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Chapter 818 Monster Island Ultimate Hidden Mission: Release the Darkness

Nine-headed phoenix, Hemora!

This ID made Zhang Yi a little shocked.

Isn't this the ultimate boss of Monster Island?

According to Monster Island map description:

The Mozu once had a tribe called the [Troll Tribe.

In the troll tribe, there are all huge monsters of incomparable size.

Under the leadership of the tribal leader [Monster King Heras], this troll tribe was originally very peaceful.

Until one day, the self-proclaimed [God of Monsters [Nine-Headed Phoenix, Hemora] was dissatisfied with the leadership of the King of Monsters, and colluded with the sixth-order Dark Dragon King of the Dark Dragon Family [Fallen Dragon King Tian Ge], using the powerful power of the Dark Dragon Family. Transformed all monsters in the troll tribe except the king of monsters.

Later, the nine-headed phoenix Hermora led these blackened monsters, rebelled against Heras, tried to kill Heras, and established a new master.

In order to suppress the troll tribe and prevent them from harming the world.

Heras drove the power of the King of Monsters and set up a seal on the Monster Islands, sealing himself and all the monsters of the troll tribe in the Monster Islands.

So Zhang Yi's current giant beast, Hemora, is one of the two ultimate bosses of the Monster Archipelago!

Good guy, this is unexpected even if Zhang Yi was killed.

The gatekeeper of Monster Fortress is actually such a big guy!

Just when Zhang Yi was shocked.


In the darkness, a fire burst out suddenly.

In sight, the giant beast, which was burning with raging fire, climbed up from the ground.

Then, what caught Zhang Yi's eyes was a giant fire phoenix with nine heads!


A growl.

A powerful force stunned from the nine-headed phoenix Hemora, forcing Zhang Yi to take a few steps back.

sss level 13 star BOSS.

Once it touches it, it is estimated that even the Dragon Blood Knight will only have the second chance!

How dare Zhang Yi play in front of the nine-headed phoenix.

He quickly pulled away to prepare to evacuate, but found that the nine heads and necks of the nine-headed phoenix were bound by red chains!

It's stuck here!

No wonder "hiding" in this ruins, not going out.

At the same time, an ethereal voice suddenly echoed in Zhang Yi's ears:

"Humans, I swear in the name of the God of Monsters: If you can help me get out of trouble, I will give you great power!"

The ethereal voice clearly came from the nine-headed phoenix, Hemora.

As Hemora's voice just fell.

Zhang Yi suddenly received a system prompt:

"Ding~ Congratulations on triggering the ultra-rare hidden quest [Release the Darkness (legendary hidden quest, this quest is the only one), please choose whether to receive the quest?"

Does this trigger a hidden mission? And it's legendary! Wouldn't it be too sloppy...

Just as Zhang Yi was thinking so, the system prompt sounded again:

"Please note: This quest belongs to the Dark Side of the [Monster Islands Ultimate Hidden Quest, and if you receive the [Release Dark Quest], you will be enemies with the [Monster King Heras], and you will not be able to receive the Light Side quest. If you fail the quest, you will be severely punished. , please choose carefully!"

The dark side, and the light side!

Not difficult to understand.

Heras, the king of monsters, and Hemora, the nine-headed phoenix, are the two ultimate bosses opposing the Monster Islands.

Since the nine-headed phoenix can trigger the hidden mission of the dark side.

Not surprisingly, another bright side task should be on the king of monsters.

Although he was a little reluctant to give up this legendary hidden mission, Zhang Yi would not succumb to the darkness for a mere hidden mission.

So Zhang Yi decisively refused: "Sorry, I can't help you."

"Human, you'll regret it!" Hemora growled.

Zhang Yi left directly and casually.

After searching around the ruins, nothing was found, so he rode Babu away.

The location of a sss-level 13-star BOSS has been determined. Perhaps next, Zhang Yi can find a way to prepare for Hemora!

Just wait until Zhang Yi is far away from Hemora.

Another ethereal voice came to Zhang Yi's ears:

"Human, congratulations on passing this king's test."

"Your heart is toward the light, come to this king, assist this king, and this king will guide you to the light!"

The system prompts: "Ding~[The king of monsters, Heras, asks you for help through the [monster invitation letter]. Please follow the instructions of the [monster invitation letter to find the king of monsters, Heras, help Helas, and solve his problems." Dilemma!"

The sudden voice made Zhang Yi happy.

Zhang Yi's choice was indeed right.

Reject the darkness, and usher in the light!

When I opened the backpack, I could see that the [Monster Invitation Letter] in the bag was emitting a faint light, which corresponded to [a certain location in the Monster Islands on the map!

So, Zhang Yi immediately followed the map and headed to the location of the King of Monsters, Heras!

Just wait for Zhang Yi to leave the ruins along the teleportation array in the ruins.

Just passed the octagonal tunnel and flew back to the monster fortress, soaring into the sky.

Not far from the tunnel, a group of five high-level [Sun and Moon Sect players] set their sights on Zhang Yi, who was gradually leaving.

"He's out! I'll just say it's a covert communication

road! "

As for the huge welfare land of Monster Island, any family force or casual player has the right to open up wasteland here.

It turned out that when Zhang Yi had just entered the ruins through the tunnel, he happened to be targeted by the players of the Sun and Moon Teachings who were brushing the monster fortress.

They watched Zhang Yi enter the tunnel and hurried out ten minutes later.

From this, I think: There must be something strange on the other side of this tunnel!

So, not long after Zhang Yi left, the five Sun and Moon Sect players headed by rank 112 rank four warriors [Sun and Moon Sect and Shenhui] ran to the side of the tunnel.

Then, jumping into the tunnel...

Through the tunnel, the five came to the dark ruins that Zhang Yi had just arrived at.

Going deep into the ruins, I saw the giant beasts in the dark: the nine-headed phoenix, Hemora!


A fiery flame lit up the darkness.

The nine-headed phoenix was like a huge body like a mountain, appearing in the sight of the five people.

The ethereal voice echoed in the ears of the five:

"Humans, I swear in the name of the God of Monsters: If you can help me get out of trouble, I will give you great power!"

The Sun Moon Sect, Shenhui and the four around them were quite frightened.

It took a long time for him to come back to his senses.

"Quick... inform the captain! Let him hurry to the monster fort!!!"

the other side.

Under the guidance of the map corresponding to the monster invitation.

Zhang Yi, riding a minibus, crossed the high-level monster field in the first-level area of ​​Monster Island.

Most of the players gather in the front 120-122 level field.

In the 123-125 level area, you can still see some players who are not afraid of death, in order to seek higher income, they are there to farm monsters.

Until entering the area above level 125, there is no more player to be seen on the land.

Even the top family in Purgatory City, the core players of the royal family, here, only have the share of courting death.

Soon, Zhang Yi came to the most advanced field of the [Monster Islands map:

Lv130 King Glacier!

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