Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 874 Hidden Map: The Capital of God

"Ding~ Congratulations on entering the hidden map [God City!"

As the system prompt fell, everyone in the dragon race looked at the huge city in the distant field and was shocked.

"Hide the map!"

"Good guy! Looking at the scale, this is still a big hidden map! The captain actually brought us to hide the map!"

After entering the hidden map area, it can be seen.

According to the description of the [Shendu Map]:

The Shenjun tribe, originally one hundred years ago, one of the seven war gods of the human race, the [Warrior God Tianyi] trained the gods.

Later, he was attacked by the alien [Fourth Generation Alien King Zaki, the god army was destroyed, the remnant soul was alienated and fell into darkness.

They became Zaki's forces, stationed in the capital of the gods, only waiting for Zaki to lead them and invade Liuguang City one day...

Stopped a mile outside the city.

Looking at the gods in front of them, sitting in the darkness, with countless crows swirling above their heads.

In addition to being shocked, the Dragon Clan Immortal asked: "Boss, what are the characteristics of this hidden map, do you have multiple experience?"

Zhang Yi shook his head: "Multiple experience is useless, and high level does not mean strong strength."

Shendu, but a place that can be used to greatly improve the combat effectiveness of players!

After a pause, Zhang Yi said: "If you remember correctly, the monsters here should be able to drop a very rare set of equipment."

In Zhang Yi's impression, in the last life, after the Night March players won the capital of God, they were equipped with a powerful suit, and the team members soared!

In addition, within the capital of God, there is also a super hidden mission!

According to the complaints after he led the night marching army out of the city of God in the previous generation, he found the hidden mission, but unfortunately it was too difficult to complete, and he missed an opportunity to achieve greater improvement in vain!

Without further ado, the whole army attacked the capital of God.

On the way, King Glory suddenly ran to Ye Jintianming's side, hehe smiled and said, "Dude, may I ask, where is your designer friend now?"

"Like those who didn't enter the game at the beginning, they were obliterated by Apocalypse."

Ye Jintianming's answer made people think deeply.

It seems that Apocalypse realizes that the existence of such people will affect the balance of Apocalypse's world, so they are directly obliterated.

As to who, or what, is manipulating all this, it is unknown.

Perhaps, it has something to do with the "main god".

At the same time, Ye Jintianming's answer also made King Glory dispel the idea of ​​seeking some benefits through Ye Jintianming's designer friend...

Soon, the army arrived at the city.

Led by Zhang Yi and the core group, the army passed through the huge city gate and entered the city one after another.

This is an ancient human capital.

The city was a mess, the ancient wooden buildings on both sides of the street were in a state of decay, and spider webs were all over the place.

In the huge city, there are countless humanoid monsters wearing ice armor and holding swords and shields:

Lv130 God Warrior!

What God has in the capital is not just the soldiers of the god army.

The God Army is a comprehensive army that integrates the power of the Seven Great War Gods.

Except for the soldiers of the gods.

In Shendu, there are also Shenjun mages, Shenjun assassins, Shenjun knights, etc., which are located in different areas.

Locked in front of the line of sight of a soldier of the gods who was wandering on the street.

The 120-level warrior dragon clan was immortal and drew his sword and stood up: "Brothers, it's time to hunt."

The voice just fell.

The dragon army quickly formed a team of 5 people, freely formed 8,000 raiding teams, and then spread out in the Shendu map.

Target the rare suits in Zhang Yi's mouth and attack those gods!

On Zhang Yi's side, he simply cooperated with the World of Warcraft group and started the single-play mode.

Because in addition to hunting these gods, Zhang Yi has another more important purpose: to find the hidden mission in the map of Shendu.

Zhang Yi walked along the street alone.

In front, a warrior of the divine army galloped towards Zhang Yi with a sword and shield in his hand.

Under Zhang Yi's order.

The Dragon Blood Knight opened the [Dragon Emperor Bodyguard and the [Dragon Blood Shield] and rushed over.

