The next goal was established:

All members of the Dragon Race target the 125-level Guardian of the Galaxy, and they will drop the booster scroll first.

Because the drop booster scrolls can be synthesized and upgraded, and each person can only use up to 100 scrolls in their lifetime.

Therefore, under the condition of limited number of uses, it is natural to use the more advanced the better.

According to the setting: every 5 low-level scrolls can be combined into 1 high-level,

Different grades, the effect difference should not be underestimated:

Normal level: 1.1 times the experience gold, 1.5 times the equipment drop.

Premium Level: 1.3x experience gold, 3x equipment.

Rare: 1.5x experience gold, 5x equipment.

Epic: 2x experience gold, 10x equipment.

Legendary: 3x experience gold, 20x equipment.

The legendary level is already the highest, and to synthesize a legendary level scroll, 625 ordinary level are required!

It is enough to ensure that all the Dragon Clan members can get 100 epic drop booster scrolls out.

Because even if everyone collects 100 epic cards, it is a huge project.

Legendary level is more difficult, there is no ability, and there is no need to do it.

By the time 100 epic-level drop boosters are collected, almost all of the Dragon Clan members have reached about level 125.

Just using the level and strength at that time to brush the level 130 God Army, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.


So, in order to get through the map of the gods as soon as possible, I took down the gods suit.

All 40,000 members of the Dragon Clan spend their days in the capital, killing the Guardians of the Galaxy day and night, and brushing the booster scrolls.

At the same time, avoid exposing the location of the hidden map of Shendu.

If you are not tired enough, you will set up a tent in a safe area around the capital of God.

Eat dry food when you are hungry.

If the supply of potion is not enough, there will be a special group of 100 people who will return to the city to purchase it instead of all the Dragon Clan members.

If the equipment durability is too low, repair it with repair gems.

Only when the survival mission is started, will it be divided into batches, leaving Shendu in the middle of the night every day, when the night is the quietest, and go out to perform the survival mission and then come back.

All members of the Dragon Clan began to retreat and practice!

And when the rest of the Dragon Race brushed the Guardians of the Galaxy day and night and collected the booster scrolls.

On Zhang Yi's side, he only allocated three hours a day to brush the booster scrolls.

Level 125 monsters are really not difficult for him to kill, they can't even break through the defense of Soul Reaper.

Zhang Yi brushed for three hours, which was almost equivalent to a dragon player brushing for two days!

In addition, Zhang Yi spends the rest of the day in the capital.

Flying in the sky will make Zhang Yi miss many details in the city.

In order to find a hidden mission hidden in the capital of God.

Zhang Yi took the land and searched in a carpet style, not letting go of any corner of Shendu.

On the way, they also hunted the Divine Army.

For the outside world, players in Streaming City.

The Dragon Race players and the "Dragon King" who had just returned to Liuguang City, as if they had evaporated, suddenly disappeared collectively in Liuguang City!

In the last battle at the Boneyard, Ye Marching lost the BOSS and the "treasury", and was killed by the Dragon Clan. It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his soldiers.

Now that the dragons "disappeared", the most maddening thing is them.

The seventh day of the Dragon Clan's "disappearance", a whole week.


In Liuguang City, the night marching army rented a conference hall in the city.

Nightcrawler, sitting around a round table with several officials of the Night Marching Army, started a meeting.

"What happened to the dragon clan these days, they moved to the city?"

Following the vice-captain, the magician [Night March, Dictator's voice just fell.

The elite of the team, the archers [Ye March, Tian Jue slammed on the table, gritted their teeth and said, "I haven't asked them to settle the account last time, but I can't let them run away like this!"

"I didn't run, they are still in Liuguang City."

Nightcrawler looked at a status panel in front of him and said, "From the major rankings, you can still see their names."

"Haha!" Nightcrawler and Tian Jue sneered: "Then they are probably hiding from us, for fear of our revenge!"

"After all, there are only 40,000 of their Dragon Clan. Even if the one who promises to conquer the city is worth 10,000, they should be regarded as 50,000. How can they be against our army of 160,000 people marching at night?"

in speech.

Another vice-captain, the warrior [Night Marching, Killer said: "They are indeed still in the city, and a brother in the team said that it seems that by chance two nights, they saw the dragon people go out of the city, and they are going to find their way. The main force, but every time they go out, they disappear in a place called the [Divine Army Tribe]."

"God Army Tribe?"

Nightcrawler opened the map, searched for the Shenjun tribe, and after determining the location, he got up immediately: "Go, go and see!"

So, in order to avoid scare the snakes, the night walker came to the Shenjun tribe late at night with only a few officials.

It happened at this time that a hundred people from the Dragon Clan came to the Divine Army Tribe!

Nightcrawlers deliberately avoided them.

I saw that the hundred dragon players entered the Shenjun tribe, and without a word, they directly hunted down the monster in the map: the black armor beast.

Mo about ten minutes later

, an ancient door appeared in the Shenjun tribe.

The Nightcrawlers and the others saw the Dragon Clan Hundred People Group enter the ancient gate!

I thought that I finally found the place where the dragons were hiding.

Nightcrawler and the others also ran in quickly, but before they came to the ancient gate, they watched the ancient gate disappear!

Several people stopped at the place where the ancient gate disappeared.

Nightcrawler was pleasantly surprised: "I finally know where they are hiding. It turns out that there is also a hidden map here! They are hiding in the hidden map, and they are vulgar!"

The Night Marcher and Killer said, "They must have closed the door from the other side!"

"Just now they activated that door by killing monsters, let's come too!"

Having said that, the Nightcrawlers immediately began to hunt down the level 130 monsters in the Shenjun tribe, the black armored beasts.

As the core group of the night marching army, several people are very strong.

But it took nearly half an hour to kill before finally brushing out of the ancient gate!

Several people excitedly ran to the ancient gate and were stopped by the organ totem on the ancient gate.

"What is this? Do you need to solve the problem to open the door?"

The night marching and dictator who looked like a military advisor rolled up his sleeves and walked over: "Small idea, leave it to me, and I'll open the door!"

after an hour……

Several people stood in front of the door, each with a look of despair.

"What Mayan language is this? I can't open it after trying all the methods!"

Even, Nightcrawler sent a screenshot of the pattern on the ancient gate to the Liuguang City chat area to solve the bounty. Countless players in Liuguang City came up with ideas together, tried hundreds of schemes, and finally failed to open the door...

Nightcrawler they gave up completely.

Just when everyone didn't know how to open the door.

Nightcrawler suddenly had a plan and opened the friend list...

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