Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 873 Because of this mechanism, I designed it!

Lv128 Burial Ground.

After the battle, Zhang Yi and the people from the Dragon Clan began to clean up the spoils.

Except for the 50 million gold coins after triggering the 100-fold increase, and a seemingly orange or red skill book that had been picked up by Ye Jintianming.

As a 128-level 13-star BOSS necromancer, three pieces of equipment were also exploded.

Two of them are 13 stars.

Unconsciously, Zhang Yi came to Liuguang City for more than a week.

When he first arrived, he only had two 13-star weapon rings on his body. Now, except for the 11-star weapon Vulcan Scepter, all other parts have already been 13-star.

For top players like Zhang Yi, the upgrade of equipment must be much faster than that of ordinary players.

After all, according to the equipment list statistics, there are only more than 80 pieces of 13-star equipment in the entire streamer city.

And Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group accounted for 22!

The most important thing is: 13-star equipment can only play 6-7% of the strength of other players.

Because even a top player like Nightcrawler gets 13-star equipment and only strengthens it to around level 15-20.

There is no talent and super talent that can only be strengthened at full level.

One Zhang Yi has 13 stars, and he tops two others.

A 13-star mage/priest outfit for Han Yarou.

There is also a pair of 13-star warrior shoes, so that the dragon clan is immortal and the dragon travels the world.

Lastly is the 12 star assassin pants, given to the scavenger.

After allocating the spoils, Zhang Yi just picked up all the 50 million gold coins that the BOSS exploded and submitted them to the team's funds.

At this moment, two messages popped up in a row on the team message interface:

Team news: Captain [Yinuo Qingcheng handed in 50 million team funds!

Team news: Team members [Ye Jin Tianming handed in 60 million team funds!

At the end of the night, all the gold coins rewarded by the mission were actually submitted to the team's funds!

As the news of these two teams appeared, the chat channel of the Dragon Clan team exploded in an instant:

"Captain is awesome! Who is Brother Ye Jintianming? My mother with 60 million gold coins, where did you get so much money?"

"Too fierce! I've never seen so much money! (color)"

Seeing that the team's funds instantly expanded to 110 million gold coins.

Zhang Yi couldn't help being a little excited.

No wonder Ye Marching Army can develop so well, Ye Jintianming is really not an ordinary vault!

In the future, the dragon clan will be able to help each other in the night and the morning, and they will surely be able to walk smoothly!

in addition.

After successfully attracting until the end of the night, Zhang Yi can also lead the dragon clan to enter the hidden map in the Shenjun tribe and win the ascension!

After you take down this hidden map and get all the ascension, you can kill the Night March.

The Dragon Clan has officially begun to enter the throne of the first family in Liuguang City, swept all the high-level families and dominated Liuguang City!

At seven o'clock in the morning the next day, Zhang Yi gathered the entire army of 40,000 Dragon Clan early, left Liuguang City, and set off for the [Shenjun Tribe.

On the way, the Dragon Race players are all curious and looking forward to it.

"With such a big battle, where is the captain going to take us?"

"Who knows, just follow the big guys!"

Twenty minutes later, the dragon army arrived at the lv130 Shenjun tribe.

The 130-level wild area is full of deterrence for dragon players with an average level of 119-120.

The whole army entered the Shenjun tribe, and under Zhang Yi's explanation, they began to hunt down the level 130 black armored beasts that could be seen everywhere on the map.

The 40,000-strong army of the Dragon Clan was dispatched. This time, it only took a few minutes to kill the black armored beast to refresh the hidden map entrance: an ancient gate.

The gate appeared, and the dragon players surrounded the surroundings one after another, with a novel look on their faces.

There were also people who stepped forward to try, but could not open the door.

And on the door, no one can understand the pattern like oracle bone inscriptions.

Everyone discussed this door:

"It seems that to open the door, you have to decipher the pattern on it. Which brother can understand what is painted on this door?"

A dragon warrior who claimed to have read a lot of ancient books came to the ancient gate and quietly stared at the pattern above for three seconds: "I don't understand, I'm sorry."

"I'm coming! I'll do it!"

In the crowd, another middle-aged bald mage man who claimed to be an archaeologist in the real world ran over, full of confidence, groping for a while, shouting: "I don't understand, next!"

As dozens of people failed to open the door, everyone talked:

"This pattern is too esoteric, it must be the text of an ancient country, and it takes a senior person to decipher it. Our qualifications are too shallow!"

"Yeah, as long as you can understand what the words on it mean, there must be hope. Whoever can open this door is really a god!"

At this time, Zhang Yi brought Ye Jintianming to the ancient gate.

Pointing to the totem engraved on the ancient gate, he said to Ye Jintianming: "Look at it, can you see the pattern on it?"

According to the history of the previous life.

With just one glance, Ye Jintianming saw through the totem copywriting that countless family players couldn't solve, and opened the ancient door for the Ye Marching Army.

But at this moment, it's a little strange: "Looking at you like this, you seem to be very sure that I can open this door?"

"I believe you can."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

Ye Jintianming came to the ancient gate with an attitude of giving it a try.

Looking at the door, there was a gossip pattern surrounded by three lines of text similar to oracle bone script.

I saw Ye Jintianming didn't even read the words at all, and stretched out his hand, like playing mahjong, and pushed all the small words around him into the gossip map.

Immediately afterwards, the gossip map was pushed.


The door... is open!

Everyone around them dropped their jaws in shock.

The dragon next to the world is unbelievable: "This... is also possible??"

Ye Jintianming stood up and clapped his hands: "Small meaning, you are thinking too deep, how can it be so difficult to understand."

At this time, Zhang Yi asked, "How did you crack it?"

Ye Jintianming looked back at Zhang Yi, and said with a smirk, "Because this pattern mechanism was designed by me."

After speaking, everyone, including Zhang Yi, was staring in disbelief.

At the end of the night, the first to push the door in...

"This guy... won't be the Apocalypse designer?"


Without further ado, everyone followed into the ancient gate.

After entering the ancient gate, you need to pass through an ancient street corridor.

Proceed in the corridor.

Long Xingtian couldn't bear the curiosity, and asked Ye Jintianming: "Brother, did you participate in Tianqi's design?"

"No." Ye Jintianming said: "I have a friend who is one of the designers of Apocalypse. He designed the plot of the Shenjun tribe. At that time, he was racking his brains to think of a door-locking mechanism. If there is something compelling, I will help him think of one."

"I didn't expect it, it's the mechanism of the door just now~"

Looking at the stunned crowd, Ye Jintianming smiled "giggling": "How about it, is it strong enough?"

Zhang Yi also finally understood why the totem that no one else could understand was cracked at a glance at night and day...

Soon, everyone entered an open space through the light curtain at the end of the corridor.

In front of the line of sight, a huge city is located on a wilderness!

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