Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 835 The guardian of the sword pavilion

Altar of the Night God.

Under the continuous bombardment of the nine-headed phoenix and Hemora, the power of the magic circle has been sharply reduced by half.

at the same time.

Over the city of Purgatory, lightning was faintly torn in the sky, as if something was about to rush down from the sky.

Under the leadership of the swordsman.

The 30,000 elite players of Jiange were the first to enter the altar of the night god.

The first thing I saw was the giant monster that was trying to close the altar deep in the altar: the nine-headed phoenix!

next second.

The Juggernaut just saw that about a hundred meters ahead, there are still a large group of players arrayed here!

Looking at the group of players, Juggernaut felt vaguely familiar: "Sun and Moon Sect?"

Only after a red-robed beastmaster man was listed in the crowd, and it was clear that the beastmaster man was on the Qingming rain, the swordsman confirmed:

"It's really you!"

Although he changed his outfit, the Sword Saint could still see at a glance the identity of the man in the red robe.

Seeing that the players of Riyuejiao knew that the Nine-headed Phoenix was closing the Yeshen altar, they were indifferent, but instead stood as a line of defense here.

Juggernaut seemed to understand something suddenly, and said to Qingming Yu: "You colluded with that nine-headed bird?"

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. You are now relying on us, and there is still time."

Qingming Yu said: "Otherwise, when the altar of the night god is closed, the sixth-order dragon emperor of the dark dragon clan comes, and your royal clan and the sword pavilion are all ready to be buried for Yinuo Qingcheng!"

Hearing this, the Sword Saint laughed: "You're thinking about shit!"

"Just relying on your Sun and Moon Sect, do you want to stop my sword pavilion?"

Level 116, the fourth-turn warrior Juggernaut, drew his sword with a "wow":

"Brothers, come with me, step on the corpses of this group of garbage, and kill the boss!"

One command.

Behind him, the army of 30,000 Jiange players copied the guy and launched a charge with overwhelming momentum!

Soon, the players on both sides began to fight.

Regardless of strength or numbers.

Today, the 9th-level team Jiange, which has gradually grown into the ninth team in the Purgatory City team list, is even better than the Sun and Moon Sect whose morale has plummeted.

The sun and the moon taught 20,000 players who were distracted by the army, how could they be no match for the 30,000 elite divisions of Jiange.

In addition, Zhang Yi rode a fire dragon to kill in the sky, and the sun and the moon taught the players to fight and retreat.

After all, Hemora is a 13-star BOSS.

Without the assistance of the Jiange and the royal family, Zhang Yi alone would not have been able to kill Hemora, nor would he be able to stop it from closing the altar.

Therefore, at the moment, the only way to deal with the BOSS is to unite with the sword pavilion to destroy the Sun and Moon Sect.

On the field, swords, lights, swords and shadows kept intersecting, white light mixed with screams, one after another.

Just when the Sun and Moon Sect suffered heavy casualties and was about to be unable to resist the Jiange army.

In the rear, the royal family, heroes and royal family, and Jue Ren rushed into the altar with people.

Looking at the royal family players who were late in the lineup.

The Sword Saint laughed:

"You are too late, the people of the Sun and Moon Sect will all be killed by us!"


The 115-level archer royal family and hero said: "Our royal family's goal is not the Sun and Moon Sect."

in speech.

The eyes of the royal family and heroes turned cold, and facing the 30,000 royal army behind them, they gave an order:


The voice just fell.

The army of the royal family rushed towards the sword pavilion and the Sun and Moon Sect players who were fighting in front of them.

But what is surprising is that.

After the royal players rushed into the crowd, they were not targeting the Sun and Moon Sect players, but the Sword Pavilion!

When they saw the people in the Jiange, they attacked, just like they had agreed with the Sun and Moon Sect in advance, the royal family and the Sun and Moon Sect would not invade each other, and they united to fight against the Jiange!

"Depend on!"

