Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 875 Magic Scroll: Drop Amplification

No wonder the last night marchers took off after winning the hidden profession of Shendu.

If everyone has a set of 13-star gods suits, no matter which team it is, it will be difficult not to take off!

The suit is strong.

It's a pity that its burst rate is too low.

After all, the 13-star suit of ordinary monsters is a bit incredible.

Because 13-star ordinary equipment is very rare, not to mention suits.

Even the level of this gods suit greatly limits its value.

When the 13-star equipment is placed in the entire streamer city with no more than 100 pieces, it can be called an artifact.

But the gods suit usage level is up to level 130.

When the general level of streamer city players reaches level 130, it is estimated that it will be at least a month later.

At that time, it is estimated that fifteen or sixteen star equipment has come out, and 13 star equipment is not as valuable as it is now.

Forty thousand dragons and eight thousand teams killed monsters synchronously, killing eight thousand gods in each round. After one round, only eight or nine pieces of god equipment could be revealed.

On average, the explosion rate is only 1 in 1,000!

In the process of hunting the Divine Army, King Glory exclaimed: "The explosion rate of this equipment is too low, it has to be killed until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon before we can get a suit together!?"

Strange indeed.

Even if it is rare, the explosion rate of this set of gods will not be so low.

Otherwise, in the last life, even if it was a night march, it would be impossible for everyone to have a set of gods in two or three months.

If this is the case, after two or three months, the 130-level 13-star gods suit will be scrapped long ago.

But in fact, the collection of the gods' suits in the last life of the night march was not so slow.

Description: The collection of gods suits must be organic!

With this idea in mind, Zhang Yi expanded his search scope.

Taking advantage of the high altitude, Zhang Yi suddenly discovered that behind the capital of God, there is actually a somewhat hidden military base, located in the darkness!

Zhang Yi rode a minibus and flew outside the base.

What caught my eye was a mechanical door in the base room.

This door is not closed by the special mechanism like the entrance to the God Capital, Zhang Yi pushed the door directly and entered.

At the moment of stepping into the base full of high-tech atmosphere, a powerful deterrent force came oncoming.

at the same time.

A map announcement descended from the sky and spread to the corner of the Shendu map——

"Ding~ Since the player broke into the alien military area, the alien [Galaxy Guard Corps is about to attack, please be prepared!"

Zhang Yi, who has only stepped into a front foot and has not followed his back foot, is a good guy!

In this military base, there is an alien army lurking!

Dropped by the system prompt.

The Dragon Race players who are brushing the Divine Army in the capital city are all confused and don't know what happened.

On Zhang Yi's side, he heard the sound of "boom boom boom" footsteps like a thousand troops attacking.

Looking around, in front of the line of sight, a large group of alien warriors dressed in silver light armor and holding beam guns [Guardians of the Galaxy, the lineup came out of the military base in an orderly manner!

"Intruder, kill!"

Following the lead of a level 125 [Galaxy Guard gave an order, after countless Galaxy Guards entered the shooting range, they lifted the beam gun and aimed at Zhang Yi at the entrance of the base.

Boom boom boom!

Dozens of blue lasers shot at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi immediately took off on the minibus, avoiding all attacks for a while.

In the air, Zhang Yi suddenly found:

I just saw that the military base was still empty. At this moment, all of them are Galaxy Guardians, and the number of them is hundreds of thousands!

Those galaxy guards poured out of the base one after another.

Soon, it was all over the surrounding area of ​​Shendu City!

They didn't step into the capital, they just wandered around.

Zhang Yi looked at these Guardians of the Galaxy, and his first instinct was: Maybe the opportunity lies in them!

Otherwise, on the map of the God Capital, these monsters that do not belong to the God Army will not appear for no reason.

And their level is only 125, which makes people suspicious.

Therefore, Zhang Yi chose a place on the land where the density of monsters was relatively sparse, and settled down.

The data of level 125 monsters is much lower than that of level 130 monsters.

These Guardians of the Galaxy are even lower than the 126-level Zhang Yi, with only 250,000 attacks, 150,000 defenses, and more than 25 million blood.

For Zhang Yi, it is like an ant.

After the flight range.

Zhang Yi directly cast the spell, and the streamer extinguished the ground and burned the prairie together with the three group skills of the undead storm to cover the monster group.

Boom boom boom!

A large area of ​​two to three million damage jumped from the top of the dozens of Guardians of the Galaxy within the range.

When Zhang Yi landed on the minibus, the Galaxy Guards in the surrounding large area had all been beaten to pieces of blood!

And every second, there will be a constant threat of more than one million burning damage.

Don't wait for those Guardians of the Galaxy to fight back.

At this time, the shadow flickered.

The Soul Reaper was as fast as lightning, piercing and killing the bloody Galaxy Guards around Zhang Yi.

Harvest the audience with one or two million damages


With Zhang Yi's quick attack of one to three, he instantly killed dozens of Galaxy Guardians around him!

At this time, Zhang Yi found:

Next to the corpses of the Guardians of the Galaxy, there are white magic scrolls falling!

It's not surprising that normal monsters drop magic scrolls.

It's just that the explosion rate is so high, and every monster explodes the scroll. This is the first time Zhang Yi has seen it!

By having a group of monsters to block the attacks of other Galaxy Guardians around.

Zhang Yi picked up one of the scrolls at will:

[Drop Amplification (Ordinary Magic Scroll):

Description: After use, increase the income of killing monsters for 1 hour, 1.1 times the experience gold, and 1.5 times the equipment drop.

Remarks: This item can only be used on the Shendu map, and each player can use up to 100 pieces for life (no matter what quality can only use up to 100 pieces), and every 5 low-level booster scrolls can be combined into a high-level.

Zhang Yi now understands why it was so easy for players who marched on the night march in the last world to collect the gods suits.

The 130-level God Army is too difficult to challenge.

Level 125 monsters are also suitable for current level 119-120 dragon players to level up.

If you first use these Guardians of the Galaxy to collect a large number of dropped booster scrolls, then use the booster scrolls to farm the Gods.

It must be much easier to collect the sets of gods!

So, Zhang Yi immediately issued an order on the team channel to summon all the players of the Dragon Clan who were killing the God Army in the God Capital!

Kill the target and switch from level 130 God Army to level 125 Guardian of the Galaxy.

The difficulty of killing monsters for all members of the Dragon Clan has also been reduced a lot.

And Zhang Yi, for the time being, did not kill these Guardians of the Galaxy.

Because for Zhang Yi, the level of these galaxy guards is too low, Zhang Yi can't gain much experience, and he can't improve the proficiency of the Vulcan Scepter by killing monsters with a lower level than himself.

When all the Dragons marched into the Galactic Guard Corps.

Zhang Yi entered Shendu, trying to find a super hidden mission hidden in Shendu.

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