Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 808 There are too many people who want to kill me, how old are you?

There are monster merchants all over the beach, and almost everyone around them is overcrowded.

Because now, after a day's work, players are carrying the monster illustrations and come to submit tasks in exchange for rewards.

Zhang Yi also waited in line for a while before finally having the opportunity to face the monster businessman.

According to the rules: A-level and B-level monster illustrations belong to the same category, and both can be used to exchange for 11-star hunter equipment. The difference is that after the A-level illustration book is submitted, the rewards such as experience points and gold coin reputation are higher than that of the B-level illustration book.

Each player can submit up to ten missions per day.

Therefore, Zhang Yi used 600 A-level illustrations and 400 B-level illustrations to submit tasks exactly ten times in a row.

In addition to ten pieces of 110-level 11-star hunter equipment with random occupations and parts.

2 billion experience, 10,000 gold coins, 5,000 prestige A-level rewards, got six copies.

1.8 billion experience, 8000 gold coins, 4500 reputation B-level reward, get four copies.

The task reward alone allowed Zhang Yi to get nearly 2 million experience, more than 90,000 gold coins and more than 40,000 reputation huge income!

This income has far exceeded that of Zhang Yi, Huang Wuji, and the others killing 3,000 EF-level monsters a day.

The 19.2 billion experience, plus the billions that were generated in the second-level area during the day, raised the Dragon Blood Knight, the Undead Crossbowman and the Soul Reaper directly from level 108 to level 109!

With some extra experience, Zhang Yi raised himself to level 111.

As for the 10 pieces of hunter equipment, 7 pieces can be used, and 3 pieces cannot be used.

After all, Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group have a wide range of usability.

Knights, Assassins, Archers, Beastmasters/Mages can use it.

That is, soldiers and priests can not use.

This reward made Zhang Yi very satisfied.

Today's journey ends here.

Saying goodbye to the monster businessman, Zhang Yi used the City Return Scroll and left Monster Island.

at the same time.

In Purgatory City, a certain tavern.

Juggernaut, who had just been killed by Zhang Yi from Monster Island and returned to the city, brought a few members of Jiange to the tavern in a huff, ready to borrow wine to relieve his anger.

Several people sat around the table.


Juggernaut slammed the table: "This bastard has already killed labor and capital twice!"

The Sword King on the side had lingering fears: "This one promises to conquer the city, it is really strong! It is not that I have never seen a master who can defeat a hundred with one, but I have never seen one who is worth a thousand! And the few under his command. Confiscated, too scary..."

Sword Saint Qi's eyes are splitting: "Next time, don't let labor and capital see him again, otherwise labor and capital..."

Not finished yet.

Just saw a human race beastmaster man, wearing a black robe, entering the tavern.

This person is Zhang Yi!

The swordsman shivered in fright, and fell to the ground with a chair.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Several core players of Jiange stood up one after another and drew their swords.

Zhang Yi walked past several people as if nothing had happened, and said with a smile, "Don't panic, this is a safe area."

"Yinuo Allure!"

The Sword Saint climbed up from the ground, pointed at Zhang Yi, gritted his teeth and said, "If the labor and capital won't kill you, I will swear not to be a human being!"

Zhang Yi sat down at a table as if nothing had happened, and wrote lightly, "There are too many people who want to kill me. How old are you?"

"Labor and management do what they say!"

Juggernaut burned in anger and shouted loudly.

Immediately, he led a few of his subordinates and left the tavern angrily.

Zhang Yi smiled lightly.

Open the friend list and send a message to Qingmingyu:

"Why tell me about Jiange's actions?"

After a long time, I saw Qingmingyu reply: "Because you are my prey, I don't want you to die in the hands of others."

Seeing this news, Zhang Yi smiled again.

Just turn off the chat, pick up a pot of fine wine, and drink it.

After a while, Huang Wuji, Ruoxi and the Demon King of Chaos arrived as promised.

"Good guy, you didn't wait for us, you actually drank it first!"

Zhang Yi pointed to several vacant seats at the same table and said, "Come on, let's treat you together!"

It turned out that several people had already made an appointment to drink delicious food and wine together tonight.

the other side.

The sun, moon, and stars standing beside Qingming Yushang saw the news that Zhang Yi returned to the past on Qingming Yushang. Is it okay to approach him?"

"Why didn't you tell him just now that we were helping him? You said that, he really thinks that we don't want him to be planted in someone else's hands! It can only be planted in our Sun and Moon Sect's hands. In this way, it is not contrary to our purpose. Are you getting farther?"

Qingming Yushang had already planned: "To do this directly, the change is too abrupt, and the purpose is too strong. With the IQ of Yinuo Qingcheng, you can definitely think that we are deliberately approaching him."

"So next, we will continue to use the sword pavilion to help him, but we can't directly identify the purpose. I want him to find out for himself step by step that we are helping him, not wanting to continue to be his enemy. Slowly, Make him trust us."

I heard what was said on Qingming Yu.

Riyuexingchen couldn't help but secretly applauded: "Captain, high! It's really high!"


, On Qingming Yu, he took out a few pieces of equipment that seemed to be of great value from his bag and handed them to the sun, moon and stars.

Instruct the sun, moon and stars:

"Give these pieces of equipment to the people in Jiange, they will need it."

"Tell them, just say it's our Riyue Sect's apology for missing an appointment today."

"Use this to stabilize the relationship between Jiange and our Sun and Moon Sect, so that they have no way to doubt us!" Sun Moon Astrolabe couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Qingming Yu: "Captain, you are really thinking for a long time, and it feels like a promise to conquer the city. That little bit of cleverness, compared to you, is a scum!"


the following few days.

Zhang Yi's daily task is to brush the second-level area of ​​Monster Island.

Target AB-level monsters, collect a large number of AB-level monster illustrations, and exchange them for 11-star hunter equipment.

As long as the fatigue is enough, Zhang Yi can brush day and night.

Because in him, there is absolutely no situation where the energy is not enough.

However, during this time, Zhang Yi was not less troubled by Jiange.

I don't know if they beat chicken blood or what, they always come to find Zhang Yi's fault.

Then every time, he was beaten by Zhang Yi and fled.

Of course, Zhang Yi was able to successfully retreat from the enemy every time.

Tomb-sweeping rain took a lot of credit.

He can always remind Zhang Yi intentionally or unintentionally before Jiange players take action against Zhang Yi, making Zhang Yi take precautions in advance.

For a long time.

At one time, Zhang Yi had a feeling that this kid had abandoned the dark and turned to the light on the Qingming rain.

On the other side of the Qingming rain, through various small favors, as well as "intimate" care and concern, as well as various high-logical reasons that make people sound impossible to doubt, they perfectly explain each time they make an appointment with Jiange to act together, and finally But missed appointments.

On the Qingming rain, the Juggernaut was clearly arranged, and the Juggernaut was used perfectly to form a bridge between him and Zhang Yi, turning enemies into friends and establishing a close relationship.

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