it was sent by Qiyue Liuhuo.

"Have you forgotten something?"

With the reminder of the fire in July, Zhang Yi

But suddenly I remembered what he said!

So, after comforting Xiaoya to sleep, Zhang Yi left the hotel.

Outside the city, I found Qiyue Liuhuo.

At this time, the four heavenly kings of Tiange: the warrior Tianxing, the priest Tianming, the assassin Tianyu, and the knight Tianqi are stationed beside Qiyue Liuhuo.

There is also the younger sister of Qiyue Liuhuo, August Weiyang, who had a good impression of Zhang Yi for a while.

This momentum, this battle!

Those who don't know, think Zhang Yi is here to fight with them!

Seeing this, Zhang Yi said, "What's the matter, want to fight?"

"Good guy! Who dares to fight with you?"

Warrior Tianxing glanced at Zhang Yi up and down, and couldn't help sighing: "I think back then, when I first saw you in the second-tier main city Liuguang City, you could only tie me to a tie! I can't believe that you have developed so fast, and suddenly, you have become the number one powerhouse in the Star Country!"

"Oh? Is it just a draw?" Zhang Yi squeezed his chin and said thoughtfully, "How do I remember that someone was beaten badly by me?"

"Ah, this hero doesn't mention Yong Ying!" Tian Xing quickly changed the topic: "By the way, brother, did you bring anything?"

Zhang Yi didn't say much, and directly threw a scroll to Qiyue Liuhuo.

Qiyue Liuhuo reached out to catch it.

That scroll is the proof of the territory!

I promised to give him a territorial certificate before.

Zhang Yi naturally does what he says.

And according to the previous agreement.

Liuhuo in July also brought a full 30 energy-based materials to Zhang Yi!

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