Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 867 Super Inner Response: King Qin

Looking at this one-in-a-million, there are more than 40 million players in the entire streamer city, and not many people have a flying mount.

Ye Jintianming was really heartbroken.

Soon, he regained his composure: "Do you think a bird can bribe me?"

Zhang Yi said: "Not only that."

"As long as you promise to join me, I can give you better treatment for the night march."

"What Ye Marching can bring to you, I can give you ten times as much. Come to me, you will have a better future."

Ye Jintianming hesitated and said, "You... let me think about it and answer you in two days, ok?"

"Yes." Zhang Yi said without hesitation.

Ye Jintianming continued, "However, you must at least show me the sincerity of wanting to invite me into your family, right?"

"Why don't you give me this firebird first, anyway, when I enter your family, you will give it to me too."

Ye Jintianming said so casually, he didn't think that this person would give him a priceless flying mount before he was sure to join him.

What he didn't expect was that.

Without thinking about it, Zhang Yi replied, "No problem."

After that, he actually traded the Flaming Firebird directly to Ye Jintianming!

Ye Jintianming laughed: "Brother is bold!"

"You wait, after two days, I will give you a satisfactory answer!"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "I look forward to your joining."

"Let's add a friend." At this time, Ye Jintianming sent a friend request.

Zhang Yi turned on deep hiding and agreed to Ye Jintianming's application.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Jintianming greeted Zhang Yi and left the private room.

Just came outside the restaurant.

Ye Jintianming couldn't help but smile crookedly: "What a simple guy, so easy to deceive!"

"I didn't ask your name, how big your family is, and so on. You can trust me so much. Is this really stupid or fake, hahaha!"

Saying that, Ye Jintianming opened the friend list, looked at the [Deep Hidden] in the list, and smiled crookedly: "Still pretending to be deep? I'm sorry, I'll slip away first, Sayunara~"

After that, Ye Jintianming was about to block Zhang Yi, and after thinking about it, he still stayed.

Maybe later, this person has some useful value.

Think so.

At night and dawn, he fought the Flaming Firebird.


The big bird covered in fire appeared in front of Ye Jintianming, and he couldn't help making the passersby around him salivate.

"It's really cool to ride a bird, hahaha!"

Ye Jintianming smiled and rode on the Flaming Firebird, and then took off into the sky.

Inside restaurant 12.

Room 6 on the second floor.

Ye Jintianming had just left for a while, and Zhang Yi was still in the private room.

The immortality of the dragon clan and the world of dragons walked in from the door.

"Boss, did you really give him the Firebird? Will he really join our Dragon Clan?"

"Of course he wouldn't join the Dragon Clan so easily."

Hear what Zhang Yi said.

Long Xingtian is unbelievable: "Then why give him Firebird? Isn't it free?"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "It is impossible to give for nothing."

Having said that, Zhang Yi opened a video interface, intercepted a video that seemed to have just been recorded, and sent it to the Dragon Clan Immortal.

Looking at the video sent by Zhang Yi, Long Clan Immortal was surprised: "Boss, you recorded the conversation with him just now..."

"Recorded in a third perspective, no one will find out it was me."

Zhang Yi said: "You send this video to King Qin and ask him to show them the boss of Ye Marching Army."

It turned out that Zhang Yi had planned this tonight!

He had known for a long time that a firebird could not buy the night and the dawn.

To deal with people like Ye Jintianming, you have to play a little trick.

So Zhang Yi planned to use this video to make the Ye Marchers doubt and lose trust in Ye Jintianming.

This is the first step.

So, the Dragon Clan Immortal took the lead and met privately with the undercover Dragon Clan who was placed on Ye Xingjun's side. [Ye Xingjun, King Qin, sent him the video recorded by Zhang Yi...

The next morning.

Several heads of state marching in the night were having breakfast in a breakfast shop while discussing matters.

"Dragon clan, is undercover installed?"

The voice of the team leader, Nightcrawler, just fell.

The elite of the team, the archer Ye Marching, Tian Jue said: "It is arranged, but I can't get in... Their Dragon Clan prevents anyone from joining the team..."

Nightcrawler frowned: "They are very vigilant. Is it possible for their people to turn against the water and become ours?"

"It can't be reversed! Their people don't know why, but they are loyal to the dragon clan..."

While talking.

Ye marching army, the king of Qin suddenly came to report:

"Captain, we went to grab the Firebird of the Tyrant family last night, but we were ambushed, the whole team was destroyed, and our vice-captain and general died permanently!"

"What?" Nightcrawler slapped the table, furious: "Who did it?"

"I don't know." Ye Xingjun and King Qin said: "The damage to the opponent is too high, and we were immediately killed before we could see who the enemy was."

"Dare to kill my night marching officer!" The night walker's eyes were wild with killing intent: "Looking for death!"

At this time, Ye Xingjun and the King of Qin continued:

"Then after returning to the city last night, someone found me and asked me to send a message to Ye Jintianming to find him."

"I felt something was wrong. After sending a letter to Ye Jintianming, I quietly followed Ye Jintianming to the place where they met, and saw..."

"See what?" Nightcrawler asked.

Ye Xingjun and King Qin didn't say any more, but came to the side of the night walker and showed the night walker a video.

This video is the video of Zhang Yi and Ye Jintianming trading [Flaming Firebird] in the restaurant's private room last night.

In the video, Ye Jintianming promised to turn his back on Ye Marching and join Zhang Yi's team, but only asked Zhang Yi to give him two days to think about it.

And Zhang Yi gave the firebird to Ye Jintianming.

This video made the Nightcrawler who could only see its surface furious:

"Ye Jin Tianming, you are a jerk, dare to betray me, and be in the company of Yinuo Qingcheng!"

"Captain, do you think this person is Yinuo Qingcheng?" Ye Xingjun and King Qin deliberately pretended to be stupid.

Nightcrawler looked at the video and said, "I'm wearing a mask to hide my ID, do you think I don't know who you are?"

Thinking that it was Yinuo Qingcheng who intercepted the firebird, and also killed the vice captain and general of the night marching army.

Nightcrawler was even more furious.

At this time, Ye Xingjun and Tian Jue said: "Captain, Yinuo Qingcheng has openly attacked us, and even killed a general of our Yexing Army. Should we fight back?"

Nightcrawler gave an order: "Pass my password: Anyone who sees a dragon in the wild, kill without mercy!"

In addition, Night Walker ordered Ye Marching Army and Tian Jue: "Keep an eye on Ye Jin Tianming for the past two days. If he has any changes, let me know immediately!"

"Yes!" Ye Marching and Tian Jue took the lead.

The Night March officially declared war on the Dragon Clan, and started a full-scale attack!

But Ye Xingjun and King Qin quietly told Zhang Yi about Ye Xingjun's actions.

Let Ye Marching suspect that Ye Jintianming's goal has been achieved.

The next step is to make Ye Jintianming and Ye Xingjun completely turn against each other.

To pave the way for him to be driven out of the Night March and finally join the Dragon Clan.

In this regard, Zhang Yi has also formulated special countermeasures.

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