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Chapter 819 Trapped King Glacier, King of Monsters for help

What caught my eye was a huge ice lake.

A cold breath rolled over from the ice.

Zhang Yi rides a minibus and sits by the lake.

At this time, a deep voice came from the bottom of the lake:

"Human, I need your help!"

King of the Monsters: Haras!

Zhang Yi seemed to sense its existence, and it seemed to be at the bottom of this ice-covered lake!

Zhang Yi stepped into the ice and passed through the thick transparent ice cubes under his feet. As expected, he saw a black giant beast covered in dust at the bottom of the lake!

It was a giant beast similar to a dragon and snake, at least one or two hundred meters long and ten meters thick.

Huge body, coiled at the bottom of the lake.

Like Hemora, the god of monsters, Heras was also sealed by some kind of power.

According to the system's settings: Heras was sealed by Hermora and trapped with chains.

And Heras himself, when he released the seal, used his power too much, which caused the dust to be sealed in the [King Glacier.

The king of monsters, Heras is the god of justice.

In order to protect the demons, he did not hesitate to use his own body to suppress all the monsters in the blackened [Troll Tribe.

Zhang Yi will not refuse Heras.

Zhang Yi squatted down and looked at the king of monsters at the bottom of the lake: Heras.

Said, "How can I help you?"

A deep voice came from the bottom of the lake again:

"I can sense that the dark power of the nine-headed phoenix Hemora is getting stronger and stronger, and I'm afraid it won't be long before the seal will be broken."

"Once it breaks through the seal and leads the monster army of the troll tribe out of Monster Island, I am afraid that Purgatory City will usher in a disaster. Before that, only I can stop it."

Heras said:

"Human, I need you to lift the seal for me, release me, I will kill Hemora and prevent the disaster from happening."

As Heras' voice just fell.

A somewhat familiar system prompt sounded from the ear:

"Ding~ Congratulations on triggering the ultra-rare hidden quest [Release the Light (legendary hidden quest, this quest is the only one), please choose whether to receive the quest?"

It is exactly the same as the [Release the Darkness] that Zhang Yi encountered in the Monster Fortress before.

But one is to save the god of monsters, the nine-headed phoenix Hemora.

One is to save the king of monsters, Heras.

Then, another familiar prompt sounded:

"Ding~ Please note: This quest belongs to the [Monster Islands Ultimate Hidden Quest Bright Side, and if you receive the [Release the Bright Quest], you will be enemies with [Nine-Headed Phoenix Hemora, and you cannot receive the Dark Side quest!"

Serving the darkness comes with a price.

Before triggering [Release Dark Mission, the system clearly reminded: If the mission fails, the player will be severely punished.

And now there is no penalty for failure in this mission of releasing light.

Since there is no punishment, no matter how difficult it is, the only hidden task is to lead it first.

Without further ado, Zhang Yi received the task:

[Release the light (legendary hidden quest, this quest is the only one):

Difficulty factor: 15w

Description: In order to suppress the blackened troll tribe of the dark dragon family [the sixth-order fallen dragon emperor Tiange, the troll tribe leader, the king of monsters, Heras exhausted all his strength, and will collude with the nine heads of the fallen dragon emperor Tiange Phoenix Hemora, and all the monsters of the troll tribe, are all sealed in the Monster Islands.

At the same time, Heras, the king of monsters, was also trapped in the Ice River of Kings because of his huge consumption.

Players are asked to find the three powerful monsters on Monster Island according to the mission guidelines, kill them, and use the monster cores in their bodies to break the seal of the King Glacier and release the King of Monsters, Heras.

Time remaining: 15 days

good guy!

150,000 difficulty!

You must know that the most difficult task Zhang Yi has ever encountered so far is the task of the ghost beast contract book, which has a difficulty of 100,000.

This time, the difficulty is directly increased by half!

In addition to being shocked, Zhang Yi was a little overjoyed.

Once this task is completed, the reward is bound to be immeasurable.

The task has been received.

Before leaving King Glacier, Zhang Yi checked the data of the King of Monsters through the ice surface and used God-level exploration techniques.

The results show:

SSS level, 130 level 15 star dual system BOSS!

Truly the king of monsters.

In contrast, the 13-star Nine-headed Phoenix is ​​a scumbag!

Zhang Yi is fortunate that he did not receive the task of releasing the darkness and becoming the enemy of the king of monsters.

Check out the task details below.

The three-headed monsters that need to be killed in the mission are all SSS-level!

Zhang Yi looked at it and found that the weakest one was also a level 125 sss lord monster:

Lightning Bolt: Goal!

It is equivalent to, before completing the task of [Release the light, Zhang Yi can get three sss-level monster illustrations.

Then add mission rewards, and take off in one wave!

That is to say, as long as Zhang Yi completes this task, he will have enough SSS-level monster illustrations to exchange for the Moon God Plate.

This mission is to be Zhang Yi's final challenge in Purgatory City!

With [Thunderbolt King: Goal as the first target, Zhang Yi hit

For now, let's explore the way first.

So, Zhang Yi followed the directions on the map and came to the first-level area of ​​Monster Island: lv125, Lightning Forest!

Boom boom boom!

Countless lightning bolts fell from the sky above the huge forest.

This is the territory of flying monsters, thunder bats.

Huge blood-colored lightning bats leaped over the woods. Their level was 125, generally S-level, and occasionally one or two SS-level ones could be seen.

Because the level is too high, no player dares to level up here.

Lightning Forest is not a hidden map.

As the leader of this picture, the Thunderbolt King: Goer, can be refreshed by killing a certain number of Thunderbolts.

Moreover, Zhang Yi, the task executor, must kill those ordinary lightning bats with his own hands.

The quest does not indicate how many Thunderbolts need to be killed to refresh the Thunderbolt.

Kill it!

Kill as much as you want.

The time is twelve o'clock at night.

Taking advantage of the fact that there is still more than 40 fatigue levels, Zhang Yi, who has just obtained the legendary hidden quest, is also too excited to fall asleep, so he plans to play alone for a while to accumulate some progress.

So, he raised the scepter of the star and summoned a group of monsters.

Enter the Lightning Forest!

The S-rank monster with a level of up to 125 is the existence of Zhang Yi, who is currently 115, and he does not dare to despise it.

After all, before that, Zhang Yi and Huang Wuji had been in contact with the highest-level monsters, which were monsters of level 120-121 in the Monster Fortress.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group have 11-star hunter suit protection, which greatly reduces the suppression effect of S-rank monsters.

Except for Zhang Yi, because the weapon part is not a hunter, he only got a six-piece set of 11-star hunter, which reduced the suppression effect by 60%, and finally received a suppression effect of 20% by the lightning bat.

The suppression effect of the Warcraft group is only 10%, which is almost negligible.

Therefore, the biggest difficulty in dealing with lightning bats lies in the suppression of levels as high as level 10!

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