Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 884 Entering the Divine Capital!

The night marching army is gathering the whole army, and it is expected to march into the capital in half an hour!

When they got this news, everyone panicked.

Because at this moment, the Dragon Clan is not yet ready to formally deal with the Night March!

"According to our current speed, the fastest, it will take four or five hours to complete the task."

Ye Jintianming quickly made statistics: "We can't leave Shendu before this, the retreat has been cut off. We need someone to hold them for a few hours for us, wait for us to solve the task, whether to withdraw or kill, and then make a decision."

At this time, a nearby Dragon Knight player who did not participate in this mission shouted:

"Captain, you continue to carry out the task, let us hold the night march!"

The immortal dragon clan frowned: "We only have 40,000 people. I'm afraid we won't be able to hold them for that long before equipping the gods' suits."

in speech.

Yiqi Juechen looked around and said, "Using the advantage of the terrain, maybe."

Indeed, the dragon clan now has a relatively big advantage, that is, the capital of the gods!

The city walls of Shendu are dozens of meters high. As long as the four city gates in the south, south, and northwest are guarded, those who march at night cannot enter.

"With a defensive stance, combined with the assistance of this city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, there should be no problem in delaying the night march."

The scavenger analyzed: "But I am afraid that in the end, our losses will be immeasurable."

Immortal Dragon suddenly punched the wall: "Damn, why did they let them crack the entrance at this time?"

"The top priority, no matter what, we must hold them back, and we must not let them enter the capital and destroy our mission!"

Long Xingtian said: "We have worked hard for so long, this task, we can't fail!"

As the vice-captain, Longxingtian immediately ordered the entire army on the team channel Aite:

"Brothers, the Ye Marching Army is about to invade, our mission is to defend the capital of God, don't let them in, we will defend the Dragon Clan together!"

"If there is a brother who has run out of resurrection opportunities, please use the City Return Scroll to return to the city as soon as possible!"

"Our mission is to defend! Don't attack, try to minimize casualties!"


The army leads.

Before the night marches invaded, they immediately began to set up their formations.

The 40,000 members of the Dragon Clan were quickly divided into four groups, one for every ten thousand people on average, and they were stationed at the four gates in the south, south, north and west of the Shendu.

A large number of high-level knight players formed several lines of defense at the city gate.

On the arrow tower above the city wall, there are countless senior archers and magicians stationed.

This is indeed a pure natural, easy to defend and difficult to attack good place!

The entire army of the dragon clan, lined up in formation, is ready to fight!

As for Zhang Yi, and those who carried out the mission in the name of the God of War, under the protection of the 40,000 brothers of the Dragon Clan, they continued to hunt down the God Army at the fastest speed in the city.


Before half an hour, the night marching army came!

Whoa whoa whoa!

I saw countless rays of white light falling from one mile away from the capital city.

Night marching players, one after another, pass through the portals in the Shenjun tribe and enter the hidden map of the gods territory!

Almost at the frequency of 100 lights per second, the night marching players rushed in frantically, more and more people, more and more...

Just wait for the Nightcrawler to lead the night marching army into this long-awaited hidden map.

Seeing the front, the huge city [God Capital, which is located in a wilderness, can't help but be excited.

"The people of the dragon family must be in that city!"

"Brothers, it's time for revenge!"

"Invade that city, and anyone who sees the dragons will be killed without mercy!"


With the order of Nightcrawler.

The army of hundreds of thousands of night marching players sent in one after another approached the gods with overwhelming momentum...

God is here.

The ten thousand dragon people stationed on the east gate side only felt shaken for a while.

Looking at the darkness ahead, the night marching army swarmed like a swarm of ants, and the atmosphere became tense.

Everyone clenched their weapons tightly, staring straight ahead, ready to fight at any time.

At present, the night march has not yet entered the whole army.

Almost 100,000 people approached.

100,000 people, what is the concept?

100,000 people gathered together, covering an area the size of two football fields!

This posture is really overwhelming!

On the way, those 125-level Galaxy Guards could not resist the advance of the Night March, and they were crushed into slag.

Soon, the night marching army of 100,000 troops had already approached the city.

God Capital, East Gate.


I don't know who heard the cry.

Rows of high-level dragon knights slammed the ground, forming a tight line of defense, blocking the city gate.

next moment.

The first Night March players are already in range.

The leader, the 129-level assassin Nightcrawler waved his hand and gave an order: "Kill!"

swoosh swish...

boom boom boom...

In the rear, the night marching mage shooters launched long-range shots.

It caused countless sharp arrows and orbs to fall on the dragon knight players stationed in front of the city gate.

Under the effective protection of the shield, plus the thick skin of the knight


Those attacks only caused hundreds of thousands of damage to Dragon Knight players.

For these levels up to level 130, even higher than the level of the night marcher captain.

Dragon knight players with four or five million HP in general cannot pose a fatal threat.

at the same time.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Countless green lights scattered.

Behind these knights, a large number of dragon priest players in the city are under the spell casting treatment.

A large patch of green treatment of more than ten to two hundred thousand quickly restored the blood of the knights.

Makes the attack of the night marching players, the threat is greatly reduced!

While the Night March players launched their attacks, the Dragon Clan did not stand and be beaten.

Above the ten-meter-high city wall, hundreds of dragon archers and players attacked at the same time, and thousands of arrows were fired!

Whoosh whoosh!

The rain of arrows covered the city, shrouded in a large number of night marching players.

Mixed with screams, dozens of white lights immediately lit up in the night walker formation!

The night marching players' counterattacks were effectively protected by the arrow tower, and very few of them were able to attack the dragon archer players who were in the arrow tower.

This scene made the 129-level mages marching at night and the dictators in the crowd stunned:

"Damn! They actually used this city as a terrain advantage!"

On the other hand, the 129-level soldiers marching at night and killing killers said thoughtfully: "We attacked with the whole army, and they have no intention of escaping, and they are still defending this city, and their Dragon Clan captain and deputy captain officer level people, I didn't see a single one."

"Is there a big boss hidden in the city, their main force is fighting the boss with all their strength, so they sent people to hold us back and prevent us from entering the city?"

"Didn't I say before that Ye Jintianming received the god-level hidden quest that triggered the full server announcement? It is estimated that they are carrying out the quest in the city!"

The words of the night marching and the murderer awakened the dreamer.

The Nightcrawler hurriedly shouted:

"Split up and attack from four gates at the same time!"

"Enter the city with the fastest speed!"

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