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Chapter 918 Super Artifact: Heart of Memory

"See the ghost king!"

Two thousand ghost servants from the blood-drinking family bowed down to the silver-armored general at the same time.

This scene, shocked the audience!

General Yinjia raised his left hand lightly, and the army of ghost servants rose from the ground.

Then, the ghost servants from the blood-drinking family scattered left and right.

General Silver Armor led two iron armored beasts, riding skeleton horses, and walked through a passage they let out.


A blood-red enchantment appeared in front.

General Silver Armor rode a skeleton warhorse and entered the enchantment together with two iron armored beasts.

The next moment, two thousand ghost servants entered the barrier one after another.

Finally, the enchantment disappears.


Nightcrawler hurried to Zhulong's side and asked, "The one who killed King Qin last time was also this ghost king?"

Zhulong glanced at Nightcrawler and said, "To deal with them, there is no need for the Ghost King to do it himself. These two actions were just the two ghost servants beside him."

Nightcrawler swallowed deeply, his face full of shock:

"This... what kind of monster is this ghost king?!"

No answer to Nightcrawler's question.

Zhulong said: "Those killed by the ghost king or ghost servants will ignore the resurrection, and after 24 hours, they will become ghost servants and follow the ghost king."

With that said, Zhulong looked at Nightcrawler: "Do you think this power can be used to deal with the dragon race?"

While shocked, Nightcrawler felt a little excited and excited: "In this way, is it possible to create an infinite army of dead people?"

"It's not just the Corps of the Dead." Zhulong said: "It is also effective for monsters. If you get one thing, even the ghost king can transform the lord, the boss-level monster, into a ghost servant."


"Ghost King Token." Zhu Long said: "Yinuo Qingcheng has it on his body. If he can get the Ghost King Token on him and hand it over to the Ghost King, the Ghost King's ability will increase dramatically and destroy the dragon clan, but it's just a snap of a finger."

"Without the Ghost King Order, you can only control low-level wild monsters, and even the number will be limited."

After a pause, Torch Dragon then said to Nightcrawler, "You should understand what I mean."

"Assisting the Ghost King is the only feasible way for you to fight against the Dragon Race."

After speaking, Zhulong rode the skeleton horse and left first.

Now, looking at the skeleton warhorse that Torch Dragon sat down on, which was different from ordinary mounts, one couldn't help but think deeply.

The ghost king was riding a similar skeleton horse just now. It is conceivable that the horse of the candle dragon should be bestowed by the ghost king!

In other words: Candle Dragon and this ghost king whose species and strength cannot be speculated or estimated at present, have known each other for a long time!

Not only is his own strength strong, but there is such a powerful ally behind Zhulong!

At this time, the killer said: "That ghost can actually ignore the chance of resurrection and turn the killed players into his servants, so strong! If you join forces with him to create an army of dead people, plus he doesn't look weak. , will definitely be able to deal with the Dragon Clan!"

The voice just fell.

Nightcrawler said: "You are right, but there is a problem."

"How did you get that Ghost King Token from Yinuo Qingcheng?"

Is it more difficult to grab something from Yinuo Qingcheng than to kill him directly?

If you can really grab something from Yinuo Qingcheng, Ye Marching still needs to join forces with this candle dragon and the ghost king to deal with Yinuo Qingcheng? ?

This is really a tangled issue...

"Let's find a way." The Killer looked at Nightcrawler and said, "Captain, this is our only chance!"

"The dragons killed the dictatorship, and also killed so many of our brothers, which caused our Yexing Army to face the crisis of being disbanded. We must pay back this hatred!"

Nightcrawler said: "Yes, this revenge must be avenged!"

the other side.

After the candle dragon left the deserted city on a skeleton horse, he came to a secluded place with no one.

Reach out and press on the head of the skeleton warhorse that was seated.

After a few seconds.


A blood-red enchantment transformed from the candle dragon.

The silver-armored general, who had just disappeared in the deserted city, riding a skeleton horse, stepped out of the barrier again!

When stunned.

A deep voice came from the throat of General Yinjia:

"What are you calling me for?"

"I have already told Ye Xingjun to help you get the Ghost King Token." Zhu Long said, "But I don't think they can get the Ghost King Token from Yinuo Qingcheng. After all, even I don't have the confidence to defeat Yinuo Qingcheng."

"So, it's best to just give up the Ghost King Order."

"You said before that there is another way to increase your power besides obtaining the Ghost King Token. What is the way?"

At this time, General Shining Armor took out three scrolls from the bag at his waist:

"Obtaining the things on these three scrolls will increase my power."

Look at the three red scrolls in the hands of General Shining Armor.

Zhulong said to General Yinjia in a confirming tone again: "Once your strength is increased, you can breed new ghost king blood and help me enter the ghost camp?"

"My blood essence has been extracted once by the person who has the Ghost King Token and used it on one of his magical beasts."

General Yinjia said: "The new blood essence must be powerful enough. You will

Released from the tomb of the ghost king, I will definitely regard you as my benefactor and do my best to meet your requirements. "

It turned out that this silver-armored general was on the side of the third-level main city Mirage City, the ghost map that Zhang Yi once broke into [found in the tomb of the ghost king [Ghost King Buye!

And Zhulong, through some kind of hidden opportunity, broke through the seal of the Lord God of Apocalypse, released [Ghost King Buye from the Ghost King Tomb in advance, and came to Liuguang City with him!

After a pause, the ghost king Buye continued: "What's more, your request to join the ghost clan camp is also what I look forward to, ghost clan, you are welcome to join!"

Hearing this, Zhulong stepped forward without hesitation and took the three scrolls in the hands of the ghost king Buye.

The ghost king Buye continued: "With my personal strength, I still can't compete with your human streamer city."

"As long as you can give me strong power, I will wake up the [Ghost Clan Imperial Army] that has been sleeping for thousands of years, and give you the ghost king's blood to help you enter the ghost clan camp. I will invite you to step on Liuguang City with me and rule the Apocalypse. world!"

The candle dragon smiled faintly.

Said: "Give me some time, I will do my best to help you get the things on the scroll."

After speaking, the candle dragon turned and left on the skeleton horse.

And the general of the silver armor, the ghost king Buye also pulled away and returned to the enchantment.

The enchantment disappeared, and everything returned to calm...

After parting with the ghost king.

Zhulong opened the space backpack impressively, took out a gem that kept flashing red light, and looked at:

[Heart of Memory (Super Artifact/Treasure):

Quality: 255 stars

Level: Level 255 (non-use level, no level limit for carrying)

Ability: Memory Copy (Copy the memory of a player or monster, those who carry the memory heart will have the memory of the copied target. The memory has been copied: Mu Chen/player)

Talent: Memory Extraction (a talent that can memorize any target, those who carry the memory heart will be able to use the memorized talent. Extracted talent: Dual Blade Flow/God-level talent, you can use two weapons of the same type at the same time, and get Attribute bonuses for both weapons.)

Remarks: Gift from Dark Dragon Race Seventh Order [Dark Dragon King · Iguno...

Looking at the gem in his hand [Heart of Memory, a strange look appeared in Zhulong's eyes:

"Zhang Yi, this time, I won't lose to you again."

"When I become a ghost emperor, the world of Apocalypse will be dominated by me!"

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