Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 806 New Countermeasures: Turning the enemy into a friend

The second-level main city, Purgatory City, has thousands of family forces.

According to system statistics, there are more than 30,000 teams in total, ranging from level 9 to level 1 that has just been established!

As the top team within the top 20 of these 30,000 teams.

Jiange pursued strength every day, and finally was promoted from a level 8 team to a level 9 team. After expanding the maximum number from 50,000 to 100,000, it began to target high-end players with less than 1 million combat power in Purgatory City. Recruit people.

Jiange, which currently has more than 50,000 members, has climbed to the tenth place from the 20th place in the previous team list!

The captain of the sword pavilion, the sword sage, has always had a vengeance, and everyone who knows the sword pavilion knows it.

Outside Purgatory City, a certain-level wild area map.

The rank four warrior with a level of up to 108 [Juggernaut, is leading a group of elites in the team to besiege an 11-star big boss!

At this time, I received news from [Sword King, about the discovery of Zhang Yi.

Cooperate with teammates to quickly kill the BOSS and end the battle.

In Juggernaut's eyes, a murderous aura emerged spontaneously: "Finally found you!"

Immediately, he replied to the sword king: "Keep an eye on him, and when I finish the task, I will bring someone over and solve him myself!"

It turned out that Juggernaut and a group of core members of his subordinate Jiange were carrying out a super mission.

Even this 11-star BOSS is just a little brother of this mission!

On the side of the Monster Islands, the Sword King who received the news took the lead, and with a few people around him, deliberately located not far from Zhang Yi and the others, hunting monsters.

On the other hand, always keep an eye on Zhang Yi and the others.

This stare is one day.

Fortunately, the Sword King and the others are also the core members of the Sword Pavilion.

As an ordinary person, I'm afraid that I really can't stay in the second-level area where AB and even S-level monsters are rampant for a whole day.

In order to kill Zhang Yi, it was worth it for them to wait a day.

In fact, it's not just the players of Jiange who have hatred with Zhang Yi.

Six o'clock in the evening.

In Purgatory City, a certain restaurant.

One level is as high as the first-line level of Purgatory City: a 108-level demon beastmaster man, sitting around a table with several other players, eating dinner.

The beastmaster man, dressed in a white robe, with long hair reaching his waist, looked like a scholar from ancient times.

He was full of bookishness.

This beastmaster man is on the Qingming Rain!

The level 107 Fire Armor Warrior at the same table [Sun Moon Star, while eating dinner, said:

"Captain, after so many days, are we not ready to start?"

Qing Mingyu frowned slightly.

It's not that he doesn't want to do it, but that he hasn't found a suitable opportunity, and he doesn't know what means to use to deal with Yinuo Qingcheng.

at this time.

A team of well-equipped, looking at the tall and big alien players entered the restaurant.

Just in the Qingming rain, they sat down at the next table.

Finish ordering.

The middle-aged warrior man Juggernaut discussed with several teammates sitting around the table:

"Captain, is the human beastmaster who killed us on the boat last time still on Monster Island?"

With the archer [Sword God's voice just fell.

The Juggernaut opened the dialog and got in touch with the Sword King, who was in charge of staring at Zhang Yi on Monster Island, and said, "Here, there is a brother staring at him. We will bring someone over immediately after we finish our meal."


Juggernaut's fist slammed on the table, a murderous look appeared in his eyes, and he said viciously: "The labor and management must deal with him with their own hands!"

Sword God was a little worried: "That guy's assassin monster that looks like a ghost is so strong. The last time he killed more than 30 of our brothers with a single monster, his own strength must be good. "

Sword Saint disagreed: "I am a 50,000-strong family, why should I be afraid of him?"

Originally, I didn't feel much about what the foreign players at the adjacent table said.

Until they heard the words "the ghost-like assassin monsters, one monster killed more than 30 of them", they were immediately shocked by the sun, moon and stars on the Qingming rain.

The two looked at each other: "A soul reaper under Yinuo Qingcheng?"

On the Qingming rain, I took the opportunity to talk to the juggernauts at the adjacent table:

"The person you are talking about is the number one beastmaster of the human race, Yinuo Qingcheng?"


Several players in Jiange turned to look at the Qingming Rain.

"You also know the guy who can control an Assassin-type Warcraft that can damage the watch?" Juggernaut asked.

Qingming Yu said: "There should be no one else except Yinuo Qingcheng who can have such a powerful beastmaster of the human race."

"As it happens, we also have a grudge with Yinuo Qingcheng, are we interested in dealing with him together?"

Looking at the "Sun and Moon Sect Leader" logo on the top of Qingmingyu's head, the Sword Saint hesitated and said, "Okay."

At this time, Riyuexingchen said: "Then to avoid long nights and dreams, listen to what you just said, while Yinuo Qingcheng is still on Monster Island, we will take someone over after dinner to deal with him!"

On the Qingming rain, Juggernaut reminded: "Yinuo Qingcheng's strength is not trivial, but there is no need to do too much. Bring a thousand people over there, we will send another thousand people here, we will work together to win. A promise is all over the city."

Unity of the front.

In a sense, let the Qingming rain and the swordsman

The two thought they had found a confidant.

After discussing the countermeasures against Yinuo Qingcheng, Qingming Yushang and Juggernaut also added a friend.

In just this meal, I changed from a stranger to a friend...

After the meal, on the grounds of preparation, Qingming Yushang and Sun, Moon, and Stars left the restaurant first.

Make an appointment with the Juggernauts: move on time at 6:30 and go to Monster Island together!

Just walked out of the restaurant, Riyuexingchen was very excited: "Are you finally going to do something to Yinuo Qingcheng? I can't help it for a long time!"

At this time, Qingming Rain seemed to have a plan, and said, "I have a better way to deal with Yinuo Qingcheng."

Having said that, he opened the friend list on Qingming Yu, found "Yinuo Qingcheng" that had never been deleted, and sent a message: "Your location has been exposed, and the people from Jiange will arrive at Monster Island at about seven o'clock, with a scale of 1,000 people."


The sun, moon, and stars on the side were shocked: "Captain, what are you doing?"

The Qingming rain was unhurried and said, "This is a better way to deal with Yinuo Qingcheng."

It turned out that after thinking about it for several days, there was no countermeasure.

In the person who just met Jiange, there is a surefire way to deal with Zhang Yi on Qingming Yu!

That is:

Use Jiange to change the relationship between him and Zhang Yi.

That's right, the plan on Qingming Yu was to "turn enemies into friends" with Zhang Yi.

Only in this way will it be easier to get close to Zhang Yi, and have a better chance to take back the Ring of Warcraft King and his Warcraft from Zhang Yi!

In fact, this idea has long been formed in the mind of Qingmingyu, but before that, there has been no chance to implement it.

And the sword pavilion just gave the opportunity to implement this plan on Qingming Yu!

Therefore, he deliberately asked Juggernaut to bring a thousand people over to deal with Zhang Yi.

The people in Jiange still don't know what level of strength Yinuo Qingcheng is at.

Qingming rain, but know.

That's a pervert that even 30,000 people can't handle!

The Jiange Thousand People Group will die without a doubt.

After all, the purpose of the Qingming Rain was not really to let the people of Jiange kill Zhang Yi.

Monster Island, secondary area.

Zhang Yi, who was with Fengxing several people and who had been fighting monsters for a day, received a message on Qingming Rain.

His gaze turned to the five Jiange players who had been following him for a day.

On his face, there was an expression that seemed to see through everything.

After killing a monster right now.

Zhang Yi said to several teammates: "It's getting late today, let's stop here."

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