Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 900: Fighting the Dragon Day by Day

In Zhang Yi's hands, the fire from the god of fire made Hurricane Dragon Emperor understand that the few people at the moment are not extraordinary people.

Hearing Zhang Yi's initiative to apply for help, Feng Yao naturally had no reason to refuse:

"Are you really willing to help me and fight against the dark dragons together?"

Zhang Yi replied, "This is the last wish of the God of Fire."

"In that case."

Feng Yao said: "Then please help me to eliminate those Sun-Dragons stationed outside the Giant Dragon Mountains. I was injured a month ago, so it's inconvenient to waste too much energy on these Sun-Dragons, otherwise I will face the next challenge. It will be detrimental to me when it is devoured.”

As Feng Yao's voice just fell.

The system prompts to fall from the sky:

"Ding~[The second stage of Vulcan's last wish has been activated: please destroy all the [Sunday Battle Dragons] outside the Giant Dragon Mountain Range!"

After getting the task.

Several people temporarily bid farewell to the Hurricane Dragon Emperor and left the cave.

Raising his head, looking at the countless battle dragons in the air that were isolated outside the barrier, Zhang Yi sighed lightly, "It seems that this will be a protracted battle."

"How long is this mission?" Xing Tian asked.

Zhang Yi looked at the mission details and said, "Three days."

"Then kill it." Xing Tian pulled out his sword with a "wow", and Zhang Yi and the others walked towards the outside of the barrier.

Before the battle started, Zhang Yi shared the data of the enemies he might face in the next two or three days to the team channel through the God-level exploration technique:

[Daily Battle Dragon (Magic System · Ordinary Monster):

Talent: Solar Eclipse (rare, the attack of the Sunstrider will cause a solar eclipse effect to the target for 5 seconds, and the target will suffer 50% burn damage per second when exposed to the sun)

Level: 140

Magic attack power: 55w

Physical Defense: 30w

Magic Defense: 25w

Health: 22000w

Skills: Sunset Radiance, Dragon Flame

Description: The fourth-order Sun-Dragon Emperor of the Dark Dragon Race, the powerful Sun-Dragon Army Corps under Chizao, was ordered to be stationed in the Giant Dragon Mountains to besiege the Hurricane Dragon Emperor...

The data of 140-level dragon monsters can almost reach the level of 142-143 ordinary monsters.

The attributes of this day-to-day battle dragon are a bit strong.

At this stage, for players who have just completed the fifth round of the ordinary level 130, there is simply an insurmountable existence.

However, for Zhang Yi and the others, it is still within the scope of coping.

Without further ado, the five entered a combat stance.

With Zhang Yi's attack power of 850,000, he can deal with the day-to-day battle dragon with only 250,000 magic resistance.

Combined with red and even gold high-level skill bonuses, and in the peak state, it can achieve a maximum of 537% additional damage bonus to monsters.

It can easily cause a huge amount of damage of eight or nine million to the day-to-day battle dragon!

Soul Reaper and Xingtian can also deal more than two million damages at will, and Xingtian's 10 times the damage, the damage need not be questioned.

That is to say, the damage of the undead crossbowmen is a little less, and it remains at more than one million.

With Fatty's seamless link control, and Yuesheng's powerful treatment, the five of them can deal with level 7-9 dragon monsters with ease!

In the surrounding area of ​​the Giant Dragon Mountains, there are countless dragons fighting every day.

Mission requirements: All of them must be cleared to complete the second stage mission.

Obviously, this is not a small project.

Of course, when Zhang Yi and the others came out this time, they were already prepared for a protracted battle.

Tent, dry food, supplies, etc., are enough for several days.

Directly in the Dragon Mountain Range, start the random killing mode...

Before you know it, the day goes by.

to evening.

On the Night Marching side, it took a day for the entire team of more than 100,000 players to complete the rare hidden task of collecting corpses.

Thanks to the rich experience reward of hidden missions, the average level of the entire team is directly increased by 1 level in one day!

In this era when ordinary players can only upgrade one level in three or four days on average, the efficiency of leveling up one level a day can be described as terrifying!

In addition, the mission also rewards everyone with a 13-star advanced equipment and a lot of gold reputation.

Just because of this hidden mission, the overall strength of the Night Marching Army has risen a lot in one day!

That night, the night walker and several major officials of the night marching army had a dinner party in a restaurant in the city, and their mouths could not close their smiles.

"I can't think of this hidden task that guy gave us, the reward is so cool!"

The Master Ye Marching Army and the dictator laughed and said: "Our Night Marching Army has improved a lot today! If we have one or two more tasks like this, our Night Marching Army will overtake the Dragon Clan again, and it will be just around the corner!"

As the dictator's voice just fell.

The warrior marched at night, and the killer followed: "Yeah, it would be great if the guy with two swords on his back told us about an opportunity last night!"

It simply said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

The killer had just finished speaking.

Outside the restaurant, a demon warrior man dressed in golden armor and a mask with two light swords crossed on his back walked slowly!

Looked like an enemy last night.

But now seeing this two-sword warrior, several heads of state who marched in the night marched up and greeted him with their heads bowed and worthy of honor!

The two-sword warrior didn't speak, stopped at the table, opened a map interface, and did some operations.

soon, night

On the pedestrian side, I received a message like last night:

"Ding~ You have received a face-to-face location marker, please open the map to view it!"

Upon receiving this news, Nightcrawler immediately opened the map and checked the marked points.

And the two-sword warrior turned around and left.

The next day, the Nightcrawlers rushed over to the spot marked by the two-sword warriors, and found that there was a super-large hidden map!

Although the rarity is far less than the divine capital occupied by the dragon family.

But their hidden map, the development effect is far stronger than the ordinary map.

The map has a buff that "every player first enters will get double all rewards for 12 hours".

So, from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, the entire night marching army has developed on this map for a whole day!

Until night, the two-sword warrior brought a marking point again.

On the third day, the night marching army headed towards the location marked by the two-sword warriors and went to develop.

This side of the Giant Dragon Mountains.

It took Zhang Yi and Xingtian five days to finally kill all the fighting dragons outside the Giant Dragon Mountain Range!

Just this night, Zhang Yi received a message from Storm Angel:

"Captain, it is said that the night marching army was assisted by a dual-sword demon warrior. They conquered the opportunity map every day for several days, and their overall strength has soared!"

The news of the Storm Angel obviously came from Zhang Yi's inner responder on the Ye Marching side: King Qin.

King Qin is the brother of the Storm Angel, the second-in-command of the Storm Family, and the Storm Dragon King.

Knowing that Zhang Yi was on an important mission, he did not disturb Zhang Yi for the past two days. If he had anything to do, he would report to the Storm Angel who is an elite of the Dragon clan and his good brother.

Originally, King Qin didn't care too much about this two-sword warrior.

I don't think he alone can change the entire night march.

So two days ago, I was careless and did not report this news to the Dragon Clan.

Until the third day of today, Ye Xingjun had already soared in strength with the help of the pair of swordsmen. If it goes on like this, I am afraid it will grow stronger.

Only then did King Qin report the news.

After all, the Storm Angels are just a team elite. He has no right to decide, so he came to ask Zhang Yi's opinion: "Should we stop them?"

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