"Brother William, pay attention to your position, don't be swept away by its sickle skill!"

"Xiao Li, the master nurse, be careful not to let his blood volume drop below half!"

"Yuanyuan, keep up with my rhythm and suppress it with firepower!"

Monster Islands Level 2, somewhere.

Under the command of a 107-level alien young archer player whose ID is [Fengxing], five 107-108-level alien players are working together to fight against a 112-level B-level ordinary monster: Zhantian Mantis.

An ordinary monster, stunned, let them play a BOSS stance.

The attack of the Heaven Slaying Mantis can easily cause about 150,000 to 60,000 damage to this group of players.

These players are all wearing 9-star or 10-star hunter equipment, which greatly reduces the suppressing effect of monsters.

Otherwise, with the suppression effect of B-rank monsters as high as 50%, it is impossible for them to receive such damage.

Even if the suits are not uniform, it can at least reduce the suppression effect by about 20%-30%.

Archer, Mage, Priest, Assassin, Warrior.

Team standard.

With the cooperation of the five people, it took a lot of effort to take down this Heaven Slaying Mantis.

Haven't had time to clear the loot yet.

I saw a human race black-robed beastmaster player walking slowly.

"Hey, guys, are you interested in teaming up to spawn monsters?"

Zhang Yi walked up to the five and said with a smile, "I'll take you, you lie down."

Zhang Yi's purpose is very simple, find another four people to form a team, and increase the profit to the maximum: 1.6 times.

And with the sudden intrusion of Zhang Yi, a stranger, and the "proud" words he just said.

Among the five here.

The black-clothed assassin with a level of 108 [Swordsman William glanced at Zhang Yi up and down, and said disdainfully: "If you want us to lead you to leveling, just say it, but with this attitude, you also want us to lead you to leveling?"

"Sorry, we are full, you can find another house!" William the swordsman waved his hand, as if he wanted to send Zhang Yi away quickly.

Zhang Yi was in no hurry and looked at William the Swordsman with a look of interest.

Obviously, he was not with the other two men and two women, but joined later.

What makes Zhang Yi interested is the team logo behind the ID that is not hidden on his head: Jiange member!

At this time, Zhang Yi pointed behind a few people and said, "The big guy is here, be careful."

The voice just fell.

Several people turned back.

I was stunned to see an incomparably huge black spider crawling over here!

Data Display:

Lv113 Giant Spider Queen (Magic Elite, A-level)!

"Damn it! A-level elite monsters!"

"Find the treasure, brothers!"

Swordsman William was not afraid at all, but excited: "Kill it, you can explode the A-level elite map..."


Swordsman William hasn't finished speaking yet.

The huge spider queen spit out a cloud of green liquid from its mouth, covering the swordsman William who was closest to it, binding him in place.

Seeing the spider queen aiming at the swordsman William, his mouth began to charge and die.

After the assistance of several of his teammates was ineffective, he immediately evacuated to the surrounding area.


A beam of purple death light bombarded directly on the swordsman William, who was adhered by the venom.

It can only be seen that under the continuous erosion of the death light, the damage of nearly 200,000 is constantly appearing on the head of the swordsman William.

The efficient treatment of the priest's sister Xiaoli on the side could not keep up with the rapid consumption of the swordsman William.

In a blink of an eye, the swordsman William was killed!

Before turning into white light and drifting away, there was only one roar left: "A group of bastards who are desperate, you wait for the labor and capital, and the brothers who brought the Jiange to the labor and capital will destroy you!"

Around, the four teammates of Swordsman William only felt helpless.

They obviously saved William, but their strength was limited and they didn't save it.

Kill William the Swordsman.

The spider queen's hatred was locked on Xiao Li, the priest's sister who had just been treated with high efficiency.

Swordsman William, as a senior member of the 8th-level team [Jiange.

Instead of teaming up with teammates to farm Monster Island, I came to find these scattered people just to find a sense of accomplishment in them.

There is no doubt that his strength is the strongest among the five.

Even the strongest William can only be killed by the spider queen, not to mention the remaining four.

In the state of five people working together, it is barely enough to deal with ordinary AB-level monsters, but elites can't do anything about it.

Therefore, facing the A-level elite spider queen, the remaining four [Fengxing] hurriedly fled.


The spider queen spit out a spider web from her mouth, covering a large area, trapping all four of them.

Then, he approached the four of them.

Just when these four players thought that they would definitely die, they were killed by spider mouth.


A dark shadow passed by as fast as lightning.

Under Zhang Yi's order, the Soul Reaper approached the Spider Queen and launched a close-range attack directly.

at the same time.

The Dragon Blood Knight rushed forward.

Zhang Yi who walks the range

With the undead crossbowmen, it is to launch a long-range attack.

Whoosh whoosh!

brush brush...

Zhang Yi, the dead crossbow and the soul reaper, who had already launched the attack, exploded a series of 20000000000000000000000000 damage on the top of the spider queen's head at super fast speed!

This kind of damage was simply stunned for Feng Xing, who was still trapped by the Spider King.

To know.

Even if they fight ordinary monsters without any suppressing effect outside of Monster Island, they can't even deal half of the damage.

And now this A-level elite spider queen, plus an extra 0.1 times the suppression bonus of elite monsters, has 66% suppression, which is 66% damage reduction effect!

That is to say.

These 200,000 to 300,000 damages are only one-third of the power exerted by this human race beastmaster and his subordinate group of beasts? !

When the four Feng Xing were thinking about it, they were extremely afraid.

Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group have quickly consumed a wave of the Spider Queen.

The Spider Queen reacted and started to fight back.

A-level elite monsters are not so easy to deal with.

The Dragon Blood Knight resisted the Spider Queen, which was a bit of a chore.

A single damage of 170,000 to 80,000 yuan, in the absence of a priest, relying only on Long Yu's treatment is still very painful.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi, the undead crossbowman, and the soul reaper have good damage.

Fortunately, Soul Reaper also has a powerful ability: blood-sucking!

If the Dragon Rider is not resistant enough, change Soul Reaper as T.

With Soul Reaper's 40,000 defense and 1.2 million HP, it can't resist the spider queen's damage even more.

However, through the frequent use of the skills just now, 50 additional layers of Soul Hunting buff have been superimposed in the blink of an eye, and the Soul Reaper with 150 layers of Soul Hunting buff has obtained a 15% blood-sucking effect!

A single 200,000 to 300,000, high-frequency 400,000 to 500,000 crit damage hit the Spider Queen, and the recovery ranged from 30,000 to 80,000 points, plus Soul Reaper's ultra-fast attack almost four times a second, almost Can keep up with the damage consumption of the spider queen to him!

I have never thought of letting Soul Reaper Lord T before.

This result was also somewhat unexpected to Zhang Yi.

Simply, Zhang Yi directly made Soul Reaper as T, responsible for damage resistance and output, which greatly reduced the threat of the team.


The four Feng Xing, who were trapped by the spider web, watched Zhang Yi unite with the World of Beasts, and it took only one minute to kill the A-level elite spider queen that the five of them couldn't handle before!

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