Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 889 Great victory, unprecedented harvest!

This is crucial, and it is also a battle that Zhang Yi has been preparing for for a long time.

This duel between the Dragon Clan and the Ye Marching Army is bound to make the Dragon Clan famous!

Zhang Yi has confidence in the suits of the gods, and even more in the people of the dragon family.

Therefore, Zhang Yi deliberately let the people in the team start the live broadcast.

It is to let the whole streamer city see how the Dragons completely defeated the army of 160,000 players in the Night March with 40,000 people!

Take this opportunity to defeat Ye Marching, and by the way, the reputation of the Dragon Clan will start.

With the Shendu, the battle between the dragon clan and the players of the Night March just started.

In Liuguang City, some casual players who had nothing to do and happened to see the live broadcast followed the battle through the live broadcast interface opened by the dragon players.

Once confirmed, it will be the night march of the largest top family in Liuguang City, and the duel between the 10th-level dragon clan led by Yinuo Qingcheng, the first god of the human race in Liuguang City.

In the major live broadcast rooms, the popularity has skyrocketed!

On the barrage, discussions among the audience also began to emerge:

"Dragon Race and Ye Marching, have they finally done it? Why, as a melon eater, I am a little excited..."

"I heard that the entire army of the two groups was dispatched this time, and the Dragon Clan's 40,000 people vs. the Night Marching Army's 160,000!"

"Damn it! If it's true or false, how can this be beaten? There are so few people from the Dragon Clan, and they must only be crushed!"

"Not necessarily, you look at how fierce the players of the Dragon Race are, how come their damage is so high?"

"Don't stop me, I'll bet a pack of spicy sticks, and Ye Marching will win!"

"This live broadcast is mostly run by people from the Dragon Clan. Do you think they are not confident enough, so they will take the initiative to open the live broadcast so that we can watch them being abused?"

"I bet on the dragon clan to win! The dragon clan yyds!"

Just ten minutes.

In the more than 100 live broadcast rooms that have been opened cumulatively, the average audience of each live broadcast room has reached tens of thousands!

The live broadcast room with the largest audience has reached 300,000!

This is Zhang Yi's live broadcast from a third perspective.

In the picture, the silver-robed beastmaster rides a huge fire dragon and leaps over the city of Shendu.

Zhang Yi held a flaming scepter and launched a frantic attack on the night marching players all over the city.

Every time the staff is swung, the two or three million damage caused can cause a large number of kills to the Night March players.

Where Zhang Yi made the leap, the white light continued, and he told the audience outside the live broadcast room to watch it, and he was hooked!

On the Ye Marching side, there are also many players who have broadcast live broadcasts, wanting to let the people in Liuguang City see how their night marching killed the dragons.

However, most of the live broadcast rooms they opened were forcibly closed midway because of "the death of the anchor".

Inside God.

The battle is in full swing.

The huge city is full of night marching troops and dragon players.

The night marching players suffered heavy casualties, and the losses were several times that of the dragon race!

From start to finish, it took more than two hours.

More than half of the night marches suffered casualties, and the death toll reached at least 100,000!

On the Dragon Clan side, the casualties were only 10,000 or 20,000.

Most of them are people who have not reached level 130 and have not equipped the gods suit.

Those with the gods' suits are not so easy to be defeated by the night march.

On the night marching side, the remaining tens of thousands of people fled.

40,000 vs 160,000, the dragons won more with less, and won a big victory!

This was a battle that caused a sensation in Liuguang City.

With many players of the Dragon Clan, the entire battle was broadcast live.

After the end, the chat channel of the main city of Liuguang City exploded directly, and countless players madly deducted 6 against the Dragon Clan.

No wonder they reacted so violently.

Because it is well known before that: the strength of the dragon clan is that they have a top powerhouse that is so powerful that they can defeat ten thousand with one: Yinuo Qingcheng leads the team.

But tonight's battle showed the overall strength of the Dragon Clan.

Even the night marching player broke his head and could not understand: how the dragon race has become so powerful in just ten days!

Even the dragons themselves are a little incredible.

This result was only within Zhang Yi's expectations.

In the previous life, the opportunity to strengthen Ye Marching into a top-level family that no one in Liuguang City could match was really powerful!

With the battle over.

All dragon players turn off the stream and start clearing the loot.

Night March 160,000 players, 100,000 killed.

And most of their people are high-end players who are less than one million ranked in Liuguang City.

The loot that such a person burst out is naturally not bad.

The city of Shendu is huge.

The Dragon Clan mobilized everyone, and it took half an hour to clean up all the spoils!

The final statistics of the benefits are exciting:

"70,000 pieces of equipment, including 50,000 for 11 stars, 10,000 for 12 stars, and 10,000 for 13 stars."

"Gold coins drop 5000-6000 per person, a total of 580 million."

"The rest of the strengthening stone potion is worth 400 million."

See the scavenger's revenue statistics in the team.

The people of the dragon race were very pleasantly surprised.

"As expected of the first family in Liuguang City! The equipment that exploded in this night march is actually all 11-star base!"

"Damn it! It means that excluding equipment, they exploded 1 billion gold coins??"

"If you add the value of these 70,000 pieces of equipment, wouldn't the revenue reach several billions?!"

This income made Zhang Yidu feel dark.

Since the night march is so profitable.

In Zhang Yi's mind, an idea suddenly emerged...

Regarding the distribution of the spoils, Zhang Yi, the captain of the Dragon Clan, made a quick decision:

At present, the dragon clan has all the 130-level 13-star gods suits. Even if the night marching players burst out, these high-end equipment from the first-line high-end players in Liuguang City will have no effect on the dragon clan people.

So equipment, all auctions!

This task was handed over to the Dragon Clan Immortal Dragon and the World to deal with.

As for the potion strengthening stone, it is an indispensable thing for players, and it must be bought after it is sold, so all members of the dragon family share it equally.

The nearly 600 million gold coins were temporarily charged into the team's funds, ready to wait for the 70,000 pieces of equipment to be sold, and all the funds were gathered together before rewarding and compensation.

For those who were killed in the battle tonight, Zhang Yi naturally would not let them lose their ranks in vain, and would also consume the chance of resurrection.


When the Dragon Clan Immortal took a group of white-named brothers back to the city to deal with the equipment.

Zhang Yi and Ye Jintianming and the others withdrew from Shendu and came to the Shenjun tribe.

Next, is the time to submit the task.

It took a full 9 days to complete the reward of a god-level hidden task with a difficulty factor of 250,000, which is very worth looking forward to!

So, under the spotlight.

Ye Jintianming, who is the recipient of the quest in the name of the God of War, came to the statue of the God of War: Tianyi to trigger a dialogue.

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