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Chapter 899 Hurricane Dragon King: Feng Yao


With two roars, the two level 137 dark fire dragons were quickly killed by Zhang Yi and the others.

Even if this level 137 dragon monster can reach the level of a normal level 140 monster, Zhang Yi and the others have also dealt with a lot of level 140 monsters before that.

The dark fire dragon is really no threat in front of Zhang Yi and the other five.

After killing the two fire dragons blocking the road, the five kept the lineup and moved on.

During this period, dark fire dragons flew out of the fire and attacked Zhang Yi and the others.

The five of them overcame obstacles all the way.

Moreover, every time a dark fire dragon is killed, the fire on the ground will be extinguished.

It means: as long as the fire in the fire forest is extinguished, the fire hidden in the fire will be found.

Of course, this is the bottom line. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to find the fire in the middle.

So the most important task at the moment is to hunt the black dragon!

Having determined the direction, Zhang Yi summoned the Warcraft Group, cooperated with Xingtian's five people, and started the killing mode.

Fat man control.

Yiqi Juechen cooperates with the Dragon Blood Knight to attract the hatred of five to six black dragons at the same time. Yuesheng's super healing can almost stabilize the HP of Yiqi Juechen and the Dragon Blood Knight who were besieged by three black dragons at the same time!

Xingtian and Soul Reaper conduct a close harvest.

Zhang Yi and the undead crossbowmen consumed long distances.

With such cooperation, there is basically no pressure, and one black dragon is slaughtered.

After all, the first stage of the task, the difficulty factor is only 80,000.

It doesn't take a day.

When the time came to noon, Zhang Yi and the others had almost extinguished the flames of half the map of the blazing forest, and finally found the fire during the process of putting out the fire!


Along with Xing Tian's sword, he slashed the two black dragons with residual blood to the ground at the same time.

On the ground, the fires in two more areas were extinguished.

Immediately afterwards, a small flame came into view.

"Brushed out."

As Xing Tian's voice just fell.

Zhang Yi walked to the flame and picked it up from his waist.

"Ding~ You picked up the [Tinder, congratulations on completing the first stage of the [Vulcan Last Wish] task, the second stage of the task has been activated, please follow the task guide for the second stage task!"

Open the task list, the difficulty of the second stage task has reached 120,000.

The goal is to find the [Hurricane Dragon King Fengyao] who once fought with Vulcan according to the residual breath on the fire.

So, the five people rode the minibus and rushed to the next mission location according to the guidance of Tinder.

At this time, Yue Sheng asked thoughtfully: "So, do we have to deal with a fourth-order dragon emperor in the end?"

"According to the mission instructions, it should be like this." Zhang Yi looked at the mission description and said.

Fatty suddenly said, "But Brother Zhang Yi, didn't you say before that the Dragon Emperor is very powerful? If it is the fourth-order Dragon Emperor, the five of us shouldn't be able to deal with it, right?"

"We can't deal with it." Zhang Yi said: "But don't forget, we still have the help of a fourth-order bright dragon emperor."

If it is really just for Zhang Yi and the five to deal with a fourth-order Dragon Emperor with an exclusive title, this task is more than 150,000 difficult.

500,000 difficulty is not an exaggeration!

At this stage, the combat power of the Tier 4 Dragon Emperor should be no less than that of an 18-20 star BOSS!

in the voice of speech.

It took a few people another hour to form and arrived at the second stage of the mission: Giant Dragon Mountains:

After the fall of Vulcan, the fourth-order hurricane Dragon King Fengyao of the light dragon family alone confronted the fourth-order corrosion dragon king of the dark dragon family, the bite.

The Corrosive Dragon King had been injured before this, and was originally no match for the Hurricane Dragon King.

However, it has found a helper: the fourth-order dark dragon family [Sunday Dragon Emperor Chi.

The Corrupted Dragon King united with the Sun-Dragon King to defeat the Hurricane Dragon King.

