Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 847 Star City No. 1, Eternal Family

The news of Yiqi Juechen made Zhang Yi a little strange.

Because the last time I contacted Xingtian Yiqi Juechen and the others, Zhang Yi remembered that it was one night five or six days ago.

At that time, Yiqi Juechen said that they had already made the Starry Sky Duel Arena to the highest level [King arena] in Star City, and it is expected that within a week, they will be able to win the top three in [King arena.

Not surprisingly, you can successfully get the reward of the Star God Plate.

Think of this.

Zhang Yi wrote back and asked, "Have you been brushed down in the arena of kings?"

"No, I have already entered the final arena of the duel of kings. This is the last duel. The final duel will start at ten o'clock this morning."

Yiqi Juechen said: "But we were besieged by the [Eternal Family] on a closed map last night. It has been one night, and it is difficult to ensure that we can kill without dying."

Zhang Yi understood what Yiqi Juechen meant:

They were blocked by a certain enemy in Star City.

Ordinary people can't help them.

Therefore, the strength of the enemy who besieged them is very strong, and it should be a relatively powerful high-level family in Star City.

It is very likely that they will hang if they kill them hard, which will affect the plans of Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian to go to Liuguang City.

Because according to the secondary main city cross-city mechanism: players must not die within 30 days in order to have a chance to cross other secondary main cities.

But if they don't go out to kill, they will miss the final duel in the arena of kings that starts at ten o'clock.

Therefore, it will miss the [Star God Disc.


Xingtian also sent a message to Zhang Yi:

"It really can't be done. Let's go straight out before ten o'clock, hang back in the city, and then go to the final duel in the dueling arena."

"Then we can only wait a month before going to Liuguang City to join you."

If this [Eternal Family is strong enough.

Even if Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian used this method to get out of trouble today, they obtained the Divine Plate of the Stars.

Later, he will definitely continue to be targeted by the Eternal Family, and I am afraid it will be difficult to guarantee that he will not die within a month.

In this way, I am afraid that the two of them will be trapped in Star City forever.

So, Zhang Yi said: "Wait, don't rush out rashly, I'll think of a way."

Close the conversation.

Zhang Yi temporarily changed his plan to go directly to Liuguang City.

Without a dragon clan that rides Juechen and Xingtian, it is not complete.

What's more, the two of them went to Xingkong City to help Zhang Yi obtain the Star God Plate. Zhang Yi had no reason to leave them at Xingkong City.

On the monster merchant, the value of 1 sss-level picture book [God · Teleportation can ignore the second-level main city cross-city mechanism and complete a main city teleportation.

Zhang Yi planned to get this scroll and personally go to Star City to pick up Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen.

But Zhang Yi has no extra sss illustrations.

I didn't expect such a crop before, and now I regret that the extra scroll yesterday was used to exchange for 13-star hunter equipment, and it was useless.

Zhang Yi could only pin his hopes on the royal family and Jiange, so he sent messages to Huang Wuji and Juggernaut respectively.

Did not expect five minutes later.

Huang Wuji really appeared in front of Zhang Yi with a sss-level picture book!

"This was caused by killing a sss-level elite terrestrial wolf the day before yesterday. I was going to save a few artifact swaps."

Zhang Yi nodded: "According to the market price, 5 million, I will give it to you."

"No." Huang Wuji said immediately: "You gave me so many illustrations yesterday and didn't receive any money."

"Come on, we will meet again in the first-level main city in the future."

Not much to say, Zhang Yi just remembered it in his heart.

Taking the Earth Wolf Illustration given by Huang Wuji, saying goodbye to Huang Wuji, riding a minibus, and quickly came to Monster Island.

On the monster merchant, I exchanged the [God Instant Teleportation Scroll...

the other side.

The second-level main city of the alien race, the Star City.

Outside the city, there is a map of a wild area with more than 120 levels: Star Palace.

As a special closed map.

The Starry Sky Palace has a ban on using any magic scrolls.

This is secondary.

