Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 865 Robbery, Tyrant Family

Through this period of time, you can efficiently hunt down 130-level high-level monsters every day, as well as the benefits of high-level tasks.

The average level of the dragon core group has finally reached level 120!

The dragon clan is immortal, the dragon travels the world, the king honors the storm angels, and they have all changed into the level 120 11-12 star hunter suits brought by Zhang Yi from Purgatory City!

Although the monster suppression effect of the hunter suit is useless in the streamer city.

However, the powerful attribute bonus of the 11-12 star advanced suits doubles the overall strength of the dragon core group!

Today's Dragon Clan core group, everyone's strength has reached the level of Liuguang City's super first-line players, and they can be called the masters of the masters.

It's not in vain that Zhang Yi worked hard every day to take them to paint pictures.

In addition, during this period, Zhang Yi vigorously developed, not only the dragon core group.

All members of the Dragon Clan were taken care of by the captain Zhang Yi.

After all, it is necessary to develop in a balanced way in order to build the strongest dragon family!

During this period, using his knowledge of the layout of Liuguang City, Zhang Yi arranged for members of the Dragon Clan to level-up in all the maps that are rich in opportunities around Liuguang City.

Lv122 Quicksand Land, kill the Desert Eagle in Quicksand Land to drop level 120 suits.

Lv121 Gorilla City, you can find the task card in it, use it to activate the exclusive welfare task in the Gorilla City.

Lv122 Wild Forest, 1.2 times the income of monsters, there is no time limit like the dungeon, and it can maintain 1.2 times the income at any time.

Because the level of these pictures is too low, it is not suitable for the development of the Dragon Clan core group, so Zhang Yi did not take the Dragon Clan to immortalize them.

In contrast, these places are very suitable for the development of other ordinary members of the Dragon Clan, because their average level and strength have remained between the second-tier and first-tier levels of Liuguang City before this.

Leveling up in these opportunity maps, the development of strength far exceeds that of ordinary players in Streaming City.

Here, through this period of development, the strength of the 40,000 Dragon Clan players has all reached the first-line level of Liuguang City!

But for Zhang Yi, this is not enough.

We must take down the hidden map in the Shenjun tribe, so that everyone in the Dragon Clan can develop into the top players in Liuguang City!

The crowd returned to the city.

After dinner, go to the auction house, go to the auction house, go shopping, and play pk.

In a rare state of leisure.

Until eight o'clock in the evening, news finally came from the scavengers:

"Brother, according to the brothers lurking in the end of the berserk, they have begun to act!"

"We have people involved in their operations who can report to me in real time."

"Okay." Zhang Yi said: "Push his ID to me, and then I will contact him directly."

Darkness enveloped the earth.

Outside Liuguang City, a group of 100 players are rushing out.

Their levels are distributed around level 119, which is at the level of the first-line players in Streamer City.

They are the 8th-level team from the 50th place in the Liuguang City team list: The Tyrant Family!

It was also tonight, the prey targeted by the berserkers of the end of the world...

In the 100-member group, the leader of the Tyrant family, a level 120 knight man [The Tyrant reloaded is also inside.

Also, everyone else is riding a ground-type mount.

Only this tyrant is reloaded, riding a flaming firebird flying in the low air, it is so much more windy!

Their trip is to prepare to go out to carry out a mission of a hundred-person team.

Unexpectedly, not long after leaving the city, a large group of players who seemed to have been waiting for a long time, rushed out and surrounded by players who were ambushing in the roadside forest!

There are about two or three hundred people, all of them [High-end players of Night March.

The Tyrant family players surrounded by them fell into panic.

The leader of the tyrant family, the tyrant is seated on a firebird in heavy equipment, at the head of the tyrant family players, and asked the surrounding players who marched at night:

"What do you mean?"

On the Ye Marching side, the person in charge of this operation, the vice-captain of the night marching army, a 120-level blue-armored soldier [Ye marching army, the warrior will cut to the chase, point to the Overlord's reloading, and say indifferently:

"Our captain has taken a fancy to your mount and sold that flamingo to us!"

Knowing the status and status of Ye Xingjun in Liuguang City is far from something that their tyrant family can provoke.

Tyrant reloaded and felt a little pressure: "I'm sorry, I didn't plan to sell him."

Relying on his strong family and strong background, the night marchers and generals who did not take a rank 8 team leader who was ranked 50 in the Liuguang City list in the eyes of the night marchers and generals are revealed:

"If you buy it, it's to give you face, don't give shame to labor and capital!"

"One word!"

Ye Marching Army and War General shouted: "If you still want to hang out with Liuguang City in the future, hand over that bird to me!"

Whoa whoa whoa!

Around, the players of the Night March were tensing up and ready to start.

Even if flying mounts are invaluable, they are one in a million.

But for the sake of a mount, ruining the future of an entire team that had just developed after a long time was not worth the loss.

under balance.

Tyrant reloaded and gritted his teeth, and traded the high-quality [Flaming Firebird] to Ye Marching and Warlord.

Get the night march of the firebird, and the warrior will get carried away.

And the tyrant who was still in the encirclement reloaded,

On the other hand, he endured the humiliation and said to the surrounding night marching players: "The mounts are given to you, can we go now?"

The night marching general turned his back and waved his hand.

The next moment, the Night March players were besieging the Tyrant Family players...

In a burst of screams and screams.

I only heard the bully reloading and shouting:

"Night March! You guys who don't keep your word!"

The night marching general laughed: "This is a showdown for you to let you know, even if there is a little thought that is unfavorable to our night march in the future, the result you will all face is what it is."

Having said that, he handed over the players of the Tyrant family to his subordinates.

Night marching warriors can't wait to fight the firebird, and before handing over the firebird to Ye Jintianming, he will also experience the feeling of using a flying mount.

For the first time, the night marcher who used a flying mount and flew into the sky on a flaming flamingo was extremely excited and ecstatic:

"It turns out that flying in the sky is so cool! It's so cool! Hahaha!"

The voice just fell.

Suddenly there was a "roar" in the ear of a dragon!

Immediately, a huge black shadow gradually enveloped the night marching generals.

When he raised his head, he saw a huge fire dragon leaping straight over his head...

The smile on the face of the night marching general came to an abrupt end, and he was instantly stunned.

next second.


A silver streamer descended from the sky and went straight through the body of the night marching general.

The streamer knocked down the ground, and among the crowd of night marchers and the Tyrant family who were exchanging fire, a wave of light radiated around, instantly engulfing dozens of night marching players in a large area.

One after another, a huge amount of damage of more than two million swept the audience, causing all the dozens of night marching players within the range to be stunned.

The Tyrant family player who was in it was chosen as the protection target and was unscathed.

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