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Chapter 904 I have been staring at you for a long time

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Zhulong's request obviously made the King of Qin panic all of a sudden.

Because in his list, in addition to several important officials of the Night March, there are two more important people: Yinuo Qingcheng, Storm Angel!

Once these two IDs are made public, the identity of the Dragon Clan's undercover agent will be completely exposed!

However, the King of Qin did not understand: How did Zhulong know that he was the inner responder of the dragon clan?

You must know that King Qin has been in the Ye Marching Army for a long time. During this period, he has made various contributions to the Ye Marching Army. Even the Night Walker and the dictator who killed the murderer did not discover the true identity of King Qin, and even because of his outstanding performance. Promoted to Team Elite!

Just when the King of Qin had this doubt.

Zhulong said: "Those who can grasp all kinds of confidential information of the night march at any time must be marching at night, and have a certain identity and positioning."

King Qin looked at the dictator and murderer beside him, and argued with reason: "Then why do you doubt me and not others? I am not the only officer of the Yexingjun!"

Zhulong said lightly: "The two stupid roe deer don't have the brain yet."

"My T size..." The dictator and the murderer on the side dared not speak out.

Zhulong stared at King Qin and said something that made King Qin think deeply: "I've been staring at you for a long time."

Seeing that the King of Qin hesitated.

At this moment, Nightcrawler also began to doubt: "King Qin, you are not really an inner ghost sent by the Dragon Clan, are you?"

No matter how much explanation you know, it's better to show the friends list to Nightcrawlers and be straightforward.

Basically, King Qin's indecision has proved: he is the inner ghost!

Nightcrawler was greatly disappointed: "I really didn't expect it. It turned out that it was you who leaked the information of my Night Marching Army to the Dragon Clan. I trusted you so much, promoted you, and cultivated you!"

At this moment, Nightcrawler really wanted to kill the King of Qin.


He directly drew his sword and walked towards the King of Qin.

But it was stopped by Zhulong: "Isn't it too cheap to kill him like this?"

"You should let him know the end of betraying Ye Marching and serving the Dragon Clan."

Nightcrawler was furious: "Kill it directly, it's really too cheap for you."

With that said, the Nightcrawler approached the King of Qin.

"Today, I'll let you know that I betrayed the fate of my Ye Marching Army! I'll let you live rather than die!"



Nightcrawler swung his dagger and stabbed Qin King's throat with a stab. Immediately, blood splattered. King Qin lay on the ground, struggling with pain on his face.

A jump of more than 400,000 injuries from the top of the head is not fatal.

At this time, the warrior killer also came with a big sword, and without hesitation, the sword cut off an arm of King Qin directly!

With a scream, King Qin widened his eyes and struggled desperately.

According to the setting of Apocalypse: As long as the player's health bar is not cleared, even if the player suffers serious trauma, the automatic data repair will be completed within 100 seconds according to 1% per second.

That is to say: King Qin's broken arm can grow back within 100 seconds.

But it is to bear 100% of the pain of the broken arm.

The killer then stepped on the King of Qin, slashing at the King with one sword after another, and continued to use normal attacks until the whole body of the King Qin was slashed with blood.

At this time, under the order of the Nightcrawler, several priests and players who were marching around at night cast spells at the same time to restore King Qin's blood bar to full value.

The killer continued to slash him.

Around, the night marching players couldn't bear to look directly.

Nightcrawler is killing chickens to warn monkeys.

He wants to let the rest of the Night March know: the fate of betraying the Night March!

But the purpose of the candle dragon letting Nightcrawler do this is not this.

When the King of Qin was tortured to death.

The candle dragon stood quietly aside, as if waiting for something.

In the hysterical screams from the King of Qin.

Around, among the night marching crowd, someone finally couldn't bear it anymore and rushed out!

"Shi Ke kills not to be humiliated! You bastards, I will fight with you!"

a cry.

Suddenly, a large group of players were drawing their swords and rushing towards the murderer who was killing King Qin!

This scene made the murderer turn pale in shock: "Damn, you collectively rebelled?!"

On the field, only Zhulong was the most calm.

He seems to have anticipated what is happening now!

"Have you finally started?"

A cold voice.

Ahead, there were a hundred Night March players who collectively "rebelled" and directly attacked the Killer Dictator and the Night Walkers, the core players of the Night March.


The candle dragon pulled up his double swords, and at the same time, red light bloomed on his body, which was a special effect used by the entire PK mode.

After a short charge.

call out--

The body is like a bolt of lightning, and it bounces out instantly.

At an extremely fast speed, he pierced through the crowd.

Accompanied by a burst of swordsmanship.

In the continuous screams, a huge amount of damage as high as three or four million ran through the audience.

Those night marching "rebels" had no resistance at all.

It took only ten seconds before and after the candle dragon shot.

Night marching 100 players

, All of them were smashed to the ground!

This scene shocked the audience.

Around, Nightcrawler, Dictator and Killer, and hundreds of other players in Night March were all stunned.

They already knew that Zhulong was the top expert on the Demon Clan Heaven Ranking in Liuguang City.

But they didn't expect it at all: the strength of this candle dragon is so powerful!

With such ease, he directly defeated a hundred-man regiment of the Ye Marching Army!

This strength is almost comparable to that of Yinuo Qingcheng, who is known as the first person in the entire list of Liuguang City!

on the field.

Under the storm of the candle dragon.

On the heads of all the people who were cut to the ground, the blood bar was only 1 point of blood. It was amazing that the candle dragon deliberately opened the blood lock protection!

On the candle dragon's side, the battle is over.

However, in the eyes of many people on the field, they didn't even know what happened, and they were all confused.

Only Zhulong knew: "These people who just set out to rescue the King of Qin are all the inner responders of the Dragon Clan!"

And the candle dragon reminded the night walker to let the night walker kill the king of Qin, the purpose is to force out these hidden ghosts...

He knew that in the Ye Marching Army, the inner ghost of the Dragon Clan could not be the only King Qin.

However, King Qin is the leader of this gang of inner ghosts.

With the solidarity of the people of the Dragon Clan, Zhulong knew that even if they risked their lives and exposed their identities, they would not helplessly watch King Qin being slaughtered in such a way that they would not be saved.

In this way, the purpose has been achieved.

Looking at the hundreds of players around who fell to the ground, a murderous aura emerged in Zhulong's eyes.

Indifferently said: "It's time to come out and enjoy your food."

The voice just fell.

The surroundings suddenly became dark.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

It turned into pitch blackness where you can't see your fingers!

The crowd panics:

"What's the matter? Why is it getting dark?"

"Damn! What happened?"

An invisible threat spread on the field, forcing everyone to draw their swords and panic.

at this time.

A dark shadow entered the crowd.

roar roar...

In a roar like a beast, mixed with the heart-piercing screams of the player.

A bloody smell spread quickly.

After ten seconds.

The darkness dissipated, and the light reappeared.

In the line of sight, I could only see that the hundred players who had been slashed by the candle dragon before, including King Qin, were all lying in a pool of blood, motionless.

Everyone's body is a tearing wound, and blood is still gushing out along the wound.

They have been killed by something.

But the corpse was lying on the ground, not refreshed.

And next to each corpse, a black bead fell...

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