Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 843 Tenth-level team: Dragon!

The sudden arrival of a large number of players made Ye Marching and Doomsday Berserker players terrified:

"Damn it! There are also ambush!"

"So many people, when did they hide here? Which force!"

"They are from the Dragon Clan!"

As soon as I heard the dragon.

The captains of the two families who were shopping, the Nightcrawler and the Doomsday Crazy Battle stared at each other and looked at each other.

In their hearts, they couldn't believe it for a while.


That strength is not outstanding, it is just a small family with only ten or twenty thousand people outside the top 100 in Liuguang City.

It was only because of the use of certain props that it performed well in the dungeon copy.

Then in the Nine-Star Dungeon dungeon today, they deliberately targeted a wave of dragons? ?

how is this possible!

When did they gather so many people here, did they already know that the Night's Watch Legion and the leader would be refreshed here?

Otherwise, if the people of the Dragon Clan lurked in just when the Night March and the End Times Berserkers fought against the Night Watch Legion, it is impossible not to be discovered!

Just when the players on both sides were shocked.

Thousands of dragons, the players who had been ambushed here for two hours for a long time, killed them.

"The bastards of the Ye Marching Army and the apocalyptic mad soldiers, the people who killed my dragon clan, your good days are over!"

The 115-level warrior Dragon Clan Immortal shouted, and the first one with a long sword rushed into the crowd.

The dragon army marched straight in.

With the overwhelming momentum, after the Ye Marching Army was instantly engulfed in the battle with the apocalyptic mad soldiers, there were only less than two hundred remaining soldiers left.

Not even a chance to catch a breath.

The two players were wiped out.

Even the captains of the two sides, Nightcrawler, and the ferocity of the apocalypse were beheaded!

"Yeah, the dragon clan, the labor and capital apocalypse mad soldiers are incompatible with you!"

"Dragon clan, wait for my name to be removed from the night marching army!"

After exhaling the fragrance, each turned into white light and disappeared.


Long Xingtian took out the long sword from the body of an apocalyptic mad soldier player, and shouted to the place where the death of the apocalyptic madness disappeared just now: "Welcome to the battle!"

After eliminating the players of Night March and Doomsday Berserker.

The dragon players successfully took down the two lord-level night watchman leaders who had been disabled by them.

The last blow was deliberately left to the dragon core group.

The last blow of the leader of a night watchman was won by the dragon clan immortal and the dragon walking in the world respectively.

The system prompts to fall from the sky:

"Ding~ Congratulations to your team for killing the [Night Watchman Leader (level 130 lord monster), because this monster belongs to the special welfare monster of ancient dungeons, your team will get 200 Soul Requiem!"

"Ding~ Congratulations to your team for killing the [Night Watchman Leader (level 130 lord monster), because this monster belongs to the special welfare monster of ancient dungeons, your team will get 200 Soul Requiem!"

The Soul Requiring Order has no entity, and is only calculated on the player team in the form of data.

200 for a boss.

The two night watchman leaders directly let the dragon clan not destroy their team and got 400 soul-suppressing orders!

In addition to the players who just killed Ye Marching Army and Doomsday Berserker, a lot of soul-suppressing orders were also exploded on them, and they were obtained by killing dungeon monsters during the day.

At this moment, the soul-suppressing orders collected by the core 100-member group of the dragon clan have reached nearly 700!

According to system statistics, ranking the first place has already beaten the second place by more than 50%!

According to this trend, as long as you maintain a vulgar development for one day tomorrow, don't fight, and only kill monsters, you will be able to win the dungeon championship smoothly!

Naturally, they had a good idea.

However, the players of Night March and Doomsday Berserker will not allow this to happen.

After being killed by the dragon clan.

The captains of the two major families, Nightcrawler and Doomsday Berserker immediately ordered: Let the players of both families still in the dungeon look for the dragon players, and carry out revenge strikes, and absolutely cannot let the dragons get the first pass of the dungeon!


Not to mention revenge for the two of them, in the huge dungeon dungeon, even finding the Dragon Clan is a problem.

The next day, it took a day to kill monsters smoothly, collect the remaining 300 Soul Requiring Orders, and successfully clear the dungeon.

In addition to the basic rewards such as rich experience points, gold coins and prestige for all team members.

Among the priceless extra dungeon clearance rewards, such as the team upgrade order, the 13-star god and devil treasure chest, the golden skill book, and the 12-star treasure class quasi-artifact, the dragon family did not destroy them and chose the first one.

Get the upgrade order and use it immediately.

The next moment, several city-wide announcements fell from the sky:

The city-wide announcement: "Ding~ Congratulations [Dragon Indestructible (Team) successfully cleared the nine-star difficulty [Ancient Dungeon Dungeon, the first pass reward of the dungeon has been obtained: Team Upgrade Order +1!"

"Ding~ Congratulations [Dragon clan's level has been raised to level 10, and the maximum number of players has been raised to 30w!"

"Ding~ Congratulations [Dragon Clan has become the first team in Liuguang City to reach level 10, all players belonging to the [Dragon Clan] will receive buffs: killing monsters, mission reward experience, money and prestige gains by 10% for 3 days! "

System announcement settled.

Streaming City players are boiling:

"Dragon is awesome!"

"Level 10... Is the Dragon Clan recruiting?

I will abandon the team, drag my family and bring me to your Dragon Clan! "

Taking advantage of the fact that the Dragon Clan has just risen to level 10, they have obtained the team buff and are currently in their prime.

On the second day after the dungeon ended, Dragon Clan Immortal, Dragon Traveling in the World and King Glory Storm Angel and the others were recruiting elites from all walks of life in Liuguang City in the four main squares in the south, south, and northwest of Liuguang City to join the Dragon Clan.

Watching the dragon race gradually rise from 20,000 to 25,000, 30,000, 40,000...

In three days, the Dragon Clan was ranked 110th from a team list in Liuguang City, with only 20,000 tier 7 teams.

It has jumped to a first-line family with 50,000 players and ranked No. 10 in Liuguang City!

Because about the team, it is not just ranked according to the level, but the number of the team and the average strength level, to be rated.

The level 10 dragon clan is indeed beyond the top clans such as Night March and Avengers.

However, because the number of people is too small at present, the strength of the team can only be ranked tenth in Liuguang City for the time being.

And three days later, the Dragon Race seems to have reached a bottleneck in terms of expanding its power...

this night.

The core members of the Dragon Clan held a meeting in a restaurant in Liuguang City.

"Last time in the dungeon, we offended Ye Marching Army and Doomsday Berserker. They are now hindering our development everywhere."

As Long Xingtian's voice just fell.

The storm angel said: "I think this is only a secondary issue. The main thing is that there is a legend that is not good for our dragon clan now in Liuguang City."

Hearing this, Young Master Peak asked, "What legend?"

"Haven't you heard of it?" Storm Angel said, "I don't know who spread it out, saying that our dragon clan has no head, and the captain has not been seen all day long. I suspect that our dragon clan has no name, and it is purely by luck that we won the first pass in the nine-star dungeon to reward the team. The upgrade order, even if the team reaches level 10, there is not even a single person who can take the lead,"

"Some people even say that our Dragon Clan captain is a useless person who does not dare to show up and hides in other main cities... Now players in Liuguang City really think that our Dragon Clan is an empty shell, and many people dare not join us!"

King Glory said angrily, "Who else can be the people who spread rumors about our Dragon Clan like this, except for Ye Xingjun and the mad soldiers of the last days?"

While talking.

Suddenly someone came to report:

"A brother in the team was attacked in the wild!"

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