Skull Island.

Zhang Yi and the others just stepped into the Fire Skull Island domain.

In front of the line of sight, many players have been fighting with the fire skeletons that can be seen everywhere.

Skull Island is a level 150-160 map.

Near the edge of the Skull Island map are some of the lowest level, level 150-151 skeletons.

All I can see is that those skeletons with no flesh and blood all over their bodies, who were burned by the fire, sprang from the ground and attacked nearby players frantically.

At present, it can be seen everywhere, and what you can contact is a kind of magic system [Fire Skeleton Mage——

[Fire Skeleton Mage (Magic Department):

Talent: Arson Art (rare level, the fire skull's attack can ignite the target, causing the enemy to enter a burning state that lasts for 5 seconds, 35% damage per second, and the fire skull's damage to the enemy in the burning state is increased by 30% )

Level: 150

Attack: 150w

Physical Defense: 70w

Magic Defense: 58w

Health: 3y

Skills: Fireball, Fire Blast...

Description: The human guards who guarded Skull Island in the past were eroded by the power of darkness and were killed by the skeleton army led by [Dark Skeleton King Hull, and under the engulfing of fire, they gradually changed into fire skeletons...

The lowest-level monster on the Skull Island map, the data is very general.

However, this is for Zhang Yi, who is already level 149.

For those ordinary players who are generally only level 145-146, the threat of fire skull mage is not small.

Boom boom boom!

I can see that there are fireballs released by the Fire Skeleton Mage everywhere on the field, bombarding the players in a messy way.

One by one, the skill damage reaching two or three million points exploded above the heads of those players.

They have more than 20 million HP, and it is not a big problem to resist the attack of the fire skeleton.

The problem is that they have limited output.

Most of the damage caused by the surrounding players to the Fire Skeleton Mage remained at one or two million.

Occasionally, a white light will come on.

That is a low-level player who is too weak in strength and ranks outside the third-tier level of Liuguang City.

Without further ado, Zhang Yi and the others also locked on a Fire Skeleton Mage in front of their sight and launched an attack.

In the queue, the only warrior, the uncle held a giant sword, launched a charge slash, and faced the long-distance attack of the Fire Skeleton Mage, approaching the past!

Brush brush!

The uncle who successfully approached the Fire Skull Master, swung the giant sword, leaving three more than two million damages on the Fire Skull Master!

Han Yarou quickly cast spells, each with a treatment of about 2 million, to recover the lost blood that the uncle had just been attacked by the Fire Skeleton Mage.

The Fire Skeleton Mage launched a flash and distanced himself from the uncle.

He was about to wave his hand and continue to cast spells to attack the uncle.

At this time, Fatty waved his staff and used a body-fixing tactic. While controlling the action of the Fire Skull Mage, he interrupted its movement!

Casting spells at the same time at night and dawn.

Mage proud skills, fireball, aurora, freezing.

One after another, it fell on the controlled Fire Skeleton Mage.

On top of its head, it exploded with super high damage of four or five million!

As one of the core members of the Dragon Clan, Ye Jintianming's data is much stronger than others.

Because of his talent for dropping a hundred times more money, he has not forgotten his own development while bringing huge benefits to the Dragon Clan team.

The full-body equipment he piled up with money is fully enhanced, making his stats very high!

When the others join forces against the Fire Skeleton Mage.

On Zhang Yi's side, he also entered a fighting stance.

Pick up the level 149 quasi-artifact Scepter of Fire.

One step, two steps, while approaching the Fire Skeleton Mage, activate the [God Killing Art] and [Burning Heaven Art].

Golden God Slaughter Art, within 30 seconds after activation, increases normal attack damage by 50% and skill damage by 30%.

The Scepter of Bathing Fire comes with the skill Burning Heaven Jue. As the quality of the Scepter of Bathing Fire is upgraded to 22 stars, the effect is also enhanced to:

The attack causes the enemy to enter a state of incineration that cannot be expelled. Every second, 92% of the wearer's attack power is drained for 5 seconds. When the wearer uses the Scepter to attack the incineration target, the damage is increased by 66%. Consumes 2000 energy per second when on.


Zhang Yi made a basic attack, igniting the Fire Skeleton Mage with 6.45 million damage, causing it to enter a burning state of losing 5.89 million qi and blood per second.

This burning damage alone has surpassed the highest damage Ye Jintianming can deal!

Immediately after.




Three shots per second.

On the Fire Skull Mage, he dealt three super high damages——



-4320w crit!

With just three skills, the Fire Skeleton Mage lost nearly 100 million HP.

Make the Fire Skeleton Mage's health bar drop by a third!

The astonishing damage done by Zhang Yi made the nearby casual players who worked so hard to only cause millions of damage to the Fire Skeleton Mage doubt their lives!

And Han Yarou and uncle him

People, it's not surprising that we've seen it for a long time.

Zhang Yi's attack power is only 2.25 million.

However, various damage bonus effects can directly increase Zhang Yi's final damage by 5-6 times!

The increase in the damage of fire skills can reach a peak of 7 times!

Use a few single skills to bring a wave of powerful consumption to the Fire Skeleton Mage, Zhang Yi, and summon a group of beasts.

Just like Zhang Yi.

The equipment of the Warcraft group is also the top level in Liuguang City. Zhang Yi once took half a month to break through a high-level hidden map, and it took a lot of effort to get the 25-star glory suit from it!

Their strength, any one of them, can reach the top three levels of the Liuguang City Heavenly Ranking!

The Dragon Blood Knight charged with the Glory Shield and the Glory Spear.

Speed-flowing assassins and soul reapers reach the attack range at an ultra-fast speed.

Shaped like a phantom, it shuttles back and forth around the Fire Skeleton Mage.

The dagger of glory swings at extreme speed.

Makes the head of the Fire Skeleton Mage jump up with super high damage of eight or nine million!

In the back line, the undead crossbowmen also continuously drew their bows and arrows, and continued to consume the blood of the Fire Skeleton Mage with five or six million damages.

The Dragon Blood Knight, whose total HP has exceeded 70 million, relies on the innate talent of Dragon Blood, which can also be triggered by one-handed active attack.

However, the attack speed of the Dragon Blood Knight is far less than that of the Soul Reaper and the Undead Crossbowman.

At the time of his one-shot attack, Soul Reaper could launch four or five attacks.

So in general, among the three beasts, the Soul Reaper does the most damage!

Recently, Zhang Yi has also developed for Warcraft.

Although they can't inherit Zhang Yi's 500-600% damage bonus effect.

However, Zhang Yi recently obtained a nearly 200% damage bonus effect of Warcraft through various opportunities and titles.

This is the reason why the damage of these three little ones can reach such a high level!

Fatty has seamless control throughout the entire process.

Zhang Yi and the group of monsters cooperate with Ye Jintianming and the uncle.

Soon, this level 150 Fire Skeleton Mage was killed!

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