Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 849 The first one has passed away, you are the second one

Citywide announcement:

"Ding ~ Players of Star City, please note: [King arena: The final duel will start in 3 minutes, please log in to the arena as soon as possible for players who have passed [King arena: Duel by sea elections!"

The system prompts to fall from the sky.

In the north of Star City, in the center of a cyan plain, stood a golden aurora piercing the sky.

This is the teleportation array to the King's Arena. It will open after three minutes. Only players who have the qualifications for [Ultimate Duel] can enter after opening.

The teleportation array has not been activated.

The surrounding area is already crowded.

In fact, there are not many players who can enter the final duel in the arena of kings.

All Star City has 45 million players, and currently there are only 100,000 players qualified to participate in the ultimate duel.

Most of the hundreds of thousands of players gathered on the plain came to join in the fun.

Because today's duel is crucial.

According to the ranking of duel value, you can get the most valuable rewards such as artifacts, golden skill books, and treasure chests!

Even if you can't participate, it's good to watch other people play and have an eye addiction.

Among the people who are preparing for the ultimate duel, there is a group of core players from the first family of Starry Sky City, 【Eternal Family.

The captain of the Eternal Family, an assassin with a level of up to 117 [The Eternal Assassin is standing beside the teleportation array with a group of elite players of the Eternal Family, waiting for the teleportation array to open.

At the same time, they chatted with each other:

"It seems that Xing Tian and that alien knight are not able to come!"

Along with the vice-captain, the level 116 archer [Eternal Archer's voice just fell.

A black-clothed, lean, monkey-like Eternal Assassin smiled indifferently: "Yesterday dared to kill the brothers of my Eternal Family in the arena of kings, labor and capital make you not even qualified to participate in today's ultimate duel!"

With that said, the Eternal Assassin confessed to the Eternal Archer: "Go on, after the duel is over, keep an eye on these two people, kill them for me, kill them all, and let these two ignorant guys know how to offend my Eternal Family. 's fate!"

"Yes!" Eternal Archer took the lead.

At this time, the system prompt sounded again:

"Ding~ Attention to all players: [King arena: The ultimate duel has been opened, and the teleportation array has been activated. Please enter the duel arena! The teleportation array of the duel field will be closed in 5 minutes, and players will not be allowed to enter after the deadline!"

With the system prompt just dropped.

In all directions, countless players flocked towards the teleportation formation.

When the Eternal Assassin was entering the teleportation array with a group of people around him, he suddenly received a message from [Eternal Mage:

"Boss, someone rescued Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian!"

Seeing this news, the Eternal Assassin was annoyed and ashamed: "Da, are you a waste? You saved the two of them by one person. With two or three thousand of you, you can't stop the three of them?"

"No," Eternal Mage hurriedly explained: "The human race beastmaster who rescued them is too strong!"

"Still a beastmaster with the lowest growth in the whole apocalypse??"

The Eternal Assassin almost fainted on the spot: "Don't say that you are a member of my Eternal Family when you go out in the future!"

After he finished speaking, he closed the chat angrily.

at this time.

Accompanied by a sudden dragon roar.

In the distance, only a fire dragon could be seen, with three figures on its back, leaping towards this side.

"My day! Flying mounts! Still dragons!"

It was not only the players of the Eternal Family who were shocked.

The fire dragon that Zhang Yi sat down on became the focus of the hundreds of thousands of Star City players on the plain.

And as the dragon gets closer.

The thin-eyed eternal assassin saw the three players riding on the dragon's back, two of them were Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian!

I remembered what the Eternal Master said just now: The two of them have been rescued from the Starry Sky Palace.

The Eternal Assassin immediately guessed that there was a beastmaster in a silver robe on the dragon's back, who was the one who rescued them both!

It doesn't matter what the dragon mounts are.

The eternal assassin immediately pointed at the fire dragon and gave an order: "Kill this dragon, don't let Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian enter the duel arena!"

The voice just fell.

Only when Zhang Yi and Xing Tian were riding Babu and approaching the teleportation array, just when they came within the range of the Eternal Family players.

On the land, hundreds of powerful players of the Eternal Family with the qualifications for the ultimate duel, among them the mage shooters with long-range attack ability, shot at Babu who was flying overhead!

swoosh swish...

Boom boom boom!

Countless sharp arrows and orbs blasted away.

At this moment, Babu suddenly accelerated and rose, avoiding all attacks by pulling away.

This made Zhang Yi, who was not aware of the attack on the back of the dragon, shocked:

The minibus actually has the awareness of autonomous dodging!

It is indeed a mount of the Dragon Emperor level!

I didn't know they were in the crowd.

Eternal Family players' attack, revealing their position.

The next moment, the minibus carrying Zhang Yi and the three sat next to the teleportation array.

The three jumped from the dragon's back.

Zhang Yi said to Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen, "You go in, they will give it to me."

Hear the words, Xingtian

Said: "There is no need to entangle with them. Anyway, after we finish this duel match and get the Star God Plate, we are ready to leave Star City."

"In the future, there will be no interaction with them."

In Zhang Yi's eyes, a killing intent flashed across.

"There was no need to pay attention to them. But they moved the people of the dragon family, so it was necessary."

Having said that, Zhang Yi confessed to Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen: "There is not much time, you go in, leave it to me here."

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen looked at each other and nodded.

Then turned around and stepped into the teleportation array.

Zhang Yi is here.

In the face of hundreds of Eternal Family powerhouses attacking from the front.

Slowly, lift the Hunter's Scepter.


The whole body is blooming with red light, and the whole pk mode is turned on!

This scene shocked the surrounding loose players:

"Good guy, he actually opened all PKs! Death is ten times the punishment!"

"People who come on a dragon, dare to open the whole PK, must be confident in their strength."

"No matter how confident he is, he alone can compete with hundreds of elites of the Eternal Family?"

"Death to him."

Just when the surrounding scattered players looked like they were watching a play.

The Eternal Assassin rushed to Zhang Yi with the Eternal Family Powerhouse.

"Dare to openly oppose my eternal family, Star City, you are the first!"

Zhang Yi said lightly: "Are you here to participate in the ultimate duel?"


The vice-captain Yong Yong pointed at Zhang Yi and shouted angrily: "Do you know the identity and status of our Eternal Family? If you are sensible, hand over your dragon mount, otherwise, don't blame us for stepping on your corpse and entering the duel. field!"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "You are the first to dare to hit me with the idea of ​​a minibus."

He paused, as if he suddenly thought of something.

Zhang Yi went on to say: "No, you are the second one."

"The first one is gone."


The Eternal Assassin drew his sword and stood up: "Stinky boy, the final duel has begun, and labor and capital have no time to waste with you now."

"Kill him first this time! For this account, when the duel is over, I'll find him next time to calculate it slowly!"

With the order of the eternal assassin.

Behind him, hundreds of Eternal Family powerhouses copied the guy and charged towards Zhang Yi...

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