The drop of a 128-level 13-star BOSS is not trivial.

In Purgatory City before, the 13-star nine-headed phoenix at level 125 exploded for more than 400,000 gold coins.

And the Necromancer, who took the last blow from Ye Jintianming, triggered a hundred times the talent of money, and exploded a full 50 million gold coins! !


What is this concept?

Even Zhang Yi couldn't help but be shocked.

After all, at this moment, even Zhang Yi's assets are only more than 22 million.

Among them, 20 million were drawn from the Qingming rain.

If you understand the current situation in the world of Apocalypse, you can know:

This is definitely a huge sum of money!

Because at this stage, even if Zhang Yi and the others are in contact with ordinary monsters as high as level 130, the money drop is only 30 gold coins.

The gold coins of monsters around level 125 contacted by ordinary players drop at 20-25.

Killing a few hundred monsters a day, combined with the task, can probably yield 10,000 or 20,000 gold coins.

Among them, half of it will be deducted, and the consumption of potions will be deducted.

The consumption of advanced potions is very large.

It is equivalent to an ordinary player at this stage, who can save up to six or seven thousand gold coins in one day, which is incredible.

The daily income of the first-line high-end players in Liuguang City can barely reach 10,000.

This is still under the premise of not counting other consumption. If you fancy a piece of high-end equipment in the auction house, I am afraid that ten days and a half months of income will not be enough to buy a piece of equipment...

These 50 million gold coins are almost equivalent to the total income of a team of 20,000 to 300,000 players in one day!

Put it in the past, when Ye Jin Tian Ming was on the night marching side.

Every time you kill a boss, all the gold coins are submitted to the team's funds, and the other loot of the boss, no matter what is exploded, will be selected first at night and at dawn.

If you want to keep the night and dawn, you must bring him something better than the night march!

So, Zhang Yi pointed to the drop next to the corpse of the necromancer, and said to Ye Jintianming: "You can take whatever you like from the drop. The other 10% of the gold coins will be yours, and the remaining 90% will be put into the funds of my dragon clan team."

Following Zhang Yi's words, he spoke.

Just when the Dragon Race was immortal, they all thought that with Ye Jintianming's personality, he would definitely swallow all the spoils of the boss except gold coins.

I saw Ye Jintianming walked to the corpse of the necromancer, and picked up a skill book among the piles of drops: "I want this. The rest belong to you."

Everyone was surprised.

Ye Jintianming laughed at the surrounding dragon clan people: "It's a gift for you. New arrival, please take care!"

Saying that, Ye Jintianming summoned a flaming firebird, mounted the firebird, and said to Zhang Yi:

"Captain, I'll go back to the city to hand in the task first!"

Zhang Yi said, "Go."

"Isn't it faster to use the City Return Scroll?"

Ye Jintianming waved his hand: "It's better to fly back."

After that, Ye Jintianming rode a firebird and took off.

Leaving the stunned dragon clan on the land to not destroy everyone.

"Good guy, is he familiar with himself? He adapts so quickly! I am not as calm as a dragon elder than him!"

After saying that, the Dragon Clan Immortal turned to Zhang Yi and said, "Boss, do you want to send someone to watch him? I'm afraid he will sell us to Ye Xingjun again."

"No." Zhang Yi said, "Let him go."

Long Xingtian was shocked: "He just came to our Dragon Clan from Ye Xingjun, can such a person believe so..."

"Yes." Zhang Yi was very determined.

At this moment, the battle news came from Yiqi Juechen:

The 20,000 ambush soldiers of the night marching army have been routed by the 40,000 dragon army. It is estimated that more than half of the casualties were lost, and the rest fled!

Under the leadership of the two vice-captains, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen, the Dragon Clan won a great victory with minimal casualties!

The action tonight went very well.

Not only did they severely suppress Ye Xingjun, but they also avenged Zhang Yi's revenge for oppressing the Dragon Clan before he returned to Liuguang City.

It is even more harvested as a general: the night will end in the dawn!

In contrast, the latter is the top priority.

Because Zhang Yi knew that Ye Jin Tianming would bring endless help to the Dragon Clan!