Seeing a swordsman beside a sword pavilion assassin who was shot by a royal family and a hero, looking at the royal family player in front of him, he was shocked:

"Royal family! You framed the labor and capital sword pavilion! You actually colluded with the Sun and Moon Sect!"

"Because our purpose is the same." The hero of the royal family said: "As long as the nine-headed phoenix summons the sixth-order dark dragon emperor Tiange, we can easily kill Yinuo Qingcheng and use the power of Tiange to clear all obstacles."

"The Seven-Star Palace, the God Emperor Gang, these top families known as Purgatory City, will all submit to my royal family and be at the feet of the Sun and Moon Sect."

Take over the words of a royal hero.

The royal family said to the swordsman: "If you abandon the darkness to the light now, and join our army, it is not too late, it is too late."

"Bah!" The swordsman said without hesitation: "If you want to die yourself, don't pull the water of the labor sword."

"Do you think that the dignified sixth-order Dragon Emperor can obey your orders?"

"With my sword pavilion here, don't even think about closing this altar today!"

Just finished speaking.


A red ground fire blasted out from the Juggernaut's feet, knocking the Juggernaut to the ground unexpectedly.

And on top of his head, a burst of damage as high as 290,000!

next moment.

In the crowd, the 113-level red-robed beastmaster [on the Qingming rain, carrying a red scepter and wearing a red name, walked out slowly.

Looking at the swordsman calmly, he said, "It's not up to you to decide whether you can close it or not."

"Since your sword pavilion is so protective of Yinuo Qingcheng, you might as well go to hell first and explore the way for Yinuo Qingcheng."

After finishing speaking, Qingming Yu raised the staff and continued to target the Juggernaut, and began to cast spells.


The two sword pavilion warriors and assassin players next to each other launched an attack on the Qingming rain.

The staff waved on the Qingming rain.

Boom boom boom!

Using the strong man's consciousness to predict the position to carry out a precise attack, the three consecutive hits all hit the rapidly approaching high-level assassin [Blade, which exploded three huge amounts of damage on top of his head that shocked the audience:



-62w! Crit!


White light flashed.

Three attacks, accumulated more than 1.2 million damage, and directly killed the crispy assassin's blade.

All around, all the players of the sword pavilion, and even the royal family players were stunned.

Because of this damage, so far, apart from Yinuo Qingcheng, I am afraid that no player in Purgatory City can beat it!

Only the people from the Sun and Moon Sect know their captain. The last time Zhang Yi was killed was too miserable. Although his level was not high, his current strength is capable of crushing all the top masters in Purgatory City!

Because it took ten days before, with the assistance of the players of the Sun and Moon Education, the legendary hidden mission [Release the Darkness, rewarded a full set of 12-star hunter suits for Qingming Rain!

There are other great rewards as well.

It is with the addition of a 12-star hunter suit that such explosive damage can occur on Qingming Rain.

You must know that there are not many 12-star hunter equipment in Purgatory City now.

In the complete set, apart from Zhang Yi, there is only one person on the Qingming Rain!

After killing the Assassin's Blade, he continued to cast spells on Qingming Rain, and with super high damage, he also killed another senior Jiange warrior who was approaching on the way!

The target continues to be locked on the Juggernaut.

Qingming Yushang said, "I am now different from what I used to be."

"kill him."

One command.

Around, a large group of Sun and Moon Sect players attacked the Sword Saint.

at this time.


A silver streamer descended from the sky, and a wave of light bloomed toward the surroundings, overturning all the dozens of Sun and Moon Sect players within a radius of 50 meters around the Juggernaut!

One after another, a huge amount of damage between 1.4 million and 1.6 million swept the audience.

Immediately, more than 30 Sun and Moon Sect players who were attacked by the streamer, except for the knights and a few well-equipped warriors, and the other 20 people were all killed.

Whoa whoa whoa!

White light illuminates darkness.


Zhang Yi, who was riding a fire dragon, sat beside the Juggernaut from the air.

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