Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 864 God-level talent: The night is dawn!

"Dragon clan, is there any movement?"

on the table.

As the level reached 120, the fourth-rank assassin man with a scar on his left face, the night marcher commander: [The night walker's voice just fell.

At the table, a vice-captain, a level 120 soldier [Night March, War General said:

"Since the last two nights ago when the apocalyptic mad army disintegrated, until now, the dragons have not targeted us at night marching, and they have taken any action, and it seems that they have been developing in a vulgar manner."

"And they haven't recruited anyone. Since the return of Captain Yinuo Qingcheng, the team still looks like 40,000 to 50,000 people."

At this time, another elite team, a level 119 archer [Ye Marching, Tian Jue said proudly:

"After this period of development, our Night Marching Army has now controlled 160,000 elite divisions, and the Dragon Clan has a mere 40,000 or 50,000 people. Dare to covet our Night Marching Army?"

"Even if we killed their dragon people before, they can only swallow their anger now!"

In the voice of the speech, Nightcrawler touched the scar on his left face with his right hand, and said, "The dragon clan is a threat to us after all."

"This thorn in the eye must be removed as soon as possible. But that guy Yinuo Qingcheng, and their two vice captains of the Dragon Clan, are a few cancers and cannot be taken lightly."

"Find a way to place a few undercover agents and infiltrate their dragon clan."


Ye Marching and the general suddenly said: "By the way, the captain, Ye Jintianming, said that he took a fancy to a flaming bird mount of the leader of the Overlord family next door, let us find a way to help him in three days. To that mount..."

"This guy, think about it, come out,"

Nightcrawler asked, "The Tyrant Family, what level?"

"The 8th-level team has 30,000 people, and the Liuguang City team ranks 50. It is a new team that has just risen." Ye Marching Army and the general said.

Nightcrawler hesitated, touched the scar on his left face with his right hand, and said, "This is an extraordinary time to fight against the Dragon Clan. Try not to provoke other high-level clan forces."

"Go tell Ye Jintianming and ask him to lower his requirements and change to someone else."

"Captain, you also know that what Ye Jintianming wants to get, he must get it, and no one can change his mind..."

After a pause, Ye Marching Army and the general said: "In addition, according to the team's funds, he handed in 30 million gold coins yesterday and today, and the two days' combined contribution amounted to 40% of the team!"

Hearing this information, Nightcrawler fell silent.

The order said: "Do whatever it takes, whether it's buying or robbing, bring me the Firebird that the leader of the Overlord family sat down on! In addition, use the team's funds to continue recruiting people and expand our night marching force!"


Dragons here.

The crowd was also a little impatient.

As usual, I spent a day in the [Soul Graveyard, and at night, I was on my way back to the city.

Immortal Dragon asked:

"Boss, the recent development trend of the Ye Marching Army is getting more and more fierce. If we don't suppress them again, I am afraid that when we get to the back, they will not be their opponents!"

Long Xingtian is also very puzzled: "And during this time, many master players in Liuguang City have applied to join our dragon clan. According to your suggestion, boss, we all refused. Until now, our dragon clan still has only 40,000 people."

"It's okay."

Everyone was nervous and worried, but Zhang Yi was not in a hurry.

He had already planned.

At present, the 40,000 people in the Dragon Clan, except for the 20,000 elders from the King Family, the Storm Family and the Brotherhood.

The other 20,000 was Zhang Yi who joined the Dragon Clan before his return. Later, when the Dragon Clan suffered rumors and was questioned by countless people in Liuguang City, he never left the Dragon Clan.

Therefore, these 40,000 people are the backbone of the Dragon Clan, and they are trustworthy.

Dragons have a lot of room for development.

But in this situation, it is easy to recruit Ye Marching Army, or some other inner ghosts of the family forces that coveted the Dragon Clan.

Take advantage of the situation to get a group of undercover agents to enter the Dragon Clan.

At that time, the inside and the outside should cooperate and plot against the dragon clan.

After all, the Dragon Clan has yet to show the kind of powerful strength that the major clan forces in Liuguang City dare not covet.

The prestige of defeating the berserkers of the end times is not big enough.

