Today, Feng Xing and several of his teammates were basically mixed with experience, and they were led by Zhang Yi for a day.

In the end, it was with reluctance to part with Zhang Yi.

Just wait for them to leave.

Zhang Yi counted the spoils.

Today, I accumulated 600 B-level monster illustrations and 300 A-level illustrations.

After all, they are all A-B-rank monsters, with a suppression effect as high as fifty or sixty.

Said to be a team of five.

In fact, Zhang Yi, who is the core, is basically the same as a single brush.

Zhang Yi kills so many AB-level monsters in one day, which is already very good.

The killing efficiency of more than 900 kills is not comparable to the killing efficiency of killing more than 3,000 monsters a day with Huang Wuji and the others in the third-level area a few days ago.

But the experience of 113-level monsters is also incomparable to 110-level monsters, almost a top two.

The EF-level monsters in the third-level area can't even explode the AB-level high-level monsters in the second-level area.

With 900 AB-level illustrations, you can submit 9 consecutive missions in exchange for 9 pieces of 11-star hunter equipment!

Plus experience gold coin reputation reward.

At that time, it was a huge profit.

Check it out, 980 illustrations.

If you make up 20 more cards, you can submit one more task.

So, after Fengxing and the others left, Zhang Yi was alone and continued to hunt monsters.

On the other hand, as if deliberately waiting for something.

at the same time.

Not far away, the Sword King and Swordsman William, as well as three other players from the Sword Pavilion, kept their eyes on Zhang Yi while hunting a 113-level B-level giant scorpion.

"Several of his teammates have withdrawn, he won't be leaving too, will he?"

Swordsman William was a little impatient: "Captain, why haven't they come yet?"

"Wait a minute, Captain and the others are already on their way." Sword King looked at the dialog box in front of him, and then looked at Zhang Yi who was swiping alone over there, and said:

"He will be there for a while and should not leave."

More than ten minutes.

Sure enough, a large group of players came.

Under the leadership of the 108-level fourth-turn middle-aged warrior man [Juggernaut], a large group of elite players from Jiange arrived at the second-level area of ​​Monster Island.

Reunited with the Sword King who was staring at him for a long time.

The Sword King asked, "Captain, how many people have you brought?"

"one thousand."

Hearing the answer, the Sword King frowned slightly.

Not far away, he pointed at Zhang Yi who was still killing A-level monsters by himself.

Said to the swordsman:

"This guy, he doesn't have a hunter suit, and he kills almost a thousand A-to-B monsters a day..."

The hunter suit has special runes, and is divided into physical and magical categories. Only red and silver-gray can be selected in appearance.

On the other hand, Zhang Yi was all black, and obviously he didn't have a piece of equipment, which belonged to the hunter's equipment.

To know.

The five sword kings, under the protection of a semi-finished 9-10 star hunter suit, barely managed to kill more than 400 AB-level monsters in one day...

The Sword Saint didn't care much: "What do you mean, we have a thousand people in the sword pavilion, and we can't solve him alone?"

Thinking of the experience on the ship a few days ago, the swordsman said coldly:

"This guy is strong, but don't underestimate our sword pavilion too much."

In his voice, he seemed to have thought of something.

Juggernaut opened the friend list and contacted [Qingming Yu Shang: "Aren't you here yet?"

After a while, Juggernaut received a reply: "We were delayed on the road and encountered an attack from an enemy, and we may arrive later."

Seeing this news, Sword Saint snorted coldly: "A bunch of unreliable guys,"

"Forget it, we can solve it ourselves anyway, it doesn't matter if you come or not."

Thinking like this, the Sword Saint gave a decisive order: "Kill me Yinuo Qingcheng, remember to leave the last blow to me, and I will deal with him with my own hands!"

under command.

Thousands of players in the Jiange took their weapons and charged towards Zhang Yi who was not far away.

In such a battle, some other nearby players who were hunting monsters were frightened and fled.

Only Zhang Yi was in a hurry and was still stroking monsters in a leisurely manner, as if nothing had happened.

Until the Jiange players arrived and surrounded Zhang Yi.

Juggernaut stood out from the crowd, pointed at Zhang Yi, and shouted:

"do you know me?"

In the encirclement, Zhang Yi calmly picked up the spoils next to the corpse of a giant spider he just killed.

Only then did I have the time to look at the Juggernaut, pretending to be novel:

"Yo, the one who jumped into the river on the boat that day?"

As soon as the words fell, even the players in the surrounding Jiange couldn't help snickering.

The Juggernaut was even more angry and flushed:

"Damn, I've seen arrogant people, but I've never seen you so arrogant. The Thousand People's Group of Labor and Capital Sword Pavilion is here, are you so calm?"

Zhang Yi looked at the time: six forty-eight.

Then he said: "Twelve minutes, let's fight quickly."

The swordsman laughed: "Twelve minutes? You look too high on yourself!"

"You killed my 32 brothers in Jiange that day, and today, the labor and capital have made you pay with blood and blood!"

No nonsense either.

The swordsman waved his hand

Order: "Kill!"

From all directions, thousands of Jiange players flocked.

A murderous aura flashed across Zhang Yi's eyes.

Lift the Star Scepter.

Dragonblood knights, undead crossbowmen, and soul reapers also took their places.

at the same time.


Accompanied by a dragon chirping.

The body gradually became larger, and the fire dragon Babu, who had grown into a second-order dragon emperor, leaped out under the call of Zhang Yi.

"Dragon...Dragon Emperor mount..."

Around, countless Jiange players were amazed.

After all, Zhang Yi is not the only celebrity in Purgatory City.

The fame of "Yinuo Qingcheng" will not last long, and there are still many people who don't know Zhang Yi, or don't remember Zhang Yi, which is normal.

Zhang Yi rode a minibus and took off.

At the same time, red light bloomed all over his body.

Turn on all pk mode...

ten minutes later.


A black knife flashed.

Accompanied by a scream.

Several high-level players of the Jiange Pavilion were killed all the way from the second-level area of ​​Monster Island to the beach outside the third-level area, and were overturned by the Soul Harvester.

Among them, the captain of the sword pavilion: Juggernaut is included.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Three white lights flashed.

Juggernaut watched helplessly as the last three teammates died, and in the entire thousand-person regiment, he was the only one killed.

At this moment, the legs are weak.

At this time, Zhang Yi rode a fire dragon and sat in front of Juggernaut.

Leaping off the dragon's back, he walked slowly towards the Sword Saint.

The Sword Saint, who fell to the ground, was startled for a while.

I saw Zhang Yi crouched down in front of the Sword Saint, looked at the Sword Saint lightly, and said:

"Thousand people want to kill me, who do you look down on?"

"Next time there are no more than 10,000 people, don't come to me, understand?"

The Sword Saint turned pale, nodded, and immediately shook his head: "No... there is no next time!"

"Ruzi can be taught."

After speaking, Zhang Yi was unceremonious and used a golden fireball technique in his hand, combined with the Soul Eater buff superimposed to the full 100 layers, with a huge crit damage of more than 1.1 million, killing the Juggernaut.

Pick up a small pile of gold coins dropped by the Juggernaut.

Zhang Yi pulled away and walked towards the monster businessman who was walking in the sand.

At this time, not far from the sand, there were several players who were being followed by the [Sun and Moon Sect] and witnessed the whole process of Zhang Yi's brutal killing of the Jiange Thousand People Group.

Get into discussions with each other:

"Tsk, the sword pavilion is so miserable~"

"I saw the shadow of our Sun and Moon Cult before, this guy Yinuo Qingcheng is really perverted!"

"Let's go, we can go back to the captain to report the situation!"

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