Everyone thinks that Ye Jintianming is an insatiable greedy person who loves vanity.

In fact, only Zhang Yi knows:

He really is that kind of person...

However, who is not a little greedy.

It's just that Ye Jintianming is a person who does not recognize his six relatives when he is bad, but when he is good, he is like an angel descended to earth.

Whoever is sincere to him, he will be sincere to whomever he is, not really just asking for it.

He had long seen that the Night Marching Army was just taking advantage of his relationship and never really regarded him as a member of the Night Marching Army.

Therefore, the attitude towards the Ye Marching Army has always been condescending. In their team, it has always been an attitude of "I am your team's treasury, no matter what I do, you have to be polite to me".

I often use this to pick up girls who march at night...

Zhang Yi knew Ye Jin Tianming because in his last life, there was a long "glorious history" about Ye Jin Tianming in Liuguang City.

In the last life, Ye Jintianming assisted Ye Marching, but later he was framed by someone, making Ye Xingjun mistakenly believe that Ye Jintianming betrayed him and kicked him out of the team.

Here is a point that needs to be explained: Zhang Yi's actions tonight, to a certain extent, also borrowed from the person who framed Ye Jintianming in the previous life...

It's just that Zhang Yi is not framed, but saves Ye Jintianming.

Because later, Ye Jintianming joined another family.

The people of that family are very kind to Ye Jintianming, treating him as a good brother and family.

It was also at that time that Ye Jintianming also revealed his hidden nature in the bottom of his heart.

He also fully assisted the family, rewarding talent with a hundred times the money, so that the second-tier family gradually jumped into the first-tier family in Liuguang City!

Until later, he was jealous of Ye Marching Army.

That family was expelled by Ye Marching for the strength of the first family in Liuguang City.

Including Ye Jintianming, who was also killed by Nightcrawlers under the name of "traitors".

Zhang Yi just rescued Ye Jin Tianming from Ye Xingjun, and his demeanor as a king made Ye Jin Tianming admire him.

In addition, two nights ago, he unconditionally gave him a priceless flying mount, the Flaming Firebird.

Ye Jintianming, who had just been expelled by the Ye Marching Army, immediately devoted himself to the Dragon Clan, which was a matter of course.

Ride the Firebird back to the city.

Ye Jintianming immediately found and triggered the hidden quest [NPC of the Undead Bone Race: Undead Merchant, Ai Luo.

But it was found: Nightcrawler was leading a group of players who marched at night, guarding Ai Luo!

He knew that Ye Jintianming would definitely come to submit the task, so he was here waiting for Ye Jintianming.

Relying on now is in the safe zone.

At the end of the night and dawn, he took his time and walked to the night walker.

"You are a dog, whoever has meat to eat and whoever goes with you!" Nightcrawler yelled, the scar on his cheek made him hideous.

Ye Jintianming smiled indifferently and said, "Then what are you, a piece of shit that I pulled out after eating meat?"

"Yeah!" Knowing that this was in the safe area, Ye Jintianming couldn't help it, and the night traveler had to resist the urge to kill Ye Jintianming:

"I don't treat you badly in the night marching army, why did you betray me?"

"Being good to me, aren't they using each other?" Ye Jintianming seemed to see through everything: "Besides, I said, I didn't sell you."

Nightcrawler didn't want to explain too much: "You will regret joining the Dragon Clan! Yinuo Qingcheng is just trying to use you to benefit the Dragon Clan!"

"Will you regret watching it later, at least I don't regret it now."

At the end of the night, the dawn and the night traveler pass by.

Come to the undead merchant Ai Luo, trigger the dialogue, and submit the task.

After a while, a beam of golden light fell from the top of his head.

Under the feeding of the legendary hidden quest with 170,000 difficulty, the level of the night has reached an astonishing level of 123!

On the side, the Nightcrawler who was just killed by Zhang Yi and whose level dropped from level 121 to level 120.

Watching the task completed by his own people with great pains and hardships was submitted by Ye Jintianming and received all the rewards.

And in the past, when Ye Jintianming got these quest rewards, he would at least hand over the gold coins to the Ye Marching team's funds.

This time he took all the proceeds.

Nightcrawler almost exploded in rage.

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