The seriously injured Hurricane Dragon Emperor hid in the Giant Dragon Mountains.

There is a light barrier of the seventh order of the Bright Dragon Clan [Red Flame Dragon Emperor Luo Dan once set up, making it impossible for the Dark Dragon Clan to enter the Giant Dragon Mountains.

However, in order to prevent the Hurricane Dragon Emperor from escaping from the Giant Dragon Mountains, before the Sun-Dragon Emperor left, he summoned a [Sun-Dragon Army Corps, stationed around the Giant Dragon Mountains. Once the Hurricane Dragon Emperor came out of the Giant Dragon Mountains, he would be attacked by To the day-to-day battle of the Dragon Legion's attack.

The seriously injured Hurricane Dragon Emperor, unable to fight against the mighty Sun-Dragon Army, was trapped in the Dragon Mountain Range for several months.

When I came to the vicinity of the Giant Dragon Mountain Range, I could see that there were countless ferocious 140-level [Daily Battle Dragons, wandering around the mountain range, wrapping almost the entire Giant Dragon Mountain Range!

Arriving at the Giant Dragon Mountains, a few people rode the minibus, deliberately bypassed the day-to-day battle dragons, and flew down.

It's a pity that he was still targeted by the day-to-day battle dragon.

Under the pursuit of several day-to-day fighting dragons, the minibus carried Zhang Yi and the others into a fiery red and translucent barrier shrouded around the giant dragon mountain range. Those 140-level dark race day-to-day fighting dragons hit the barrier and directly transformed into ash!

The enchantment created by the seventh-order Scarlet Flame Dragon Emperor Luo Dan of the Bright Dragon Clan is so terrifying!

Fortunately, there is a minibus.

In the case of a minibus, it took more than two hours for the first two missions alone.

If it is a normal state, I am afraid it will take more than half of the journey.


After entering the Giant Dragon Mountains, according to the guidance of the fire, look for the breath of the Hurricane Dragon Emperor.

Zhang Yi and the others rode a minibus to the foot of a mountain.

Suddenly, from a huge cave in front, there was a faint gasp.

"He's in there."

With that said, several people approached the cave.

To prevent sudden danger, Yiqi Juechen held a shield and walked ahead to lead the way.

Several people entered the cave, and a strong wind roared from the cave, almost rushing Zhang Yi and the others away.

Fourth-order Dragon Sovereign, a bit of a posture.

There was no danger in the cave, Zhang Yi and the others reached the depths unimpeded.

Here, as expected, I saw a giant dragon lying on the ground, looking a little weak, playing with green!

Above the head, there is a line of red ID floating:

[Hurricane Dragon King Fengyao (lv140 Bright Dragon, Tier 4 Dragon King)!

Has an exclusive title, but not a golden ID.

I noticed Zhang Yi and several people who broke into the cave.


A low roar came from Feng Yao's mouth.

Feng Yao raised his huge head and looked at Zhang Yi and the others.

Compared with the giant dragon Fengyao, Zhang Yi and the others are like a few ants in front of the giant.

"Humans, how did you find this place?" A low voice came from Feng Yao's mouth.

"I'm here to help you in place of Vulcan, fulfilling his unfulfilled wish."

Zhang Yi took out the fire.

When he saw the fire in Zhang Yi's hands, Feng Yao was obviously a little touched.

He recognized that this was the seed left by the Vulcan who fought alongside him in the past.

"I know that he fell into the hands of the dark dragon race."

The Hurricane Dragon Emperor looked at the fire, and his eyes were a little lost: "But my strength is limited, and even I am trapped in this mountain range and can't get out, let alone avenge the fire god."

Zhang Yi was also a little lonely.

After a pause, he said, "His last wish was to kill the Corrupted Dragon Emperor, and I know this is your purpose as well."

"I can help you to deal with the Corrupted Dragon Emperor."

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