Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 844 I'm afraid the boss will come back and beat me

Received news that someone in the team was attacked in the field.

Without further ado, the two vice-captains of the Dragon Clan Immortal and Long Xingtian personally led the team and led the three thousand players of the Dragon Clan to rush to the battle site: lv120 Sunset Ruins.

But when they came to the ruins of the sunset, there was no one in the huge ruins of the city!

The battle is over.

Immortal Dragon Clan immediately contacted one of the people who had just been attacked:

"What's the matter, who attacked you?"

The person being asked is a high-level archer who has just joined the Dragon Clan and has not even had time to change his ID [Su Tu:

"It's the mad soldiers of the end of the world! We were just three or four hundred people leveling outside when we were suddenly attacked by them, and they were numerous, at least one or two thousand people, and they wiped out our group all at once."

"Code, C!"

Long Xingtian couldn't help but scolded: "Apocalypse mad soldiers, these bastards!"

"We have to give this breath back!"

The voice just fell.

In order to take care of the overall situation, the Dragon Clan Immortal said: "No, our Dragon Clan has just had the hope of rising. At this time, the army will kill the enemy, and those who have just joined will think that they are the war machines of our Dragon Clan."

"And the last days Berserkers are not easy to mess with, we are not their opponents."

The storm angel agreed: "That's right, we can only endure it for a while, and let our dragon clan develop for a while, and wait for the boss to come to Liuguang City."

Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future.

However, it is not.

the following few days.

Players from the Night Marching Army and the End Times Berserker began to aggressively attack the Dragon Clan.

They specially selected players who had just joined the Dragon Clan to start.

As long as you see dragon players in the wild, kill them without mercy!

Even, specially spend money to buy the location information of the dragon players on the casual players, and then bring people over to attack and kill!

On one occasion, the collective action of 20,000 Dragon Clan players was violently attacked by the Night March players, resulting in heavy losses.

in this large family battle.

High-end players like Fatty, Yuesheng, and Dragon Clan Immortal who have reached the first-tier level of Liuguang City cannot turn the whole battle situation around.

They were unable to lead the Dragon Race to a strong counterattack.


Many players who had just joined the Dragon Clan were intimidated and persecuted by the two top families, Ye Marching Army and End Times Berserker, and had no choice but to withdraw from the Dragon Clan.


Dragon Clan, this rising star of Streaming City is gradually falling again...

That night, several core members of the Dragon Clan once again held a meeting in the square in the city.

"Ye marching army and apocalyptic mad soldiers are pressing us too hard. If we continue like this, the advantage that our dragon clan has finally developed will be gone again."

The peak emperor said: "Let's inform the captain and let him come to Liuguang City and take the dragon clan!"

Hear what the Peak Emperor said.

The Dragon Clan Immortal said: "Don't inform the boss yet."

"I got in touch with him two days ago. I just told him about the development of the team. I didn't tell him that we were targeted by the Night Marching Army and the End Times Berserker."

"He told me that he has one more thing in Purgatory City, and he will come to Liuguang City after solving it."

At this time, Han Yarou agreed: "Yes, Zhang Yi also told me."

"He is collecting things that can be exchanged for a treasure. He said that the treasure can greatly increase the power of the divine weapon, but it is impossible to find. There is only one in the whole city. After getting the treasure, he will come to Liuguang City to follow him. We meet."


King Glory said: "There is only one treasure in the whole city, which can be used to strengthen the artifact. It must be very awesome!"

"We can't affect the development of the eldest."

The Dragon Clan Immortal said: "Once you come to Liuguang City, you won't be able to go back within a month."

After a pause, the Dragon Clan Immortal immediately ordered:

"No one should tell the boss about the current status of our dragon clan. Let's wait for the boss to get what he wants and come to Liuguang City!"

The peak emperor said suspiciously: "What if the captain finds out through the team information?"

The Dragon Clan Immortal said: "He can't see it, I have blocked him."

Everyone: "???"

"Does the vice-captain have this right now?" The original girl was incredible.

The immortal dragon shrugged: "The boss hasn't been in the core area of ​​the team for too long. According to the team's settings, the vice-captain has the right to block this operation after a month, and even I can impeach the boss..."

Hearing this, Long Xingtian, who was on the side, said, "Do you impeach and see?"

"You're also the vice-captain, why don't you play?" The Long Clan Immortal glanced at the dragon that travels the world.

Long Xingtian said: "I dare not."

"I'm afraid the boss will come back and beat me..."

Closer to home.

Immortal Dragon said:

"What's more, we can't rely on the boss for everything, we dragon family, we must rise up by ourselves!"

"The order goes on, starting today, all of us in the dragon clan will hold a group together in all daily actions, and try our best to avoid conflicts with the mad soldiers of the night marching apocalypse, which will lead to vulgar growth!"


Everyone agrees...

Demons, Purgatory City.

In a few days, Zhang Yi passed the executive

To kill monsters outside the mission, raise the level of yourself and the entire Warcraft group to level 120.

At the same time, enough energy was collected to fight for three days in the first-level area of ​​Monster Island.

The Soul Reaper got his wish, equipped with the 120-level 13-star full hunter suit from [Release the Light quest reward!

Before that, Zhang Yi had spent 1 million gold coins to strengthen the full set of hunters to the top level, and his super talent had risen to full stars.

Under the bonus of a set of top 13-star hunters, the data of Soul Reaper has exploded:

[Soul Reaper (lv120 Ghost Race/God-level Warcraft):

Talent: Soul Hunter (God Level)

Star rating: 11 stars

Physical attack: 55w

Physical Defense: 24w

Magic Defense: 21w

Health: 255w

Energy: 18w...

In line with the growth of the high star of the 11-star god-level ghost monster.

The attributes of the soul reaper have reached the point of shocking ghosts and gods!

The attack power is higher than that of Zhang Yi after obtaining the 30% bonus of the God Pan.

240,000 defense power, and then use it to deal with the 125-level S-level lightning bat with 250,000 attack power, the lightning bat can only barely break the defense of the soul reaper!

Such data can basically swept the first-level area of ​​Monster Island. Even a level 130 monster would be a mass of sand in front of Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group.

After all, the Soul Reaper has the top equipment in Purgatory City!

According to the equipment list, there are currently only 12 pieces of 13-star equipment in Purgatory City.

Zhang Yi and the Soul Reaper accounted for 9 pieces.


Zhang Yi intends to use up the [King of Monsters' bounty buff that lasts for three days, and spend at least another three days on Monster Island.

In the past few days to and from Monster Island, Zhang Yi found a lot of valuable things in the monster merchants.

Zhang Yi took a fancy to one of the things: God·Legendary Magic Scroll [God·Super Strengthening, which can be used to greatly increase the power of artifact equipment, and requires 2 sss-level monster illustrations to exchange.

And others, similar to the God·Epic Magic Scroll [God·Instant Teleportation (Ignore the teleportation mechanism for players in the secondary main city, and can teleport to any secondary main city once), the exchange requires 1 sss-level monster illustration.

There are also rare items that can be used to strengthen any piece of equipment to the top level. Although it is useless to Zhang Yi, it is a treasure for other players who do not have god-level strengthening talents.

If conditions permit, Zhang Yi intends to focus on [God Super Strengthening.

Before leaving Purgatory City, swipe two more sss illustrations, get this magic scroll, and use it to strengthen the [God Emperor Ring] that can be used at full level and will not be eliminated.

For the others, it depends on how many sss illustrations you can brush with your luck.

Plan so.

Early this morning, Zhang Yi was fully armed and flew to Monster Island.

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