Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 861 Marriage with the Dragon Clan

At eight o'clock in the evening, it was time for dinner.

In a restaurant in Liuguang City, Zhang Yi and the Dragon Clan core group sat around two tables and had dinner.


The dragon clan immortal sighed: "The mad soldiers of the last days were bombed, and they were destroyed in just one week!"

"As expected of the boss, it's too awesome, too much hate!" Everyone agreed.

At this time, the original girl said: "It's not over yet, they seem to have more than 30,000 people!"

King Glory didn't care, he smiled: "Now in the Liuguang City forum, there are all negative posts about their apocalyptic mad soldiers, who would dare to join their apocalyptic mad soldiers? Their people will only become less and less and will not increase. "

This is the fate of the dragon race!

During this period of time, in addition to the strong suppression of the apocalyptic berserker.

Zhang Yi brushed more than 130 high-level pictures with the Dragon Clan core group every day, which also made the Dragon Clan Immortal and their level increase rapidly.

Their average level has all reached about level 118, which is the level of the top players in the streamer city!

On the other hand, Yiqi Juechen and Xing Tian had reached level 120.

Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group have also all been upgraded to level 124, far ahead.

Through a large number of high-intensity killing monsters, Zhang Yi even raised the level of [Vulcan Scepter to more than 110!

Although not yet at the highest level.

However, the Vulcan scepter of this level is still more cost-effective than the 13-star hunter scepter in Zhang Yi's hands:

[Vulcan Scepter (+25):

Quality: 11-star semi-artifact (experience value 4000/4000, requires 12 artifact fragments to rise to 12 stars)

Level: 112 (proficiency 120/600)

Magic Attack: +12w

Additional Attributes: Intelligence +1575 (x4)

Common Talent: Serious Injury (increase 15000 damage, the effect increases with the equipment star rating)

Super talent: strong attack (11 stars, increase the attack power by 18000, the star cap increases with the equipment star)

Ability: Might of Vulcan (increase the damage of all fire skills of the wearer by 55%)

Talent: Burning Heaven Judgment (Attack makes the enemy into a burning state that cannot be expelled, drains 60% of the wearer's attack power every second for 5 seconds, and when the wearer uses the Vulcan Scepter to attack the burning target, the damage is increased by 40%. This talent needs to be activated manually, and consumes 220 energy per second when activated)…

The basic attributes are actually not as high as the Hunter's Scepter.

Putting on the Vulcan Scepter, Zhang Yi's attack decreased by 40,000, from 600,000 to 560,000.

After all, it is still 2 stars lower than the 13-star Hunter's Scepter, and the level is also 3 levels lower.

However, combining the two abilities and talents of [Fire God's Might and [Fen Tian Jue], the price-performance ratio of the Fire God Scepter can directly overwhelm the hunters!

The damage done by Zhang Yi with the 11-star Vulcan Scepter is definitely higher than that of the 13-star Hunter!

When the Vulcan Scepter is raised to more than 120 levels, the apocalyptic berserkers are almost gone.

After the Night March is extinguished, you can perform the artifact quest: [The Last Wish of the God of Fire.

While everyone is chatting.

Several players came outside the restaurant.

What surprised everyone in the dragon race was that those few players were actually the berserkers of the apocalypse!

The captain fights wildly in the last days, the deputy captain kills the last days, and the last days kills.

The core members of the end-time mad soldiers are all here!

In addition, there is a mage girl who looks very young and energetic, and her ID is [You Lian.

He was dressed in Tsing Yi, with fluttering long hair and fair skin. He looked pretty good, and there was a high-cold wind all over his body.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, it attracted the attention of many casual players who were eating.

Those scattered people, whispered:

"Look, the little sister of the apocalyptic Berserker Captain!"

"I heard a long time ago that there is a beautiful sister in Doomsday Crazy War. When I saw it today, it really is! She looks really good!"

I could see that Doomsday Crazy War brought his younger sister, as if he came intentionally, and went straight to the table where Zhang Yi was.

"Let's stop the war." The 20-something-year-old man was fighting violently in the apocalypse. His cheeks became somewhat vicissitudes.


King Glory looked up and down the apocalyptic mad war, and asked with a pretense of novelty: "This uncle, who are you?"

Received the words of the glory of the king.

Long Xingtian said in a cold voice: "Why, now you know what to do? If you say truce, then truce? Who do you think you are?"

I didn't have the strength to argue any more.

The end of the world mad war pointed at the sister Tsing Yi mage, You Lian, and said to Zhang Yi:

"I'll betroth my sister to you. In exchange, let's stop the war."

"If we continue to fight like this, it will not be good for our two families. It is better for us to marry and live in harmony and develop together in the future."

It can be seen that there is a touch of confidence on the beautiful and cold face of sorrow.

In her opinion, with her looks, she will definitely be able to impress Yinuo Qingcheng, and he will definitely not refuse her brother's request!

And for the sake of my brother and the future of the team.

In addition, the conditions of Yinuo Qingcheng are not bad.

Sorrow is also willing to wrong himself once.

I never thought that Zhang Yi would not

Disdain to look at her.

After taking a bite of the shrimp fed by Han Yarou, Zhang Yi showed a very satisfied expression.

Then, he said to the apocalyptic mad war: "It's just not good for your apocalyptic mad soldiers, does it have any effect on my dragon clan?"

After a pause, Zhang Yi continued: "Your sister looks good, but unfortunately, I don't like it, not to mention, I have a lover."

It was only at this time that Doomsday Crazy War and sister You Lian noticed Han Yarou sitting beside Zhang Yi.

Compared with Han Yarou, the daughter of the former family, Worry felt ashamed, and the confidence on her face completely disappeared.

Indeed, in terms of appearance, worry is not as good as Han Yarou's five points.

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell, the face of the apocalypse mad war flushed red.

He didn't expect that tonight, he ended up taking his sister to humiliate himself.

Youlian turned and ran out of the restaurant with a red face.

Zhang Yi looked at the apocalyptic madness and said coldly:

"What you give to the Dragon Clan, I will return it to you tenfold."

"You apocalyptic warriors, don't even try to escape alone."

Doomsday Crazy War and the two vice captains both stepped back, and their hearts were shocked.

Zhang Yi went on to say:

"The self-destructed team still needs me to do it myself, and you still have one last chance to choose."

Doomsday Crazy War looked at Zhang Yi with despair on his face.

Then, he and the two vice captains left the restaurant.

Tonight, [the mad soldiers of the end of the world disappeared from the list of the Liuguang City team...

The Doomsday Berserker has been removed.

Zhang Yi's next goal was established: marching at night.

This is the last and biggest stumbling block that needs to be solved before the official development of the Dragon Race.

Because according to the memory of the previous life, Zhang Yi knew that the night marching army was not easy to deal with.

In the past and future generations, they were the strongest families in Liuguang City. Before the opening of the first-level main city, they had gathered millions of elite teachers in Liuguang City!

In addition, in the night march, there is also a huge opportunity that can be used to strengthen the combat effectiveness of all members of the dragon clan.

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