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Chapter 903 The new official took office three fires, and the King of Qin was exposed!

South of Liuguang City.

Lv142 Dead Dragon's Lair.

It wasn't until late at night that Zhang Yi and the others arrived at their destination.

In front of the line of sight, there is a huge lair like a cemetery. Before getting close to the past, there is a deep rancid smell.

Several people rode a minibus and sat outside the nest.

Because above the lair, the corrosive aura is too heavy to use the flying mount to jump over this area and reach the depths.

Stop outside the dead dragon's lair.

Zhang Yi looked at the task interface and said, "According to the prompt, the Corrupted Dragon Emperor is hiding in the depths of this lair. If you want to approach it, you will be attacked by the Corrupted Corpse Dragon on the way."

Lv142 Rotten Corpse Dragon is the overlord of the dead dragon's lair and the guardian of the Corrupted Dragon King.

"It seems that like the previous mission, if you want to see the Corrupted Dragon Emperor, you need to go through a protracted battle."

Just wait for Xing Tian's voice to fall.

Zhang Yi looked at his fatigue level, which was less than 10%, and said to the people around him: "Everyone has worked hard for the past few days. Let's rest early today, and we will attack the dead dragon's lair tomorrow."

So, several people camped outside the dead dragon's lair.

Just pitched the tent.

Zhang Yi received a private message from the Storm Angel: "Captain, the King of Qin sent a letter saying that the two-sword warrior who assisted the night march, whose ID is Zhulong."

"Now he has joined the night march and has become a vice-captain."

"In addition, he is the warrior who ranks first in the Demon Race Heaven Ranking in Liuguang City!"

Candle Dragon.

Zhang Yi searched in his mind for a while, but he did not find this ID in the memory of his previous life.

Storm Angel continued: "That guy seems to know a lot of the secrets of Liuguang City. He said that he will lead the Night March to surpass our Dragon Clan and build the first family of Liuguang City!"

Zhang Yi feels more and more that this [Candle Dragon's is not simple.

The most important thing is this: As long as Zhulong, a top-ranked expert like Zhulong, existed in Liuguang City in his previous life, Zhang Yi would have no reason not to know about him.

The only explanation is that a certain butterfly effect brought by Zhang Yi in this life has changed the history of Liuguang City, allowing a person who did not exist in Liuguang City in the previous life to come to Liuguang City!

At a certain moment, Zhang Yi thought of the soul hunter who appeared in a video post on the Liuguang City forum a few days ago. Under normal circumstances, only the ghosts would come to the world of Apocalypse.

And during this period of time, the eyes that have been lurking in the dark staring at him...

Zhang Yi always felt that there were innumerable connections between these events...

When thinking of this.

Storm Angel said: "Captain, let's launch an all-out attack!"

"Don't act rashly." Zhang Yi said: "Wait for me to go back."

"Before that, let King Qin keep an eye on Ye Marching, especially the candle dragon, if there is any change, let King Qin contact me directly."


late at night.

All sounds are silent.

In an instant, it is dawn.

The next morning.

In Liuguang City, in the exclusive meeting room of the Night Marching Army, there was one more person at the meeting table today.

That is the candle dragon.

The candle dragon is directly at the captain's seat, sitting on an equal footing with the night walker.

In this regard, Nightcrawler said he had "no opinion".

"Then we are going to finish the task that was not completed yesterday?" Nightcrawler glanced at the candle dragon.

Zhulong said: "The people of the dragon family already know that your mission is still missing the last part, so they will definitely ambush you at the mission point, and then go to perform that mission, which is tantamount to throwing themselves into the net."

After a pause, Zhulong continued, "Let's do another mission today."

Hearing this, the dictator and the killer were a little excited: "Brother Zhulong, what opportunities do you have today?"

Candle Dragon seems to have already made up his mind.

Said to Nightcrawler: "You volunteered to gather thousands of people in the team and go out with me to help me do a task for free."

"Free?" These two words in Zhulong's words made the dictator and murderer's expression change instantly.

Nightcrawler asked, "What mission?"

"You don't need to ask more about this." Zhu Long said in a very cold and rude tone: "I have helped you so many times before, not to mention that I am now giving orders as the vice captain of the Ye Marching Army to let the people in the team help me. I'm busy, what's the problem?"

Nightcrawler frowned slightly: "No... Of course there is no problem,"

Ye Jintianming's departure has already made Nightcrawler very regretful.

Nightcrawler doesn't want to offend someone like Zhulong who can help the development of Night Marching Army.

After a pause, Nightcrawler said, "Is a thousand-person group enough? Otherwise, let's convene a thousand-person group."

"A thousand people is enough."

The candle dragon seemed to repeat to the night traveler intentionally: "It must be voluntary, and it is free help."

According to the explanation of the candle dragon.

Nightcrawler immediately issued orders on the team channel as the captain.

I never thought that when everyone in the team heard that they were helping Torch Dragon for free, all of them were unwilling to come forward!

After working for a long time, only more than 400 people were gathered...

The night march of 150,000 people...

I have to say, Ye Marching Army is really an elite division!

Nightcrawlers are ready to find someone directly, regardless of their own volition, and are caught by candles

Long stopped: "Four hundred people are enough, let's go now."

After speaking, Zhulong got up and walked out of the city.

Nightcrawler led the more than 400 volunteers to accompany the candle dragon out of the city.

And Ye Xingjun and King Qin were among them.

After leaving the city, the troops set off along the west of the city.

On the way, Nightcrawler couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked, "What kind of mission is it?"

"Clear the portal."

As soon as the voice fell, the candle dragon stopped.

Just when Nightcrawler heard his face stunned.

Zhulong suddenly "swoosh" his two swords out of their sheaths, withdrew, the two swords met, and an X slash slashed the 130-level 5th rank warrior beside him [Ye March, Qin King slashed to the ground!

The sudden attack made the King of Qin unprepared.

Before he got up, he was pointed at by the candle dragon with a sharp sword!

Seeing this, the dictator and the killer quickly picked up the guy and pointed to the candle dragon:

"I know that you are not a good bird. You really belong to the Dragon Clan. Today, you deliberately lied to us, so you can do it to us!"

The night walker was also burning with anger: "The official who dares to move my night march, Zhulong, you are so bold!"

Candle Dragon disagreed.

Turning back, he glanced at Nightcrawler, and said coldly:

"How do you think the whereabouts of your mission last night were exposed?"

"Use your brain to think about how your night marching actions were discovered by the dragon clan before this."

The candle dragon reminded.

Nightcrawler suddenly thought of this question.

Before the appearance of the candle dragon, what they usually do in the night march, it seems that the dragon clan really knows everything.

It's like marching in the night, with their undercover dragon clan!


Nightcrawler was agitated and looked at King Qin: "Could it be..."

King Qin hurriedly defended: "Captain, you know me, how could I be an undercover agent of the Dragon Clan for me so dutifully assisting Ye Xingjun?"

Zhulong stared at King Qin and said, "You don't need to explain anything, you just need to use an action to prove your innocence."

"Share your friends list."

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