Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 820 SS-level Bounty Mission

The data of level 125 thunder bats are not generally strong.

250,000 attack, 150,000 defense, 27 million blood.

At this stage, for a player with more than 110 levels, it is almost equivalent to a high-level lord monster!

It is estimated that even the top powerhouses such as Huang Wuji cannot pose a threat to the lightning bat.

In particular, the Thunder Bat also has a rare blood-sucking talent (+35% blood-sucking), which can be called an unbeatable Xiaoqiang!

Compare the data.

The Soul Reaper's 250,000 attack, combined with the [Soul Hunting buff] that accumulates 200 layers, can get a maximum of 200% speed and 100% damage, and a 20% bloodsteal bonus. The basic attack damage to the lightning bat is kept at around 200,000, and the skill damage can reach 400,000-500,000. The opponent's level and data are too strong, and the critical strike rate of Soul Reaper is also greatly reduced. 30% chance, double the crit.

For the 200,000 attack of the undead crossbowman, the steal can reach between 250,000 and 300,000, and the normal attack damage to the Thunder Bat is 120,000 to 150,000, and the skill is 250,000 to 300,000.

The dragon blood knight who relies on the counter-injury output can be ignored, and a single counter-injury can reach a high damage of 600,000 to 700,000!

Without the bonus of the God of the Sun at night, Zhang Yi's attack can only be kept at 180,000, which is the lowest in the team.

Combined with various titles, skill specialization and the superposition of high damage bonus effects such as Ghost King Order, the output can only be maintained at 60,000 to 70,000 basic attacks and hundreds of thousands of skills.

in such a state.

Zhang Yi, together with the Warcraft Group, took almost two minutes to kill a level 125 lightning bat!

Although the experience value of level 125 monsters is several times that of level 120.

But Zhang Yi couldn't compliment the efficiency of this kill.

If you continue to brush here, I am afraid that after brushing for half a month, you will not be able to refresh the Thunderbolt King if you have reached the end of the task period.

Zhang Yi also knows the problem, that is, now, his attack power is too stretched!

Although it is said that the beastmaster relies on beasts to eat, it is quite normal for the monster data to be stronger than the beastmaster itself in the later stage.

But Zhang Yi is different.

His pursuit, at least his own strength, and the entire Warcraft group are five to five!

It seems necessary to improve their output.

Zhang Yi put his eyes on the sss-level [Earth Fire Ant Emperor Illustration Book] in his bag.

This piece of invaluable value should be the first in Purgatory City, and it is currently the only sss-level picture book. Zhang Yi originally planned to keep it to exchange for the Moon God Plate after collecting all three.

Now it seems that in order to successfully pass the task of [Release Guangming, Zhang Yi had to use it in advance.

It is reluctant that the child cannot catch the wolf.

Knowing how to invest can pay off.

Zhang Yi left the Lightning Forest and went to the beach outside the third-level area. Among the countless monster merchants stationed on the beach, he found one at random.

When Zhang Yi lit up the sss-level monster illustration, the monster businessman in the black cloak [Kada's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Heroic adventurer, you actually have a sss-level monster illustration book on your body! You actually hunted down sss-level monsters!"

Zhang Yi waved his hand and said calmly: "I want to use this picture book to exchange for a weapon."

13-star Hunter's Staff, only 1 sss-level monster illustration is needed to exchange.

This is Zhang Yi's goal!

The 13-star weapon will definitely make Zhang Yi's attack power soar, plus the unique anti-suppression effect of the 13-star hunter's equipment, Zhang Yi will get the Hunter's Staff, and then conquer the Lightning Forest, the difficulty will definitely be greatly reduced!

Kada nodded: "Yes."

After a pause, Kada continued: "However, you are the first person I have ever seen to get a sss-level monster illustration. Given your powerful abilities, I would like to give you a challenge, do you accept it?"

Did it trigger the bounty quest?

When I first came to Monster Island, not only Zhang Yi, but all players knew this setting:

In addition to the normal task of collecting monster illustrations, monster merchants also have a chance to trigger a bounty task that requires directional collection of monster illustrations.

The probability of the bounty task triggering is very small, and sometimes it is related to luck.

It is said that currently only five players in the entire Purgatory City have triggered the bounty task.

Four of them failed the mission, and the only player who completed the mission received the equivalent reward of a large number of advanced monster illustrations!

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.

The monster merchant Kada continued: "Use this picture book of the Fire Ant Emperor in your hand as a mortgage. If you can collect the monster picture book I need according to my request, then I will return it double and give you two The equivalent reward of a sss-level picture book! In addition, I will give you a lot of high-level monster picture book equivalent rewards."

"But if your mission fails, this Earth Fire Ant Emperor Manual belongs to me, and you can't get any benefits from me."

"Warrior, do you dare to accept this challenge?"

Double reward.

That is, if he completes the task, Zhang Yi can get two pieces of 13-star hunter equipment, or other items worth two sss-level illustrations, which can be chosen by Zhang Yi himself.

But once it fails, the sss illustration book that I finally got will be gone.

This is a very important choice.

However, Zhang Yi only hesitated for two seconds before saying, "I accept the challenge!"


Only in constant challenges can we strengthen ourselves.

This is the apocalypse world, the eternal truth.

As soon as the voice fell, the system prompt followed:

"Ding~ You consumed the [Earth Fire Ant Emperor's Guidebook and obtained the ss-level bounty quest [The Power of Monsters, please complete the task according to the mission requirements. If the task fails, your [Earth Fire Ant King Guidebook] will not be returned!"

The bounty tasks on Monster Island are rated according to F~SSS.

SS level is already the second most difficult task in the bounty task!

Zhang Yi opened the task list and found the target, which is to ask Zhang Yi to collect the following illustrations:

Flame Lion (100 for s-level, 5 for ss-level, lv120s-ss-level flame lion can drop).

Giant Beetle (100 s-level, 5 ss-level, lv121s-ss-level giant beetles can be dropped).

Zhankong Dragon Bird (100 s-level, 5 ss-level, lv122s~ss-level Zhankong dragon bird can be dropped).

That is, a total of 300 s-level illustrations and 15 ss-level illustrations need to be collected.

The task time is 5 days.

Well, even if it takes up to 5 days to complete this task.

There are also 10 days left, which can be used to carry out the mission of [Release the Light.

Goal established.

Zhang Yi did not stay, returned to Purgatory City and opened a room to rest.

The next day, with the [flaming lion as the first target, I came to the first-level area of ​​Monster Island, the habitat of the flaming lion:

Lv120 the original fire lion!

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