early morning.

After breakfast, Zhang Yi was still with the Dragon Clan core group and rushed to the wild level 130 wild area.

The goal now is to get them to level 120 as soon as possible and equip them with hunter suits.

Although the dungeon has been opened, Zhang Yi and Yiqi Juechen Xingtian want to hit the nine-star difficulty. With their strength, it will be difficult for them to do it within half a month.

Without the three of them leading the team, just relying on the dragon clan to not destroy them, it would be too difficult to brush nine-star dungeons. Even if there is 1.6 times the experience gain, it would be better to brush the level 130 wild area with Zhang Yi and the others.

On the way to the wild.

King Glory said excitedly: "Brother Cheng, the mad soldiers of the last days were disbanded last night. Next, are you ready to deal with the night march?"

"Well." Zhang Yi said, "How is the recent development trend of the Night March?"

"They seem to know that our dragon race is going to target them, so when we deal with the mad soldiers of the end times, we have already started preparations."

The scavenger looked at an information panel in front of him and said, "A week ago, they were still 120,000 people, and now they have reached 150,000!"

150,000 people! It is the first family of Liuguang City again.

This night march, I am afraid that it is not as easy to deal with as the apocalypse mad soldiers.

Hearing this, it is incredible that the Dragon Race is immortal: "It has risen by 30,000 people in a week?"

"How did you do it?"

"Captain of the Night Walker, Night Walker, he seems to be very intelligent and a wise man."

The scavenger said: "When we were targeting the apocalypse mad soldiers, he ordered the team to set up a bounty arena in the city every night, attracting a large number of masters to challenge."

"They have a rule that the challenger can get a lot of bounties and rare equipment if they win, and there is no penalty if they lose. And no matter whether they win or lose, as long as the challenger joins the Night March, they can get half of the bounty after three days. , plus equipment rewards!"

Long Xingtian disagreed: "To put it bluntly, isn't it just money to hire people? If we have money, we can do it too!"

The original girl pondered: "The question is, why do you think they are so rich?"

"Deducted from the players? But their players have to develop themselves. Who wants to hand over the money to confiscation?"

At this time, Zhang Yi woke up the dreamer: "Because there is a mobile treasure house among the players who march at night."

This "mobile treasure house" is the opportunity buried in the night march.

Of course, he's not really a treasure trove, but a player.

It was him who made the Ye Marching Army rich, and he alone supported at least one third of the working capital of the Ye Marching Army!

In the last life, Ye Xingjun also relied on him to stabilize the throne of the first family in Liuguang City, and gradually developed more and more powerful, no family can match.

For this mobile treasure trove of Ye Marching, Zhang Yi must dig him to the Dragon Clan!

Because of his ability, it is not just as simple as "making money".

There is another huge opportunity buried in him.

As mentioned earlier, it was an opportunity to improve the strength of all members of the Dragon Clan, and the triggering conditions for this opportunity were currently only achieved by him alone.

While discussing this topic, everyone rode their horses on their way.

In order to take care of others, Zhang Yi did not use Babu, and was still riding the ordinary tiger king.

Babu's size is not enough to carry a dozen people at the same time.

At present, three or four people are OK, maybe when they grow into a fourth-order Dragon Emperor, they can carry more people.

en route.

Han Yarou suddenly realized a problem: "This doesn't seem to be the way we went to level up before?"

Because in the previous week, the same level 130 wild area had been locked for leveling.

Every day to and from, the route is the same.

Today's line is obviously different from before.

Others also quickly realized the problem: "Yeah, where are we going today?"

Zhang Yi, who was in charge of leading the way, said, "Today we will change places and show you a place to see."

with the aid of a mount.

It took more than 20 minutes for the group to arrive in the west of Liuguang City, a level 130 wild area under the guidance of Zhang Yi: Shenjun tribe!

According to the map description:

This was originally the place where the warrior god Tianyi, one of the seven war gods of the human race, lived.

Hundreds of years ago, the warrior god Tianyi created a divine army here to guard the human race Liuguang City.

Later, Tianyi was called by the Lord God to leave Liuguang City, leaving only the God Army to be stationed in the God Army tribe.

Not long after Tianyi left, the Shenjun tribe was attacked by one of the eight generations of alien kings who invaded Liuguang City, [Fourth Generation King: Zaki.

Zaki led the Alien Praetorian Guard to destroy the god army in the god army tribe.

The aura of the god of war generated after the demise of the god army also repelled Zaki who was trying to invade Liuguang City.

Since then, the Shenjun tribe has fallen into darkness and has been gradually occupied by a group of mountain gods and wild monsters.

As far as Zhang Yi knows, according to the plot development of Apocalypse:

Until the opening of the first-level main city, the three major races of the Apocalypse, the alien race, the demon race and the human race were still in constant disputes all the year round.

After the opening of the first-level main city, the three major races gradually joined forces to fight against a common enemy: the dark dragon race.

And there have been three

The next ghost!

Look around.

The figure of a four-legged black armored beast wandered around in the Shenjun tribe.

They are the new lords of the Shenjun tribe: lv130 black armored beasts.

Stop outside the God Army tribe.

Long Xingtian scratched his head and wondered: "Boss, it looks like an ordinary level 130 wild area. They are all level 130, why do we have to travel such a long way to level up here instead of the previous one. Where to practice?"

Don't wait for Zhang Yi to speak.

Yiqi Juechen said, "A map that involves one of the seven war gods of the human race and the fourth-generation alien king of the alien race must be no trivial matter."

Zhang Yi glanced at Yiqi Juechen and said, "As wit as you are."

With that said, the group was divided into three teams according to the previous combination.

Each picked up the guy and entered the God Army tribe.

There are no special requirements.

Zhang Yi is the black-armored beast who keeps everyone on the map.

Those black monsters wearing armor and looking like leopards are just level 130 ordinary monsters.

Zhang Yi and the others had been in the level 130 jungle for a week before.

There is definitely no problem in dealing with the black armored beast at this time.

Brush brush!


Swords, lights, swords and shadows, mourning everywhere.

With each black armored beast being slaughtered.

Together with Zhang Yi, the King of Glory, who has killed dozens of black armored beasts in a row, couldn't help but ask:

"Brother Cheng, what's so special about this map? Don't sell it, it's making me so anxious!"

With a golden fireball technique of "Boom", Zhang Yi, who killed a bloody black armored beast with a critical damage of more than 6 million, looked back at the glory of the king, and other people with the same doubts.

He smiled lightly and said:

"This place has a hidden map entrance. By killing the black armored beast, the entrance can be refreshed."

【Wanben God Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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