Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 885 They haven't been beaten for ten days

Because the dragons take advantage of the terrain, they use the city of the gods as shelter.

The players of the Night Marching Army had difficulty in attacking the east gate, so they divided their troops into four routes, attacking the city from the east, west, north and south gates respectively.

I just didn't expect that the Dragon Clan had already sent heavy troops to guard the four city gates.

Of course, the night march has a greater advantage, that is, there are many people.

One after another, the night marching army has been sent in by the entire army.

The army of 160,000 was divided into four groups, each with 40,000 people.

And the four city gates of Shendu, each of which is guarded by only 10,000 people.

On 10,000 people, how to compete with 40,000 people?

Taking advantage of the advantage of the number of people, the Ye Marching army, regardless of losses, followed one after another, rushing towards the dragon players stationed outside the city gate like a tiger.

Because they all know that the dragon clan is so stubbornly guarding the capital of the gods, there must be opportunities in this capital!

This opportunity is about the god-level hidden quest that Ye Jintianming received: The Name of the God of War!

Even if they can't get it, they will destroy this mission from the hands of the Dragon Race!

Even with the protection of the city, the casualties of the dragon race were only half that of the night march.

The speed of their casualties is also very fast.

The dragon knight players at the gate of the city could not resist the violent invasion of the night marching army, and they fell one after another.

Inside the city, the knights or warriors of the dragon clan who were ready to substitute immediately rushed to the outside of the city to fill the vacancy and continued to defend the city gate.

No matter how heavy the casualties are, they will not easily abandon any city gate, nor will they put players who march at night into the city.

Inside the city of God.

Ten teams frantically slaughtered the army of gods.

Seeing the task progress from 284,000 to 286,000, then to 28.9, 29.5...

Before you know it, there are only 3,000 soldiers left to complete the task!

By this time, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

The night march has been sieging the city for more than three hours!

The dragons guarded for three hours!

If the PK is carried out in an open space, I am afraid that at this moment, the dragon family has already been wiped out.

Because of the protection of the city, the dragons mainly focus on defense, and the losses are not too heavy until now.

According to statistics: the casualties of each city gate remained at two or three thousand, and the overall loss reached ten thousand!

When you are in the city, you can also hear the fierce fighting and screams from the four surrounding city gates.

The white light constantly rising into the sky from four positions is clearly visible.

The dragon clan who are brushing the army of the gods will not destroy them, and they are all furious.

"Ye marching gang! I really want to rush out and kill them!"

"Don't be impulsive!"

As the King's Glory voice just fell.

Storm Angel said: "The sacrifices of the brothers are all to ensure that we can successfully complete the mission."

"We still have to focus on the task. No matter what, we must complete the task first before we are worthy of the sacrifice of our brothers!"

talking room.


The Storm Angel shot and killed a beastmaster of the Remnant Blood God Army with one arrow.

Mission Notice: Ding~ The progress of the mission has reached 29.8w/30w, and the remaining 2000 kills can complete the mission. Players, please make persistent efforts!

Long Xingtian said excitedly: "There are only 2,000 brothers left. According to our current speed, we can finish it in less than an hour! Everyone, work hard!"

at this time.

A message came from the team channel:

"Captain, the North Gate is lost... Brothers did their best..."

"The army of the night marching army has rushed in along the north gate, and we can't stop it..."

Seeing this news, the Dragon Clan Immortal was shocked, and then said: "I'm going to help the brothers in the North Gate!"

At this time, Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian came out: "You stay, let's go."

"You all stay with me." Zhang Yi said, "I'll go."

After that, Zhang Yi called Babu directly.

Leaving behind the group of monsters, they rode Babu alone and took off.

At the same time, the North Gate of Shendu.

Under the leadership of the deputy captain, the 129-level soldier Night March and Killer, the night marching army drove straight in along the north gate that had been lost.

The dragon players lost the protection of the city, and under the huge difference in the number of the two sides, they could not resist the invasion of the night march.


With the march of the night, the killer slashed over a dragon warrior player with one sword.

He stepped on the dragon warrior, looked into the depths of the gods, hummed and said with a smile: "You have been defending for so long, until you fall, and you haven't seen the captain and vice-captain come out to help you, it seems that they are really doing it here. What an earth-shattering event!"

"Let me see, what is your captain doing?"

As he said that, just as the night marcher and the killer raised his long sword, he was about to stab the bloodless dragon warrior player under his feet.


Floating in the air, a dragon roar suddenly came!

"Yinuo Qingcheng is here!" This was the first reaction of all Night March players after hearing Long Ming.

When I raised my head, I saw a huge fire dragon leaping towards this side from above the center of the city of God!

Ye Marching and Killer smiled indifferently: "Finally dare to fight?"

Then, he waved his hand and ordered: "Brothers, Zhu Yinuo, kill the giant dragon!"

This time, all players of the Night March have no


Because this time, they are all out!

Forgive him, no matter how invincible the city is, it is impossible to defeat the army of 160,000 players who marched overnight!

This time, the Ye marching army is bound to win, and they will definitely destroy the dragon clan, including Yinuo Qingcheng!

Before waiting for Zhang Yi in the sky to approach.

On the north gate side, the night marching players quickly lined up.

Countless mage shooters prepare for the air.

And every mage shooter is equipped with a night marching senior knight!

They know that Zhang Yi's damage is high.

But they didn't know that their perception of Zhang Yi's injury was already at the level of ten days ago.

They have not been beaten by Zhang Yi for ten days...

On the land, the Dragon Race players who could no longer resist the night march, saw their captain riding a dragon, and they were in despair and saw hope again.

Soon, Zhang Yi rode a fire dragon and approached.

Falling range.

In just one second, it rose again, deceiving a wave of skills from the night marching players on land.

The next moment, Zhang Yi fell again.

With 220% attack speed in one hand, cast spells quickly.

Boom boom boom!

The streamer is extinguished, the ground is on fire, and the undead storm cooperates with the ice and snow.

The four group skills were released towards four different positions and exploded in the crowd.

One after another, the damage as high as one or two million covers the audience!

During this period of time, he killed a large number of the army of gods every day, and Zhang Yi's Vulcan scepter has risen to the current maximum level: level 130!

In terms of attack power, it has been improved to a certain extent.

But it wasn't just Zhang Yi who got the promotion.

During this period of time, the strength of the Night March players as the first family of Liuguang City has increased by a relatively large amount.

The improvement in Zhang Yi's attack data just made up for the improvement in the defense of Night March players.

Therefore, compared to the previous damage, Zhang Yi's damage did not change much.

Go down one round of skills and destroy half of the blood of those night marching players on the land!

But it was a burst of character.


Accompanied by a deafening loud dragon roar.

Floating in the air, a scorching dragon flame poured down...

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