Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 888 The gods return to their places, all upgrades!

Hidden map, God Capital.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The Shenjun tribe connected to the teleportation location of Shendu, and countless white lights were scattered.

The 40,000 players who had withdrawn from the Shendu before the Dragon Clan have all returned.

And this time, they came prepared!

Among them, more than 70% of the people who have reached level 130 are all wearing the suits of the gods.

The special effects of the golden suits unique to the gods suits make the dragon players look like they have taken it to a higher level!

It turned out that after returning to the city half an hour ago, the dragon people began to prepare.

After completing the appraisal of the gods suits in the laboratory and strengthening them, put on the gods suits and come back to support Zhang Yi and the others!

Soon, the dragon army came to the city.

Follow the unguarded city gate, drive straight in, and pour into the capital!

In the city, the night marching players found that the dragons were attacking, not only did they not panic, but they were very excited and excited:

"Brothers, the cowards of the Dragon Clan are back!"

"Good guy, this is to see their captain being besieged by us, come back to rescue their captain?"

On the periphery, the vice-captain of the Ye Marching Army, who watched the dragon army enter the city from the rear, shouted, "Since they dare to come back, this time, they cannot be let go!"

"Brothers, copy the guy, kill the dragon clan for me!"

With the killer's order.

In all directions, a group of night marching players charged towards the dragon players who had just entered the city behind.

Because more than half an hour ago, they fought with the dragon clan.

They know the current level of strength of the Dragon Clan. After all, with the advantage of the city's terrain, they can't even hold the gate of the city of God.

From their point of view, even though this hidden map has been vulgarly developed for more than ten days, the 40,000 people of their dragon clan have only risen in rank relatively quickly, and in terms of combat power, they are still so vulnerable.

Basically, it can't make any waves.

However, the Night March players did not know the sharp changes experienced by the Dragon Race players within half an hour of returning to the city.

They are fearless, and with the attitude of destroying the dragon clan in one wave, they rushed to kill!


A group of warrior players, who bore the brunt of the Night March, stepped into the attack range and directly attacked the oncoming dragon players.

Not yet close to the past.

The dragon players were in the rear, and hundreds of mage shooters up to level 130 quickly lined up to launch long-range attacks.

boom boom boom...

Whoosh whoosh—

Countless orbs and arrows passed over the heads of the warrior knight players in the front row and shot into the night marching crowd.

The next moment, a huge amount of damage as high as 400,000 to 500,000 points exploded above the heads of the warrior knight players in the night march!

The blood bar on the top of the head is falling.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of people were instantly killed, turning into white light and disappearing on the way!

The attacks on the Dragon Clan's side continued, using the rain of arrows and large-scale spells to instantly kill the first batch of hundreds of night marching warriors and knights who entered the attack range!

In this situation, I was stunned by the night marching players who had not followed up:

"...How did their damage become so high!"

"They changed gear! Suits!"

There is a night marching player who is not blind, and found the clue through the special effects of the golden equipment on the dragon player.

The damage of dragon players increased sharply, precisely because of the gods suit.

The level 130 13-star gods suit, at this stage, is the top equipment in Liuguang City.

Even with the average economic level of dragon players, at most, this gods suit can only be strengthened to about level 12. Combined with the skills of the suit, it can also exert super strength.

Gods suit, archer 7-piece suit: +80% attack speed, +20% crit rate.

Magician's seven-piece suit: +50% attack power.

This is the real reason why the dragon mage shooter player's damage exploded!

When the night march players feel shocked.

Dragon players attack.

Under the lead charge of the knight player.

Warrior assassins followed.

The mage shooter stepped forward and launched a long-range attack to suppress the firepower of the night marching player.

Relying on the large number of people, Ye Marching is not at all cowardly here.

The offensive lineup that is consistent with the dragons, the warrior knights are pressed in, and the mage shooters are consumed from a long distance.

Soon, the players on both sides converged.

But in contrast, the overall combat effectiveness of the Ye Marching Army is a lot worse than that of the Dragon Clan!

The mage shooter of the dragon clan can deal high damage of 400,000 to 500,000 with casual attacks.

On the other hand, on the other side of the Night Marching Army, the damage that can generally be caused to dragon players is only a dozen or two hundred thousand.

In terms of damage, the difference between the two sides is three times!

Because of the gods suit, it can bring a 50% health bonus to the knight.

Put on the knight [patron god suit, the blood volume of high-level dragon knight players directly soars by eight or nine million, and a dragon clan marches at night!

In addition, there is also the treatment of the priest with the [Faun Set (the effect of the set increases the healing amount by 50%), and a single healing technique can restore a huge amount of 300,000 to 400,000 yuan.

Night marching players can't beat the dragon knights at all!

Countless dragon warriors slaughtered the Quartet among the night marching players with the 50% damage bonus brought by the [God of War suit].

night march

The players who are not at all can't resist the dragons whose strength is multiplied under the blessing of the gods' suits!

In the state of heavy casualties, the night marching players fought and retreated, and gradually fell into a passive situation.

at the same time.

In Shendu City, as Zhang Yi transformed from a defensive posture to an offensive posture.

In all directions, the night marching players were completely unable to resist Zhang Yi, whose combat effectiveness was on the rise.

It was because of Zhang Yi's order before, in order not to let the mission fail, the Dragon Clan Immortal and the others hid in the house on the street and had endured the night march for a long time.

Seeing that the mission has now been completed, even if he is killed in battle, it will not affect the submission of the mission.

The Dragon Clan Immortal and Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen also rushed out of the street house!

The sudden arrival of the dragon core group caught the Night March players by surprise.

All of them are currently only messy 12-13 star equipment. Because of the top-level strengthening, their average combat power is no less than that of dragon players wearing gods suits.

Casually, shooting a damage of 400,000 to 500,000 yuan, the nightcrawler who hit it all looked stunned:

"Why did their damage suddenly increase so much?"

Was surprised at this time.

The subordinates sent the news that the dragon army was attacking:

"They don't know why, just like taking stimulants, their combat power has skyrocketed, and their strength has completely crushed us!"

Nightcrawler gritted his teeth: "It's okay, we have a lot of people, don't be shy, kill me!"

Relying on the night march, there are four times the number of dragons.

Nightcrawlers think that even if the dragons have the enhancement of the gods' suits, it is impossible for them to be able to march at night.

However, it is not.

They underestimated the power of the gods' suits, and they underestimated the unity of the dragon race.

This will be the first family battle in the history of Liuguang City, in which the number of people is four times the disadvantage, and the less wins the more!

In order to let the players in Liuguang City jointly witness this miracle battle in which 40,000 dragons crushed 160,000 players in the night march, with fewer enemies and more enemies.

Under Zhang Yi's order, many dragon players who were participating in the battle in different places started live broadcasts one after another.

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