Facing the sudden night marching players from all directions.

Blood-drinking family players panic.

The vice-captain's blood-drinking sword turned pale in shock: "No, there is an ambush, we are in the game!"

As the night marching players formed an encirclement around them, the retreat of the blood drinking family players was blocked.

wow wow...

The candle dragon drew up his double swords, rode on a skeleton horse, exuding an extraordinary aura of power from his body, and gradually approached.


The skeleton warhorse raised its front hooves and neighed.

The next moment, the candle dragon came flying and rushed into the crowd.

The first person on the Demon Race Heaven Ranking in Liuguang City is unstoppable.

The candle dragon waved his two swords, beheading the blood-drinking family players around him, with three or four million points of damage, sweeping the audience!

At the same time, the mage shooters who marched around at night carried out long-range fire suppression, cooperated with the candle dragon, and instantly defeated the blood drinking family!

According to Torch Dragon's deliberate explanation before launching this operation, all players in the Night Marching Army turned on the blood lock protection mode, and beat the players of the blood drinking family on the field to 1 point of blood, but did not kill them directly.

The 2,000 players of the Blood Drinking Family have all leftover blood and are in a state of checkmate!

Outside, the night marchers and murderers were puzzled: "Why do you beat the disabled instead of killing them directly?"

Nightcrawler said: "It's useless to kill them, there must be a chance for them to be resurrected."

"It depends on how Zhulong solves this problem."

While talking.

All around suddenly fell into darkness, as if darkness had fallen!

"Gluck cluck..."

A strange cry came from the darkness, causing the blood-drinking family players who were in the darkness to fall into inexplicable panic.

The next moment, in the darkness, a ghost figure interspersed in the crowd at an extremely fast speed.

With the screams one after another, the thousands of blood-drinking family players who had only 1 HP left and died at the touch of a touch were hit hard by the ghost, one by one, and fell to the ground!

Even the night marching players felt an inexplicable fear.

Fortunately, the ghost only targeted the players of the blood-drinking family, and there were no people who marched at night.

After a while, the screams gradually ceased.

The darkness is gone.

What caught the eyes of the night marching players were the corpses of the blood-drinking family players lying all over the place!

The shocking thing is: just like dealing with the undercover dragon king Qin and the others before, the bodies of the blood-drinking family players who were killed were not refreshed, and a black bead dropped next to each corpse!

Nightcrawler was shocked: Could it be that this is the "dead man" that Zhulong said can serve him?

But they are also dead, and there is nothing else special.

Just when the Nightcrawlers and the others felt strange, they heard Zhulong say, "Keep their corpses for 24 hours, and don't let anyone pick up those life beads."

Nightcrawler asked, "And after 24 hours?"

"There will be an unexpected surprise for you."

After the candle dragon finished speaking, he rode the skeleton horse and left.

Just wait for the candle dragon to go away.

The killer asked suspiciously: "This guy, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?"

Nightcrawler said, "It's okay, we'll stay for a day and see what flowers these corpses can produce."

"I don't believe it, they can come back to life?"

Therefore, the Night March players were stationed in this barren city, guarding the corpses of the blood drinking family players.

This desolate city is the "Feng Shui Treasure Land" carefully selected by the candle dragon for the night walkers.

The location is remote, and it will not be discovered by dragon players like last time.

Therefore, a night march and a guard are one day and one night.

until the next morning.

in the city.

The Murderer, who had just come out of the tent and rested for a night, yawned and saw the corpse of the blood-drinking family player, still lying quietly on the ground where the blood had coagulated, and couldn't help being disappointed:

"It's been a day, and it's still the same, that fellow Torch Dragon, he's fooling us!"

Around, the other players of the Night March also felt suspicious.

As the murderer finished speaking, then, an incredible scene appeared:

I saw those corpses, one after another, climbed up from the ground again!

Back from the dead!

And their eyes, there is a burst of ice blue cold light!

All around, the Night March players were in panic. Can't help but step back:

"This... what the hell is this?"

"They actually came back to life!"

The two thousand blood-drinking clan players all stood up, standing in the same place like walking dead!

This has never been seen before.

Both the Nightcrawler and the Killer looked at these "corpses" and were stunned.

At this time, a voice came from behind: "This is the dead man I said."

Nightcrawler turned his head and saw the candle dragon riding a skeleton horse, coming from behind the crowd!

Nightcrawler immediately asked: "What the hell is going on here?"

Coming to the side of Nightcrawler, the candle dragon jumped off the horse.

Looking at the blood-drinking family players who looked like puppets, he said, "They have now become ghost servants. From then on, they are fearless, fearless, never tired, and never betrayed.

There are escaping. "

Nightcrawler swallowed deeply: "Can you control them?"

"No." Zhulong said: "Only the ghost king can control them."

"Ghost King... Who is it?"

As the voice of Nightcrawler just fell.

In all directions, a strong sense of oppression suddenly hit.

Forcing the players to march at night, they felt an unprecedented deterrent!

Fear spreads among the crowd.

at this time.

At the rear of the army, a silver-armored general riding a skeleton warhorse very similar to the candle dragon sat down, leading two eloquent and armored four-legged war beasts, walking slowly!

The silver-armored general held a blood-colored spear.

Beneath the silver semi-enclosed metal helmet is an extremely shrunk, mummified cheek.

Dotted on this dry cheek, a pair of eyes glowing with ice blue cold light, very scary.

The two iron-clad war beasts are also ferocious and unusual, and people can see at a glance: they are not ordinary monsters!

The audience was silent.

The powerful power emanating from the silver armor general deterred the audience.

The Ye Marching players spread out involuntarily to make way for General Silver Armor. All of them stared wide-eyed and looked at General Silver Armor and the two war beasts beside him in shock.

The only one who can remain calm is probably the candle dragon.

Only he sees this general of silver armor, who can make people feel a powerful threat regardless of his aura or appearance, and can still remain indifferent.

Just wait until General Shining Armor arrives in front of the blood-drinking family players on a skeleton horse.

The army of two thousand blood-drinking clan ghost servants knelt down on one knee in front of the silver-armored general, bowed their heads as ministers, and shouted in unison, "See the ghost king!"

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