Zhang Yi's plan was to use the night march of the first family in Liuguang City to become famous in one battle.

Therefore, during this period of time, on the bright side, he was doing missions with the Dragon Clan core group to kill monsters and level up. In fact, Zhang Yi was also preparing for the night march.

Zhang Yi then asked the scavenger: "Jianzi, how is the matter you dealt with?"

"Brother, according to what you mean, a 100-member regiment has been installed to sneak into the night march two days ago, as an internal response, and at the same time control the information of the night in their team."

The scavengers said: "According to the reliable information they brought, Ye Jintianming was greedy and unbridled, taking advantage of the opportunity that he could bring a huge amount of money to the Yexingjun, to ask for the Yexingjun indefinitely, as long as he wanted something, The night marchers will surely get it for him!"

"It is said that he has his eye on a flying flamingo mount that the leader of the Tyrant Family sits down. No accident, the Ye Marching Army will attack the Tyrant Family tomorrow and snatch the flamingo for Ye Jintianming."

Hearing this, Young Master Feng Feng was shocked: "Good guy! Is that such a powerful official at Ye Jintianming? Really what he wants, Ye Xingjun will do whatever it takes to get it for him?!"

"People are the treasury of the night marching army."

In the voice of the voice, the Dragon Clan Immortal is incredible: "By the way, why does Ye Jintianming have so many gold coins?"

"God-level talent, 100 times the money drop." Zhang Yi blurted out with the memory of the previous life: "It can increase the gold coins for killing monsters and quest rewards by 100 times."

Everyone was stunned.

He's actually another god-level talent! !

have this talent.

Maybe there is not much experience in ordinary monsters or ordinary tasks. It is nothing more than the income of killing monsters for 100 players. For a night march with 160,000 players, it is nothing.

But if you kill a high-level boss that is hard to come by, or complete a rare hidden quest, the 100 times the money gain will be incredible!

It is equivalent to killing 100 high-level bosses and completing 100 hidden tasks!

King Glory said in surprise: "He has such a powerful talent, why not create his own sect and condescend to march in the night?"

"Don't be too lazy to worry about it, not to mention his talent, without the assistance of Ye Marching, can't play the biggest role." Xing Tian said the core.


In the past, the night marches were always looking for bosses and advanced hidden missions in the wild.

After finding it, leave the last blow of the BOSS to Ye Jintianming to trigger a hundredfold drop.

The hidden task is also given to Ye Jintianming, and then the entire army of the night marching army assists Ye Jintianming to complete the task, triggering a hundred times the drop.

There is no night march, and there is a god-level talent in the night and the sky will drop a hundred times the money, and there is no use for it.

After all, he can't kill the boss and complete the hidden mission by himself.

Hear the message from the scavengers.

Zhang Yili made a decision:

"Let the undercover brothers on Ye Xingjun help me keep an eye on their actions against the Tyrant Family tomorrow."

Hearing the words, Long Xingtian on the side said excitedly:

"Are we finally going to fight the Night Marching Army!"

"Our goal now is to bring him to our Dragon Clan as soon as possible."

Zhang Yi said:

"As long as you use Ye Jintianming to open the entrance and take down the hidden map in the Shenjun tribe. Our 40,000 Dragon Clan will be no less than 100,000 people against the Ye Marching Army!"

Everyone was shocked: "Is that hidden map really that powerful?"

In the last life, Ye Marching directly became the hidden map of the top family in Liuguang City that could not be surpassed by other families. Naturally, there is no doubt.

At this time, the Dragon Clan Immortal asked: "What do you plan to do tomorrow?"

"When Ye Marching gets the Firebird from the Tyrant Family, we will get the Firebird from Ye Marching."

Hearing the words, the dragon clan is inexorable and suspicious: "It's not that easy to make Ye Jintianming turn his back on Ye Marching and join us with just a flaming bird, right?"

Yiqi Juechen said: "According to the description and analysis of the scavenger just now, Ye Jintianming's temperament should be whoever can bring him better, and whoever he is more willing to go with."

"This firebird is just the first step to shake his army's heart."

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