Lv7 Hell Dragon Flame!


Under the attack of level 7 golden hell dragon flames up to 330% true damage coefficient.

Combined with Zhang Yi's side, with the blessing of the level 130 13-star Demon God suit and the 130-level 11-star Fire God scepter, the attack power has risen to 620,000.

Surprisingly, within the huge circular area with a diameter of 300 meters, hundreds of night marching players who were ignited by the previous attack exploded with a huge amount of damage that set new records——



Hundreds of white lights shot into the sky, making Zhang Yi and the minibus bathed in white light...

Hell Dragon Flame is also a fire-based skill, and can get the bonus effect of Vulcan Scepter [Vulcan's Might, which increases damage by 55%!

In addition, the 100 layers of [Soul Eater buff effect] accumulated from the monster farm just now is still there.

Now Zhang Yi has reached his peak state. Using fire skills, he can have an additional 387% damage bonus to player-type targets!

620,000 attacks deal nearly 10 million damage.

Except for Zhang Yi, I am afraid that there is no second player in the entire Star Country area who can do it.

Zhang Yi's abnormal damage bonus effect, even if he uses a normal attack, he can still deal the damage of a half-golden fireball spell to other players...

However, the damage Zhang Yi caused shocked the entire night marching players:


"This guy, I haven't seen you for more than ten days, and he's perverted again. He takes Dali pills every day and takes hormones??"

When other players exclaimed perverted.

In fact, Zhang Yi was already a little dissatisfied with the damage he had done to himself.

Because if one of his skills was used before, it could cause an instant kill effect.

If the Hell Dragon Flame had not been triggered just now, the previous skills would no longer be enough to inflict heavy damage to the Night March players.

I don't know if it's because I'm improving too slowly, or whether the players of Night March are improving too fast.

During the nearly ten days of retreating and cultivating in Shendu, Zhang Yi felt that his hips had been hurt a lot.

Although the gods' suits have already been collected, they have never had the opportunity to return to the city to identify the equipment because of the mission in the name of the god of war.

It seems that it is necessary to change into the gods suit after the end of the mission of the gods, and then perform the sublimation mission of the Vulcan scepter, so as to improve one's own attack power!

While Zhang Yi just attacked the night marching players with several skills, he also caused damage to a large number of monsters within the range: the army of gods.

So next.

Zhang Yi's attack keeps triggering [Multiple Attacks.

Among them, the main hand attack is used to fight the night marching player.

The two off-hand attacks split from multiple attacks are used to fight the army of gods within the range.

To deal with the night marching army, it is correct to kill the god army.

With Zhang Yi joining the battle.

The dragon player, who was about to be defeated, cooperated with Zhang Yi to fight back.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi arrived in time.

They came to support within a few minutes of the North Gate being breached, so now, there are not too many night marching players entering Shendu from the North Gate.

Zhang Yi killed the night marching players who had already entered the city.

In the state of all PKs, the Vulcan Scepter is frantically harvesting the lives of the night marching players, as well as some scattered soldiers of the gods.

As a result, players in the night march were hit hard at the same time.

On the other side, Ye Jintianming and the others can continue to receive one after another mission information:

Ding ~ quest sharer [Yinuo Qingcheng killed the magician of the army...

Ding ~ quest sharer [Yinuo Qingcheng killed the assassin of the army of God...

In the city, the dragon clan who are hunting the god army with all their strength will not destroy them, and they are amazed for a while:

"Good guy, is the boss going to kill people or kill monsters?"

"Killing and killing monsters at the same time? Or killing monsters as usual, and killing some night marchers to help?"

The North Gate of Shendu is here.

Soon, more than half of the night marching players who entered Shendu were directly killed by Zhang Yi.

The rest were repelled by Zhang Yi's powerful attack, and they all withdrew from the city.

Therefore, the dragon players took advantage of the situation to re-deploy the formation and defend the north gate!

However, the good times did not last long.

There was also news from both sides of the west gate and the east gate, and the two gates were lost!

"There are too many people marching at night, we can't hold it!"

Zhang Yi does not have the art of avatar.

At present, it is impossible to take into account multiple gates at the same time.

Check out the progress of the task.

With the efforts of Ye Jintianming and the others, they are now only a thousand gods away from completing the mission!

With the current strength of the Dragon Clan, it is naturally impossible to fight against the Ye Marching Army.

The only way is to take the [Name of the God of War] mission and find an opportunity for the entire army to retreat.

When I return to the city, I will identify the gods' suit, and I will strengthen it by the way.

With 40,000 dragons and a set of gods suits, they can have the ability to fight against 160,000 night marching players!

In this way, the top priority is to complete the task first, and not to entangle with the night marchers.

So, Zhang Yi ordered on the team channel: "If you can't keep it, don't keep it, let them in."

"But... once they go in, they will definitely sabotage your mission..."

At the four city gates, the players of the Dragon Race are still desperately defending.

Zhang Yi's next order was even more incredible: "Let the army march into the city at night, and open all four gates. Except for the mission participants, all members of the Dragon Clan should use the City Return Scroll to leave the Shendu within three minutes!"

"team leader……"

When people were amazed.

Zhang Yi then ordered on the team channel: "In addition, the participants of the mission should quickly find a place to hide, don't come out, don't leave Shendu before the mission is over, and don't be discovered by the night marching army."

"You don't need to worry about the rest. Leave the rest to me. You do as I say. This is an order!"

Zhang Yi didn't give everyone a chance to speak at all.

After giving the order, close the chat, ride a fire dragon, take off, and leap towards the center of the capital city!

At the four city gates, all the dragon players are looking at me and looking at you, at a loss.

"What should we do? The captain told us to withdraw, do we really want to withdraw?"

"Withdraw, the whole army of the night march will pour in, but it's over!"

"This is the captain's order, obey orders, everyone, withdraw!"

With the order of the vice-captain Dragon Clan Immortal.

Whether it is the east and west gates that have been lost, or the north and south gates that are about to be lost.

The dragon players stationed at the four city gates retreated and let go of the city gates!

The night marching players who were blocked outside the city took advantage of this opportunity to drive straight in, madly pouring into the capital from the four city gates!

in the crowd.

Marching at night and killing people are unbelievable: "They suddenly figured it out? Why don't they stop us?"

"I guess they are afraid of being killed by us? Hahaha! Just because they want to block us? How long can they block?"

I didn't think much about it.

Now that you have entered the capital of God, let's start the action directly!

Without further ado.

Under the orders of the Nightcrawler.

In all directions, the night marching players were heading towards the city one after another, and the positions where Zhang Yi was riding the dragon just now were concentrated.

Even dragon players can't take care of it.

Their target is Zhang Yi!

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