Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 848 What kind of monster is this?

Outside the Star Palace exit.

At least two or three thousand [Senior Eternal Family players] stationed here have not responded yet.

Only a dragon roar could be heard from the sky.

People look up.

I saw a huge fire dragon, carrying a silver-robed beastmaster player, leaping from the air.

On land, the players of the Eternal Family and Emperor Domination were stunned:

"Dragon... dragon?"

"There is still someone on it, don't tell me this is a dragon mount? I rely on it!"

In sight, the fire dragon fanned its wings and approached quickly.

Just getting into range.

The silver-robed beastmaster man sitting on the dragon's back waved his staff.


A silver streamer fell on the crowd, spreading a powerful silver light wave around, engulfing at least hundreds of Eternal Family players within a hundred meters in diameter.

A large piece of damage between 2 million and 3 million, which only makes people feel that there is an illusion of explosion damage, appears on the heads of those players who are hit by the streamer.


Whoa whoa whoa!

Hundreds of white lights lit up at the same time, and all the Eternal Family players in a large area were instantly killed!

Around, the rest of the Eternal Family and Emperor Domination players were stunned.

At this time, the silver-robed beastmaster man had already rode a fire dragon, killing all the way to the entrance of the Starry Sky Palace, and a mage made a big move to clear the entrance and sit down.

Jumping down from the fire dragon, the white ID and golden title above the silver-robed beastmaster's head clearly appeared in front of everyone's eyes:

Lv122 Four-turn Beastmaster · Yinuo Qingcheng (King of Warcraft)!

"Level 122...Golden Title!"

A group of Eternal Family players closest to Zhang Yi had their expressions distorted in horror.

When the whole PK mode is turned on, Zhang Yi's whole body blooms with red light.

Expressionless, like a demon from hell!

Ahead, the eternal family player, you look at me and I look at you, looking at each other.

"Where did this guy come from, do we have this person in Star City?"

"Our Star City ranking list is only level 117, where is the level 122 beastmaster, or is it riding a dragon??"

"Is he a teammate of Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian?"

While talking.

In the crowd, the Eternal Mage immediately ordered:

"Whoever he is, dare to kill the brother of my eternal family, court death!"

"Brothers, kill him!"

With an order, the people behind them were unmoved:

"Boss, 2 million damage..."

"Afraid! We two thousand people can't handle him as a beastmaster?"

"No one wants to save Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen today, kill me!"

The voice just fell.

The Eternal Family player copied the guy and rushed towards Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi is here.

Swing the staff, while casting spells, summon a group of beasts.


A black shadow rushed into the crowd as fast as lightning, screaming again and again wherever it went, and one after another, the damage up to one or two million swept the audience.

Most of the players encountered by Soul Reaper were directly hit by seconds.

At this stage, no player can resist the damage of a 122-level god-level ghost monster with an attack power of 550,000 in a top-level 13-star hunter suit and soul reaper.

At present, Soul Harvester's [Soul Hunting Talent has not been superimposed to a maximum of 200 layers.

The strength he showed has not yet reached the highest level!

Become stronger and stronger in battle.

at the same time.

The Dragon Blood Knight charged with a spear.

The undead crossbowmen cooperated with Zhang Yi to carry out long-range output in the back line.

Boom boom boom!

All kinds of explosion damage that players in the audience have never heard of and feel incredible exploded from the crowd.

The white light was mixed with screams, one after another.

Even in Zhang Yi's eyes, he is currently the weakest undead crossbowman in the Warcraft group.

With the blessing of the 13-star top hunter's bow, the damage is also extremely high.

It can't reach the point where Zhang Yi and Soul Reaper can directly hit people in seconds, but they are not Eternal Family players, so they can bear it.

Under the heavy losses of Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group.

The Eternal Family is broken.

at this time.

One black and one white, two figures passed by Zhang Yi.

Take the opportunity of Zhang Yi to get through the map exit of the Starry Sky Palace.

Yiqi Juechen and Xing Tian, ​​who have been trapped in the Starry Sky Hall all night, are like two fierce tigers rushing out of their cages, smashing into the enemy group with the momentum of breaking bamboo!

The dark aura of the ghost swordsman and the thundering electromagnetic field of the Thunder Knight bloomed in the audience.

Cooperate with Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group.

With only three people and the power of three monsters, the Eternal Family and the Emperor Domination will be irresistible to two or three thousand players!

Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian, as god-level talents and hidden occupations coexist.

After breaking away from the influence of the Star Palace's prohibition and the talent reactivated, the strength skyrocketed.

Now even without Zhang Yi.

I am afraid that this group of players from the Eternal Family will have a hard time winning the two of them.

Looking at the time, it was already 9:50, and there were only ten minutes left before the final duel started.

no time to waste with them

, we must escort Yiqi Juechen and Xing Tian to the Starry Sky Duel Field!

Before rushing to the Starry Sky Palace, Zhang Yi had already learned by surveying the map on the Starry Sky City side:

The Star Palace is located in the south of Star City.

The Starry Sky Duel Field is located in the north of Starry Sky City.

The two are in opposition.

The fastest way to go to the Starry Sky Arena is to use the Town Return Scroll to return to the city first, and then set off to the Duel Arena.


Zhang Yi raised a golden chain of lightning in his hand, instantly killing the Eternal Family players who were entangled in front of Yiqi Juechen and Xing Tian.

He said to the two people in the front line: "You go back to the city, I will hold them back!"

Yiqi Juechen and Xing Tian withdrew from the front and said to Zhang Yi:

"There are too many of them, can you stop them?"

"It's only a few thousand people." Zhang Yi said: "You go back first, and I will meet you right away."

Time is running out.

Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian did not hesitate.

Outside the Starry Sky Palace map, it is no longer affected by the ban on the use of magic scrolls.

The two of them each took out a City Return Scroll and smashed it into pieces.

"Don't let them go back to the city, stop him!"

Under the orders of the Eternal Mage.

Eternal Family players have yet to act.

Zhang Yi directly picked up a golden fireball technique and blasted it on the spring commander: Eternal Mage.

A huge crit damage of up to 5.38 million, enough to kill the Eternal Mage three times, directly clears the full health bar above the Eternal Mage's head.

One hit kills.

Only after Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian returned to the city for 10 seconds to read the article, they turned into white light and disappeared.

"Boom" with a loud noise.

Has grown into a third-order dragon emperor, the huge fire dragon Babu, sitting behind Zhang Yi.


Accompanied by a loud dragon roar.

Ahead, the Eternal Family players retreated one after another under the deterrence of the giant dragon.

Immediately after.

Zhang Yi directly smashed a city return scroll in front of the Eternal Family player.

The Eternal Family players stared blankly, and no one dared to step forward to stop it.

It was not until ten seconds later that Zhang Yi, the Warcraft Group and the Fire Dragon disappeared together.

For a long time, the players of the Eternal Family have not recovered from their panic:

"Yeah, what kind of monster is this?"

"5 million damage... ghost!"

at the same time.

Inside Star City.

Not long after Yiqi Juechen and Xing Tian returned, Zhang Yi appeared.

In addition to shock.

Yiqi Juechen is a little strange: "Why are you here?"

"Let's talk about this later." Zhang Yi said: "It's not too late, hurry up and go to the Starry Sky Arena!"

Xing Tian looked at the time and said, "It's too late, there are only 8 minutes left to start the duel."

"From the Star City to the Star Duel Arena, it takes twenty minutes to travel even if you use a mount."

"In time."


Under Zhang Yi's summons.

The third-order Dragon Emperor, the giant dragon Babu descended from the sky and sat in the city.

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