On the shore, many players are teaming up to cross the sea.

After all, once the ship is seriously damaged on the way, it is very likely that the entire team will be destroyed.

Therefore, it is necessary to team up with master players to cross the sea.

Zhang Yi and the Demon King of Chaos chose a boat at random and boarded it.

After a while, the ship was full of 100 people and began to sail.

However, what is unexpected is that Zhang Yi actually boarded a pirate ship...

As the ship has just left the shore, it enters the sea.

Among the hundreds of players on the ship, a large group of players belonging to the same family were exposed.

I saw a middle-aged 4th-rank alien warrior man whose ID was [Juggernaut, level 105], suddenly walked to the middle of the boat, and drew his sword up with a "wow".

Pointing at the players around him, he shouted: "If you want to cross the sea safely, pay me a protection fee of 50,000 per person!"

As soon as the words fell, a large group of players made a controversy:

"What's wrong, this ship belongs to your family? Why should you pay the protection fee?"

As the voice of a 104-level young mage just fell.

Silver Armor Warrior [Juggernaut launched a charge directly, and instantly came to the young mage, and slashed him to the ground with a surprise sword!

The young mage obviously did not expect the other party to be so decisive and act directly.

Haven't responded yet.

The Juggernaut crippled the young mage with several swords in a row.

Turning his hands, "Puchi" pierced the young mage's chest with a sword, killing the young mage with a skill damage of up to 180,000!


White light flashed, and the young mage disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood on the deck.

Around, the other scattered players exclaimed: "The damage is so high!"

At this time, the Juggernaut whose ID on the top of his head turned red, said to the other players around him with a ferocious face: "Protection fee or life, you can only choose one of the two."

As soon as the words fell, dozens of players who belonged to the [Juggernaut's forces] around, copied the guy out.

Most of the people on board were loose people, or small groups of three or five.

In the face of such a group of more than 30 people, and each of them seems to be of good rank and strength, it is natural to be deterred.

I see that many people are still hesitating.

The Juggernaut increased the threat: "Money is something outside the body, only 50,000 gold coins, and ordinary people can play it out in a week."

Saying that, Juggernaut pointed to the place where the young mage died and disappeared just now with his sword, and said, "Of course, you can also choose to be like him. I also know that you basically have the chance to be resurrected, but the price of dying once, you You know, Apocalypse World, strength is more important than money."

In order to arrive at Monster Island safely, those scattered players could only be forced to compromise and did not dare to unite to resist.

Because according to the logo on the top of the head, the Juggernaut is a level 8 team [Jange Captain!

According to the team ID, you can query: Jiange, Purgatory City ranks 20 in the team list, with 50,000 players!

Except for the young mage who was killed just now, who didn't know the situation, who would dare to provoke such a person now?

Therefore, two Jiange players are responsible for collecting the money.

The other players in the Jiange are responsible for fighting against the sea beasts rushing out of the sea around the ship.

In fact, this scene is not just staged on the ship where Zhang Yi is.

They just wanted to take this opportunity to make a fortune, so on many ships with a lot of loose people, they arranged a team of people to extort and extort the loose players who were underpowered on the ship in the name of collecting protection fees.

If the ship has other relatively large-scale forces, the action will be cancelled directly.

They are good at abacus, and they specialize in soft persimmons.

It has to be said that as a level 8 team ranked 20 in Purgatory City, the overall strength of the players in Jiange is indeed very strong.

The average level has approached 105.

It can deal with the sea beasts around level 108 in the surrounding waters with ease.

With the cooperation of more than 30 players in Jiange, one sea beast was killed one after another, and there was no chance to destroy the ship.

on board.

The two Jiange warriors who received the money quickly came to Zhang Yi.

Looking at Zhang Yi, the black-robed beastmaster who had no information displayed above his head.

One of them [Sword King said: "Dude, break the money to eliminate disasters,"

"The two of you are together, I'll give you a 10% discount, and the two of you will give a total of 90,000 gold coins!"

At this time, Zhang Yi opened his mouth and said, "What disaster is there?"

"A sea beast!" The Sword King pointed to a huge sea beast that was rushing out of the sea not far away, and said to Zhang Yi, "Can't you see such a big sea beast?"

Without too much nonsense, the sword king went straight to the topic: "Don't talk nonsense, give money or fish, choose one for yourself!"

At this time, Zhang Yi actually saw that the Demon King of Chaos was making money!

"What are you doing?" Zhang Yi asked.

The Demon King of Chaos explained, "It's better to have one less thing than to do more, brother, I'll give you your share."

Then he attached to Zhang Yi's ear and whispered: "The strength of the sword pavilion, even the Sun and Moon Sect should be afraid of three points, such a big family, let's not mess with it!"

Zhang Yi is a little strange: "Why are you so rigid when facing the Sun and Moon Sect?"

"That's different. The Sun and Moon Cult has an undeniable feud with us, that is, the kind that sacrifices his life and has to kill. If we provoke the Jiange again now, it will be even more difficult for us to deal with the Sun and Moon Cult in the future.

! "

Zhang Yi looked at the Sword King and said, "Feed the fish."

The sword king was stunned for a moment: "What did you say?"

"Do you want to feed the fish?"

"Yes." Zhang Yi said: "But it is you who are feeding."

Saying that, Zhang Yi, who was at the edge of the boat, just kicked the unexpected Sword King into the sea.

After fluttering twice, he was engulfed by a sea beast that jumped out of the sea.

After a while, a beam of white light lit up from the sea.

On the deck, other players in Jiange were furious when they saw this scene.

"That bastard didn't pay the protection fee, and dared to touch our brothers, brothers, kill him!"

With a loud shout.

On the deck, the Jiange players who were dealing with sea beasts rushed towards Zhang Yi one after another.

Those casual players who compromised and paid were stunned.

They couldn't imagine that this human race beastmaster was not afraid of death, and openly attacked the people of the sword pavilion!

At the same time in their eyes.

It was as if Zhang Yi was already a corpse.

Zhang Yi was not in a hurry, and he didn't even have the desire to do it.

Turn on all pk mode.

Then, open the Warcraft space and summon the Soul Reaper.


The moment the white light fell in front of Zhang Yi, other people saw a black shadow disappearing like lightning.

Brush brush brush brush!

With lightning speed, he quickly pierced through the Jiange crowd on the deck.

Only a burst of screams could be heard.

One by one, a huge amount of critical damage as high as 400,000 to 500,000, or even 800,000 to 900,000, swept the audience.

In an instant, more than 30 people in Jiange were crippled by a force that they had not yet seen clearly.

Soul Reaper appeared in the middle of the crowd.


The crystal sword in his hand moves 360 degrees.

A ring of blade light is released around, engulfing all the surrounding players in the sword pavilion:

Destroy the soul!

Under the invasion of more than 300,000 injuries.

Whoa whoa whoa!

More than 30 white lights light up on the deck at the same time!

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