Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 834 The monster army is coming!

At the same time that the royal family and Jiange players rushed from Purgatory City to the Altar of the Night God.

Monster Islands, an incredible scene happened:

When countless players are brushing monsters on the island.

Suddenly, an ear-piercing hissing sound came from the air.

Immediately after, countless advanced flying monsters, 120-level s-level flame birds, 121-level s-level stream larks... 125-level s-level lightning bats, etc.

It seems that they have received some kind of call, and they all flew towards the sky and left Monster Island!

Then concentrate, and fly in groups towards the [Night God Altar].

At the same time, there are also many powerful monsters on the land that jumped into the ground...

West of Purgatory City.

Lv125 Night God Altar.

Located in the gray plain is an incomparably huge ancient castle. This black castle like a city is the altar.

In the depths of the altar, a giant nine-headed phoenix blazing with fire surrounded a rectangular magic circle.

It uses its nine mouths to spray flames at the same time to devour the magic circle.

The energy of the circle is gradually weakening, and the nine-headed phoenix is ​​using force to forcibly close the circle.

The magic circle created by Ye Shen Xiao, one of the Nine Demon Gods of the Demon Race, is not so easy to close.

With the power of the nine-headed phoenix, at least it will take a long time.

In the back, Sun and Moon taught 20,000 players to guard the entrance to the castle, which is thousands of meters away.

Everyone was in a state of tension, ready to go.

They are waiting for the attack of the royal family and the sword pavilion.

In a tense mood.

There was a commotion outside the castle.

Riyue Sect and Shenhui tightened their expressions: "They are here!"

"The whole army is on alert, ready to fight! Buy time for the nine-headed phoenix, don't let Yinuo Qingcheng affect the formation!"

With the Qingming rain on an order.

The Sun and Moon taught the whole army to enter a combat stance.

And outside the castle.

The royal family and the army of Jiange are only two miles away from the altar of the night god. From a distance, they can already see the black castle sitting in the gray plain.

"Night God Altar!"

Huang Wuji pointed at the black castle in front of him and shouted, "Speed ​​up!"

As soon as the words fell, the army was about to speed up and rush to the altar of the night god.

Under my feet, the mountain suddenly shook!

next moment.

"Puff puff puff!"

The head is tens of meters tall, and the 120-130-level S-level giant monsters that were only seen in the first-level area of ​​the Monster Islands before that broke out from the ground and stopped in front of the crowd!

This scene made the royal family and Jiange players incredible:

"How can the monsters of Monster Island appear here?"

"It must have been called by the nine-headed phoenix."

Huang Wuji said: "Nine-headed phoenix broke through the seal of Monster Island, and they came out along the breakthrough. Now, they must be trying to prevent us from entering the altar of the night god and sabotage the plan of the nine-headed phoenix to close the altar."

Look at the monsters in front of you.

The 116-level warrior swordsman at the head of the crowd didn't take it seriously: "It's just a few S-level monsters, just relying on them, do you want to block the road?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of restlessness in the air.

Looking back, I was stunned to see countless flying behemoths, leaping towards this side with overwhelming momentum from the direction of Monster Island!

At the same time, more and more land-type monsters sprang out from the ground ahead.


The swordsman was stunned.

All around, the royal family and Jiange players picked up guys one after another and entered a state of preparation.

"It seems that there is a hard battle to be fought."

"Brothers, give me..." "Pfft!"

Before the Juggernaut could finish speaking, he was knocked to the ground by a giant black snake that sprang out of his feet.

"My day! Do a sneak attack!"

The Juggernaut got up from the ground and shouted, "Brothers, fuck them for me!"

Soon, the flying beasts in the back air arrived.

Countless monsters on the land also swarmed.

The royal family and Jiange players immediately confronted the beasts.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

In bursts of roars.

Giant spiders, biochemical scorpions, land predators, and various S-class monsters rushed into the crowd.

The flying monsters floating in the air launched long-range attacks on the players on the ground, shooting fireballs and spells of aurora into the crowd.

On the royal family and Jiange players, a large amount of damage of more than ten to two hundred thousand was exploded!

120-130 level, s or even ss level monsters, the strength is superior.

After all, before that, even the most advanced royal family players had come into contact with were only 122-123 level monsters.

So at this time, in the face of these level 125 monsters, and even the highest level 130 monsters.

Even players from top families such as the royal family and the sword pavilion are somewhat difficult to deal with.

But the herd must be destroyed before they can approach the Night God Altar.

The players of the two major families launched a strong counterattack.

Melee knights and warrior players line up to block those behemoths.

The mage shooter players in the back row rely on the protection of the players in the front row to carry out long-range attacks.

some giant beasts.

The advantage of the two families is that there are many people.

Under the fierce shooting of countless senior mage shooters, one giant beast after another was killed in front!

While attacking the giant beast, the army pressed towards the altar of the night god.

However, these giant beasts are one after another, one after another.

The pace of the royal family and the players of the sword pavilion was severely hindered.

in the crowd.

The royal family and the magician said worriedly: "No, go on like this, when we reach the altar, that guy has already closed the altar!"

"We scored the first move."

Ruoxi said: "Some people stayed to deal with the beasts, some people covered Zhang Yi to go to the altar and killed the nine-headed phoenix!"

Take Ruoxi's words.

Considering staying to deal with the herd, it is safer to deal with the 13-star BOSS.

On the other side, Huang Wuji, who killed a giant spider with a sword, said to Ruoxi, "You stay, I'll take someone to the altar with Yinuo Qingcheng."

At this time, the royal family and the hero hurriedly said to Huang Wuji: "Deputy team, you can stay with Miss Protector, and Jue Se and I will just go with the brothers!"

Huang Wuji glanced at Ruoxi and said, "Okay, the 13-star BOSS should not be underestimated, you bring more people, be careful!"

Heroes of the royal family and the stunning leadership of the royal family.

Immediately ordered the 30,000 elite troops of the royal family to attack the altar of the night god under the cover of the rest of the royal family.

And the 30,000 people they were leading were the "Lin Family" elders who had assembled in the forest outside the city last night!

As long as the heroes of the royal family and the royal family are stunning, and they can break through the siege among the beasts, they think that the plan has been half-successful.

Next, go to the altar and let the nine-headed phoenix close the altar. If you don't stop it, you can successfully complete the agreement with the Sun and Moon Sect.

at this time.

Suddenly found that behind, Juggernaut also brought a large group of players from Jiange, and followed!

The royal hero frowned: "Go back and help deal with the herd, just leave the boss to us."

The Juggernaut grinned: "Good guy, your royal family wants to take the 13-star BOSS alone, but I can't allow it!"

The Sword Saint, who walked past the royal hero, patted the royal hero's chest:

"Don't worry, you brought 30,000 people, and I only brought 30,000 people."

"This 13-star BOSS, let's compete fairly!"

Watching the back of the Juggernaut with the Jiange army, dashing to the altar of the night god in a dashing manner.

In the eyes of the royal family hero and the royal family's stunning eyes, a killing intent flashed:

"court death."

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