Soon, get in close contact with the soldiers of the god army.


With a crisp sound, the warriors of the God Army slashed the shield with one sword, causing a damage of up to 450,000 on the head of the Dragon Blood Knight!

This injury made Zhang Yi's heart tremble.

The Dragon Blood Knight, who has reached the level of 126 and 12 stars, has a physical defense of up to 200,000!

I turned on the God-level exploration technique and took a look, and found that the ordinary monsters of the gods actually possess an epic talent [War God's Might, which increases damage by 50%!

Coupled with the level 130 monster, the attack power is not bad.

It turns out that this is the reason for the high damage of the soldiers of the God Army.


When the Dragon Blood Knight is attacked, trigger the Dragon Blood Body.

With a total HP of 3.9 million, it brought a high amount of damage of 1.48 million to the top of the soldier's head!

At this time, the soul reaper has approached the past.

The figure shuttles back and forth around the warriors of the divine army like a ghost, and the hunter's sword in his hands keeps slashing, leaving 13,400,000 injuries on the warriors of the divine army.

The attack of the undead crossbowmen can also drive one by one five or six

100,000 damage.

Zhang Yi made an extraordinary move.

At the same time, the God Slaying Art and the Burning Heaven Jue were activated, and the Fireball Art, Freezing Art, and Aurora Art was greeted, and bursts of super-high damage of two to three million were exploded on the soldiers of the Divine Army!

With 40 million HP, the blood bar above his head dropped rapidly.

In the surrounding area, the other players of the Dragon Clan cooperated in a team of five to kill a Divine Army soldier.

On Zhang Yi's side, it took him more than ten seconds to kill a soldier of the God Army.

Soon, another god soldier came to block it.

The soldiers of the God Army kept coming, killing one after another, seriously hindering Zhang Yi's progress.

Simply, Zhang Yi summoned the minibus directly, rode a fire dragon into the air, and took advantage of the high altitude to find the mission hidden in the capital of God.

I have to say that the gods are really big, almost worth half a second-tier main city!

You must know that the second-level main city can accommodate up to 50 million players!

The city is full of gods, and Zhang Yi has not found any NPCs that can be used to trigger tasks.

While Zhang Yi was looking for a mission, the rest of the Dragon Clan were also working hard to hunt down the Divine Army, hoping to get rare suits.

At this moment, a message sounded on the team channel:

[Dragon, Glory (male, human, level 120 warrior, member): "Brothers, we have a suit here! [Armor of the God of War (Illustration)"

[God of War armor: lv130 warrior armor, 13 stars, one of the warrior god of war suits (seven pieces), seven-piece set effect: damage +50%!

See the equipment illustration that Dragon Clan Glory sent to the team.

Immediately, the rest of the dragon race became excited:

"My God! Ordinary monsters directly explode 13-star suits?!!"

"Good guy, it's still a seven-piece series! Most of the suits I've been in contact with before are three- or four-piece sets."

"Cow, ah, ah, if we make a set of this suit by hand, wouldn't it take off!"

As a result, the raiding teams continued to hunt down the divine army within the capital.

Finally found:

The warrior of the god army can drop the warrior's god of war suit, and the seven-piece suit +50% damage.

Divine Army Mage can drop the Mage's Mage God suit, seven-piece suit +50% magic attack.

The priest of the army can drop the priest's faun suit, and the seven-piece suit has +50% healing effect.

The Assassin of the God Army can drop the Assassin's Killing God suit, the seven-piece suit +80% movement speed and 20% crit rate.

The Knight of the God Army will drop the Knight's Patronus suit, seven-piece suit +50% HP.

The archer of the God Army drops the archer's bow god suit, the seven-piece suit +80% attack speed, 20% crit rate.

The Beast Master of the God Army will drop the Demon God suit of the Beast Master, and the seven-piece suit will increase all the attributes of all monsters by 30%.

Gods series set, simply powerful!

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