Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 809 The madman is here again!


Just a week passed.

Zhang Yi was diligent and diligent, and he spent a week with AB-level monsters in the second-level area of ​​Monster Island. Almost every day, he completed ten tasks.

Maximize the daily income you can get on Monster Island!

Even if the first-level area was opened yesterday, Zhang Yi did not dare to step into it for the time being.

Naturally, it's not just Zhang Yi.

The major high-end family players in Purgatory City, and the top-level god players on the battle power list, all dared not go to the first-level area.

Because the S-SSS-level monsters in the first-level area are too sturdy.

There is no complete high-star hunter suit, even an ordinary S-rank monster is enough to destroy a high-level strategy team!

F-A rank monsters, each rank suppresses the increase by 10%.

At S rank and above, the increase is increased to 20%.

In other words, an ordinary S-rank monster, the suppression effect has reached 80%!

And the level of monsters in the first-level area starts at level 120 and reaches level 130 at the highest!

It is not the field that Zhang Yi, who is currently level 115 and still in his hunter suit, can touch.

In one week, it was not easy to use Monster Island's 1.6 times the income and the huge rewards of ten tasks per day to upgrade himself and all three Warcraft to level 115.

After all, apart from Zhang Yi, the player with the highest level in Purgatory City is only level 113!

January 20, today, is the 20th day of coming to Purgatory City.

Another full day.

Zhang Yi, who spent a whole day in the second-level area of ​​Monster Island, came to the monster merchant at 8 p.m. and submitted the task.

And get ten 11-star hunter equipment.

Paired up.

Finally found: Finally, the Dragon Blood Knight, the Undead Crossbowman, the Soul Reaper, and Zhang Yi himself.

Four sets of 110-level 11-star hunter suits are finally complete!

11-star hunter set, all seven-piece skills [hunting, can resist 70% of the suppressing effect from monsters!

It's almost the same for dealing with S-rank monsters with an 80% suppression effect.

Zhang Yi plans to enter the first-level area tomorrow or the day after.

Because Zhang Yi must be the first person in Purgatory City to win three SSS-level monster illustrations, he cannot let the Moon God Plate fall into the pockets of others.

Plan so.

Zhang Yi was about to go back to the city, when he suddenly received a message from [Qingmingyu]: "Have a meal together at night, here I got an archer ring that increases attack power according to percentage, which can be used for your dead crossbow. "

Zhang Yi replied: "No, I have an appointment tonight, next time."

It turns out that during the recent period of time, Qingming Yu has been using the means of side-by-side attacks to treat Zhang Yi well.

He cooperated with Jiange on the bright side, and secretly assisted Zhang Yi in countering Jiange.

Playing a hand of dark Chen Cang, he successfully narrowed the relationship with Zhang Yi, and reconciled with him, as if he had returned to the relationship he had just met.

On the Qingming rain, when I thought that Zhang Yi was hooked step by step and fell into his own trap.

On the Qingming rain, gradually begin to plan the next step.

In the city, a restaurant.

On the Qingming Rain sitting around the table with Riyuexingchen and several other core members of Riyuejiao, close the dialog with Zhang Yi.

At this time, Riyuexingchen patted the table and said, "Captain, when will we start the official operation?"

"It feels like the relationship between us and Yinuo Qingcheng has been completely reversed, and it's almost time. I can't wait to kill him!"

"The opportunity is not ripe enough, just wait." Qingming Yu said: "Wait two more days."

the other side.

After Zhang Yi returned to the city using the City Return Scroll.

While eating dinner alone, he sent a message to the Demon King of Chaos: "Brother, what happened to the matter that I asked you to help inquire about?"

"The main force of the sword pavilion should go out to carry out a mission at ten o'clock tonight, and the swordsman himself will participate in this operation. I don't know where it will be. If there is a need, I will directly send someone to follow. "

The Demon King of Chaos replied: "But, why have you been asking me to help you stare at the people in the Jiange for the past two days?"

"Furthermore, during this period of time, you actually turned enemies into friends from the Sun and Moon Sect. I feel... a little unbelievable."

The Demon King of Chaos can't accept the fact that the great god he admires has become a good friend with his greatest enemy.

Zhang Yi avoided the question of the Demon King of Confusion.

Said: "Then you can help me stare at the sword pavilion at ten o'clock tonight. If they have action, let me know immediately."

After a pause, Zhang Yi added: "Don't worry, I remember the agreement between us."

"You assist me, and I will help you deal with the Sun and Moon Sect."

Seeing Zhang Yi's reply, the demon king on the other side of the dialog box was shocked: "Could it be that you... did it on purpose?"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly.

Zhang Yi had already seen through the little Jiujiu in his heart on Qingming Yushang.

He knew for a long time that he was using the sword pavilion to get closer to himself.

After all, Zhang Yi once killed so many people from the Sun and Moon Sect, and even snatched the Ring of Warcraft King from Qingming Yu.

How could it be possible to pretend that nothing happened on the Qingming rain, to turn the war into jade and silk, and to live in harmony with Zhang Yi?


, Zhang Yi will take the plan, step by step on the hook on the Qingmingyu, waiting for him to implement his plan.

Take advantage of this opportunity to teach a wave of anti-routine methods.

For Zhang Yi, the Sun and Moon Sect is like a ticking time bomb.

They want to get rid of Zhang Yi so deliberately, how can Zhang Yi tolerate this bomb and exist by his side?

As for the counterattack against the Sun and Moon Sect, Zhang Yi alone might not be able to do it.

Therefore, we can only look for opportunities in Jiange.

After the meal, Zhang Yi rested in the hotel to replenish his fatigue.

Before ten o'clock in the evening, the Demon King of Chaos sent a message: "The people of Jiange have acted!"

According to the location sent by the Demon King of Confusion, Zhang Yi immediately rushed to the north gate of Purgatory City.

at the same time.

At the north gate of Purgatory City, a large group of players from the Sword Pavilion left the city under the guidance of the Sword Saint.

Mo is about 5,000 players.

Under the moonlight, I rushed to an unknown place.

On the way, a younger brother of the sword pavilion warrior who walked side by side with the swordsman asked: "Captain, why don't we go out to do this task during the day, but at night?"

"It was late at night, and Yinuo Qingcheng also fell asleep."

Juggernaut's words are simple and clear, and go straight to the core of the problem.

The surrounding people fell into silence.

A tier 2 main city ranked tenth, and a tier 9 team with 60,000 players so far has no choice but to take a mere promise.

Simply incredible!

I have to say that during the recent period, the frequent uniting of the Sun and Moon Sect against Yinuo Qingcheng has ended in failure almost every time. Over time, Jiange players have had a psychological shadow on Zhang Yi.

Moreover, in the past two days, Zhang Yi has begun to show a counterattack trend, no longer passive, and occasionally will take the initiative to attack Jiange.

Although Riyuejiao has 60,000 players.

But it is impossible to do anything on weekdays, so many people act together.

In the past two days, Zhang Yi has controlled the dynamics of Jiange through the people of the first family of the Demon Race.

They have attacked Jiange players in the wild many times, and they have been attacked by small groups of one or two thousand people, which have caused a lot of blows to them.

Now, the players in Jiange are afraid of Zhang Yi, a lunatic!

Even the Juggernaut chose to come out at night to do the task, all to avoid Zhang Yi.

But...he was being targeted again!

I was still talking to my subordinates just now, Yinuo Qingcheng must be sleeping in the city at this moment, and it is impossible to come out and cause damage.

Behind the crowd, there was an exclamation immediately:

"The madman is here again!"

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