I let you move my dragon clan?

At this moment, Ye Jintianming, who was standing behind Zhang Yi, stared at Zhang Yi with a dull gaze.

I don't know why, when I heard Zhang Yi's words just blurted out, Ye Jintianming felt a warm feeling in his heart.

Has he already regarded himself as his dragon brother to protect him?

But even if he knew that Zhang Yi did this on purpose, the purpose might just be to take this opportunity to win over him.

Zhang Yi's behavior was indeed moved to the end of the night.

That being the case.

Yinuo Qingcheng protects himself like this, but their night marchers don't remember their old feelings and want to put themselves to death.

Don't do it again and again.

Ye Jintianming took a step forward, stood side by side with Zhang Yi, and said to the night traveler:

"Yes, from now on, I am a member of the Dragon Clan!"

The voice just fell.

As the night walker, the night walker, received a team message:

Player Ye Jintianming quit the team...

The opposing Nightcrawler pointed at Ye Jintianming angrily, and said to Zhang Yi, "He can betray my Yexingjun for a little benefit, and one day, he will also betray your Dragon Clan for the same reason!"

Zhang Yi said indifferently: "You don't trust your own people, no wonder others refuse to treat you with sincerity."

After a pause, Zhang Yi glanced at the other side. He had already been crippled by the Night March player, and was still attacking their Night March player's BOSS: Necromancer.

Said to Nightcrawler: "I accept your people. In addition, thank you for the 13-star BOSS sent by my brother."

After he finished speaking, Zhang Yi raised his hand, and this action alone made the Nightcrawler who mistakenly thought Zhang Yi wanted to cast a spell move quickly.

I never thought that Zhang Yi was just a feint.

Nightcrawler froze for a moment.

Zhang Yi smiled faintly. After seeing through the movement of Nightcrawler, a golden fireball technique predicted the next movement of Nightcrawler.


Accurately bombards moving Nightcrawlers.

[The Soul Eater buff has been superimposed 100 layers, and it is in a state of 100% damage bonus.

Bursts a huge amount of damage on the head of Nightcrawler—


5 million single damage without triggering a critical strike.

Once again refreshed Zhang Yi's single highest non-crit damage record!

There is no doubt that Nightcrawler was instantly killed.

All around, several major officials of the Ye Marching Army retreated one after another, staring at Zhang Yi, the "monster", with fearful expressions on their faces.

Zhang Yi raised the scepter of the god of fire that was burning with fire.

Cooperate with the dragon clan to not destroy them.

You are welcome, and kill all the remaining parties in the night marching army!

Immediately afterwards, the target is locked on the BOSS with the remaining 24% HP: Necromancer.

At present, the most advanced BOSS that Zhang Yi has come into contact with and has killed is nothing more than the nine-headed phoenix at level 125 and 13 stars in Purgatory City.

Now this 128-level 13-star BOSS has set the record for the highest BOSS ever encountered by Zhang Yi!

This necromancer is really a charming little cutie!

Think so.

Zhang Yi locked the undead mage, summoned a group of beasts, and launched an attack!

Lv128, 13-star magic necromancer, 400,000 attack, 180,000 defense, 900 million blood.

The super artifact sun, moon and astrolabe can play a role in both day and night, avoiding the embarrassment that Zhang Yi's attack power plummeted when the sun god plate failed before night.

Zhang Yi's attack power of 560,000 can still easily cause heavy damage to the necromancer.

In the surroundings, the Dragon Clan Immortal, Long Xing Tian, ​​they, and the Dragon Clan core group can only cause a dozen or two hundred thousand single damage to the Necromancer.

Zhang Yi waved his staff, and first used a basic attack to trigger the incineration, setting the Necromancer on fire.


Boom boom boom!

Freezing, Aurora, World Destruction, several single-target skills, bursting one after another super high damage on the head of the Necromancer:

-336w! slow down!


-680w crit!

-101w incineration!

-101w incineration...

This kind of damage is really shocking no matter how many times people watch it.

at the same time.

Zhang Yi's Warcraft Group: The soul reaper, undead crossbowmen and dragon blood knights who have reached the same level as Zhang Yi, level 126, launched a siege against the undead mages.

Brush brush brush brush!

Through the previous battle, the talent Hunting Soul has been superimposed to a maximum of 200 layers, obtaining 200% movement speed and attack speed, 100% damage, and the ultimate state of 20% blood-sucking effect.

The Assassin-type Warcraft Soul Reaper is as fast as lightning, walking around the Necromancer, the sword in his hand keeps falling, and brings skill damage between 1.5-2 million on the Necromancer.

The Undead Crossbowman does not have the 100% damage bonus of the Soul Reaper, nor does it have the high attack power of the Soul Reaper's 550,000.

Therefore, his output should be inferior.

Relying on the base of 300,000 in the first hand, the attack power can reach up to 500,000 after attacking and stealing.

A quick shot of arrows can deal 600,000 to 700,000 skill damage to the Necromancer.

This damage is lower than the single 1.17 million damage of the Dragon Blood Knight, and it is already the worst in Zhang Yi's Warcraft Group.

Compared with the surrounding dragon players, it is still strong.

It's a pity that the damage bonus effects that Zhang Yi has can't be applied to monsters.

Otherwise, the damage of the Soul Reaper will definitely be even worse than that of the master Zhang Yi!

The combat power of the entire Warcraft group can also explode on the spot.

Zhang Yi's explosive output, combined with the assistance of the core members of the Dragon family.

Soon, the necromancer, who had only one-third of the blood, was beaten to the last trace of blood!

Instead of killing the Necromancer directly, he deliberately left its last blow to Ye Jintianming.

100 times the money income of the 128-level 13-star BOSS, this big harvest cannot be missed.

Seeing the surroundings of the BOSS, everyone in the dragon clan stopped attacking and retreated.

Ye Jintianming immediately understood what they meant.

Unequivocally, lift a crystal staff and cast spells.


A fireball technique exploded a critical damage of more than 900,000 on the Necromancer, clearing the last trace of blood on the Necromancer's head.

Perhaps it was the previous attack, and the damage was covered by Zhang Yi's damage, which did not attract everyone's attention.

At this moment, the damage of a skill played by Ye Jintianming alone made the surrounding dragon players feel ashamed:

"What a lot of damage!"

Zhang Yi was also a little surprised.

Ye Jintianming's damage is a bit high, you know, even Xingtian doesn't have such high damage!

Using the god-level exploration technique, Zhang Yi found that Ye Jintianming's equipment had reached 12 stars the last time!

Among them, the rings and shoes have reached 13-star quality!

And the enhancement level of the whole body equipment reaches level 25!

Full level reinforcement!

In the absence of god-level enhancement talents, civilian players' equipment enhancement can only reach the level of level 15 at most.

Ye Jintianming's equipment enhancement level has actually reached the full level of 25!

Obviously the quality of skills is not low.

It seems that at the end of the night, the night march is really fattened. Just looking at the data, it can reach the top ten level of Liuguang City's combat power list!

The line of sight shifted to the BOSS.

I saw a mountain of gold coins piled up next to the corpse of the necromancer!

This is really a big mountain!

Around, all the dragon players were dumbfounded.

They have never seen so much gold!

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