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Chapter 866 Rare, Flaming Firebird




The undead storm, the fire and the ice and snow.

The three group skills poured down, covering almost the entire field, causing more than 200 night marching players on the land to be swallowed up.

Under one by one the high damage of one or two million hits.

With the screams one after another, hundreds of white lights shot up into the sky!

Ninety percent of the players in the Night March were directly killed.

The remaining 10% of the relatively thick-skinned knights survived with a trace of qi and blood, but they couldn't resist the hundreds of thousands of burning damage per second caused by the Vulcan Scepter. After struggling for a few seconds, they turned into white light.

blink of an eye.

Except for a few Dragon Clan's inner responders who got out of the battle in the chaos, all the night marching players in the audience were all killed, and not a single one remained.

In the air, the night marching general who had been protected by Zhang Yi's blood lock was only 1 point after the blood bar was destroyed by a streamer.

Before he could react, he was caught by a huge claws along with the firebird.

In the face of the absolute power from the third-order Dragon Emperor, both the Ye marching general and the flamingo had no resistance, and were caught by the minibus and lifted into the sky.

The same are flying mounts.

Compared with the third-order Dragon Emperor Babu, the flaming fire bird is like a chicken in front of the eagle.

on land.

The players of the Tyrant family looked at the countless drops scattered around, thinking that the elite players of the two or three hundred Ye Marching Army had just been wiped out in an instant.

They were all shocked.

He raised his head again and looked at the giant dragon flying far in the air. The shocked expressions on their faces became even deeper:

"My God! This is the elite unit of the night march! Hundreds of people just disappeared?"

"Could it be that just now... Yinuo Qingcheng..."


Unable to move under the shackles of the giant dragon, the night marching general, who was caught like a chicken, was extremely frightened:

"Yinuo allure! What do you want to do with your T code!"

"What else can I do?" Zhang Yi, who was riding on the dragon's back, said lightly, "Of course I want you to sit down on this firebird."

"You already have a dragon in size T, and you still like this bird?"

"You don't care if I like it or not, this bird, I'm going to make a decision."

Relying on the fact that he still had several chances to be resurrected, the night marching general laughed:

"Do you think I'll give it to you? Even if you kill me, I won't give it to you!"

"I know." Zhang Yi replied so easily: "But it doesn't matter, you will change your mind later."

in speech.

Zhang Yi rode a minibus and brought the night marching generals to an abandoned city and settled down.

"Ding~ You have entered the special map [Gray City, magic scrolls are not allowed in the gray city, and you will be resurrected from the dead!"

The system prompts down.

The night marching general, who was still full of disapproval just now, was stunned:

"You already planned it?!"

"What do you think?" Zhang Yi jumped off the dragon's back and looked at the night marching general who fell to the ground in front of him.

Around the major cities, there are many maps with special restrictions.

Before starting tonight's action, Zhang Yi had already locked on the map [Gray City, a place that has the prohibition of resurrection in place of death.

Because he knew that the Firebird fell into the hands of the Night March players, and no matter who got it, they would definitely not give it up.

But on this uncompromising map, there is a high probability of permanent death.

No matter how hard people are, they will be soft.

However, the night marching generals did not directly surrender at the beginning.

He shouted to Zhang Yi:

"This bird was hand-picked by our captain, I can't give it to you!"

"I'm the deputy captain of the Night Marching Army, if you dare to touch me, you dragons will just wait to disappear from the Liuguang City!"

Zhang Yi walked to the night marching general and raised the Vulcan scepter.

Boom boom boom boom!

Fireball, Freezing, Aurora, World Destruction, plus a second World Destruction that refreshes by killing.

Trigger the death-in-place resurrection mechanism of the gray city.

Five attacks will cause five two to three million damage, and kill the night marching generals five times in a row.

Directly kill the night march from level 120 to level 115, killing all his 5 resurrection opportunities.

At this time, Zhang Yi crouched down next to the night marching general and asked lightly:

"Now, is there anything else you want to say?"

The night marching warrior who has had no chance of resurrection, where is the previous toughness.

Trembling all over, he said repeatedly, "I'll give it to you! I'll give you the firebird!"

Having said that, the night marching general really mounted the flaming fire bird and traded it to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi looked at the night marching generals expressionlessly, and said, "You killed my dragon people."

The night marching general was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "That's also under orders, not my original intention! It's our captain's order!"

Zhang Yi nodded: "Then you will be your captain, go down and explore the way first."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yi waved a note to complete the second refresh of the [Destruction of the World], with a 5.6 million crit damage, killing the night marching general who had no chance of resurrection.

Cut weeds and roots to avoid future troubles.

After solving the night marching generals, Zhang Yi left

grey city.

At the same time, in Liuguang City.

A young mage man in a black robe is hugging from left to right, embracing two young and beautiful female players, preparing to enter a hotel.

Suddenly, he was blocked by a soldier player with ID [Ye Marching, King of Qin] overhead.

"Brother Tianming, someone asked me to give you a message and said to meet you at restaurant No. 12."

The level is as high as 121, and the black-robed mage who has exceeded the first-line level of Liuguang City [Ye Jintianming, frowned: "No time, let him have another day!"

Ye Xingjun and King Qin said, "He said that he has something you really want in his hands."

"What I really want?"

Ye Jintianming hesitated, let go of the two women in his arms, and said, "Is it restaurant No. 12?"

With that said, Ye Jintianming turned around and rushed to the No. 12 restaurant in the city.

Just wait until the end of the night and dawn just to leave.

Ye Xingjun and King Qin immediately opened the friend list and sent a message to Yinuo Qingcheng: "Captain, he has passed."

That's right.

This Ye Marching Army, King Qin, is one of the undercover agents Zhang Yi'an inserted in the Ye Marching Army!

After a while, Ye Jintianming came to the No. 12 restaurant.

As promised, in the private room No. 6 on the second floor, he met a silver-robed beastmaster man wearing a mask and hiding all the data on his head.

He didn't even bother to ask the other party's identity.

Ye Jintianming sat down opposite Zhang Yi, and said indifferently, "Are you looking for me?"

Without further ado, Zhang Yi fought the Flaming Firebird from the mount space and went straight to the topic: "As long as you leave the Night March and join my team, I will give you this mount."

See this flaming flamingo.

Ye Jintianming's eyes lit up: "This firebird...why is it on you?"

Zhang Yi did not explain, but continued to ask, "How is it, trade?"

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