The most terrible restriction is that players are in the Starry Sky Palace map, and their talents are invalid!

And there is only one entrance and exit to the entire map.

At this moment.

This hall located in the wilderness, outside the only entrance and exit, is stationed with a large group of players.

This group of players comes from two major families: [Eternal Family, and [Emperor.

Since they came to Xingkong City more than a month ago, except for [Emperor, Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian] who were helpless to provoke them at the beginning, in order not to cause trouble, they have always kept a low profile, and have never provoke other families in Xingkong City and Xingtian. Power players.

Aim for the star duel arena.

Originally, the two of them had successfully fought from the Bronze Duel Arena to the most advanced King's Arena. They were only short of the last duel match today, and if they won the top three, they could get the Star God Plate.

But it was because of the outstanding performance of the dueling arena, coupled with the alarmism of the [Emperor Dominion], and was targeted by the top family [Eternal Family], the top-ranked family in the Star City team list!

After all, the two of them overcame obstacles and smashed all the way to the arena of kings. No matter how hidden this strength was, it could not be hidden.

King's Fight

The crucial final is just around the corner.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen were surrounded by players from the Eternal Family in the [Starry Sky Hall.

This is the leader of the eternal family: [The order of the eternal assassin.

As the arena of kings, the greatest threat to the eternal family winning the championship.

The Eternal Assassin deliberately sent people to block Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen in the Starry Sky Palace, and did not go in to kill them, in order to delay the time and prevent them from participating in the upcoming final duel.

Outside the Star Palace.

[Captain of Emperor Domination, level 115 knight [On the side of Emperor Domination and the Eternal Family, the vice-captain in charge of this containment operation, Level 116 Mage [Eternal Mage, talk eloquently:

"It's half past nine, and the final duel is about to start in half an hour. The two of them have no chance to participate!" Emperor Dominate the World laughed.

Recalling that this month, Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian have always been united [the people from the Temple of War are targeting them [Emperor, now they are blocked in the map by the people of the Eternal Family and can't get out, the emperor dominates the world] I felt very relieved.

The Eternal Mage smiled indifferently: "The captain looks down on these two people too much. What if they let them participate in the ultimate duel? With the strength of the two of them, it is impossible for the captain to win the championship."

Emperor Dominates the World said: "The two of them are now number three on the Starry Sky City Demon Race Heaven Ranking and second on the Alien Race Heaven Ranking. Their strength is very strong, so it's better to be careful!"

While talking.

There was a fight at the entrance of the Starry Sky Hall ahead.

After a while, the movement stopped.

A message came from the front line:

"Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian failed to break through for the 12th time, and we have already beaten them back to the Starry Sky Palace!"

at the same time.

Inside the Star Palace.

A level 117 thunder knight in silver armor, Yiqi Juechen, sat on his back with a level 117 ghost swordsman Xing Tian, ​​who was wearing black armor, in stark contrast to Yiqi Juechen.

From last night to now, they have failed to break through the siege 12 times in a row, making the two feel haggard.

"They are too crowded, so they can't get out."

In fact, when the god-level talents [Steel Body and [Tenfold Retaliation] fail, the combat effectiveness of Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen will drop by half.

This was the main reason why they couldn't get out of the Starry Sky Palace.

As Yiqi Juechen's voice just fell.

Xing Tian, ​​who suffocated a bottle of red potion in one mouthful, looked at the time and said:

"It's too late, the last time, go directly back to Star City."

"Hang back, and also participate in today's ultimate duel, the God of Stars must be won!"

Yiqi Juechen agreed: "Okay."

Say it.

When the two got up, they were ready to go out regardless of the loss.

Outside the Starry Sky Palace, there was a sudden scream.

The two headed towards the exit.

In the line of sight, I can see at least hundreds of white lights rising into the sky among the Eternal Family army stationed outside the Star Palace!


Accompanied by a dragon chirping.

A silver-robed beastmaster man, riding a huge fire dragon, leaped over the Eternal Family crowd.

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