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Chapter 938 Arsonist, Hidden Mission

Killing this Fire Skeleton Mage by Zhang Yi will increase the progress of the quest by 1 point.

Basically no need to adjust the state.

Several people continued to lock on the next target and launched an attack.

With the strength of Zhang Yi and the other five, it is a bit overkill to brush the Fire Skeleton Mage alone.

This time, Zhang Yi directly launched multiple attacks, using basic attacks to attract the hatred of the three fire skeleton mages at the same time, and set them on fire.

With super-fast hand speed, Zhang Yi activated the golden skill [Hell's Fire, attacking the three Fire Skeleton Mages at the same time, and bursting into flames under their feet.

at the same time.

Get ahead of the Fire Skeleton Mage in action.

Fatty quickly cast spells and controlled them with body-fixing art, thunder and lightning tribulation, and starlight extinction, so that they were locked in the fire formation and continued to be hurt by the fire formation!

11 stars [Bright suits have long been eliminated, resulting in Fatty's skills, without the effect of reducing the CD by 5 seconds brought by the bright suits, and the cooling time has been greatly increased.

However, this does not affect his ability to control for four or five seconds.

The skill of the Bright Suit [Cooldown Reduction (reduces the CD of all skills by 5 seconds, and the skill CD must not be lower than 5 seconds) is extracted by Zhang Yi into the God Emperor Ring.

Except for Fireball, which itself only has a 5-second cooldown.

Freezing, World Destruction, Aurora and these skills have all reduced their cooldowns to seven or eight seconds.

For Zhang Yi, this is also a good improvement!

Taking advantage of the gap when Fatty controlled the Fire Skeleton Mage.

Zhang Yi released the fire, the ice and snow, the undead storm and the streamer, bringing a wave of powerful group consumption.


The uncle cooperated with the dragon blood knight, the soul reaper, to launch a close-range impact.

Ye Jin Tianming is a long-range shooting with the undead crossbowmen.

Soon, the five people joined forces to kill all three fire skeleton mages!

And this time.

The other players around who are hunting fire skeletons haven't even got a fire skeleton.

Zhang Yi and the others continued to slaughter.

The number of monsters to deal with at the same time has increased from 1 to 3, and then from 3 to 5.

Finally increased to 8!

In the surrounding five-player team, you can only deal with one at most at a time, and when the strength is slightly stronger, it can barely deal with two fire skeletons at the same time.

Zhang Yi and the others have already spawned 8 fire skeletons in the group!

And the former is in a hurry.

The latter is gradual and orderly.

This comparison is simply not too exaggerated.

Dealing with 8 fire skeletons at the same time is already the upper limit for Zhang Yi and his team.

The main reason is that the level difference between the level 150 Fire Skeleton Mage and Zhang Yi is only one level.

The gap between Ye Jintianming and the others is only level 3.

You must know that Zhang Yi used to be casual, and he was level 10 to farm monsters!

With the strength that can easily crush 160-level monsters, it is naturally easy to use it to deal with 150-level monsters.

These fire skeletons, the probability of dropping [fire skeleton suits is not very high, remains at about 1%.

And ordinary monsters drop the lowest 23-star quality.

Zhang Yi and the others killed hundreds of Fire Skull Mages before they finally exploded a pair of Mage [Fire Skull Pants!

Level 145 23 Starfire Skeleton suit, regardless of occupation, the suit effect is the same: the full set increases the damage of the wearer by 55%!

Fire skull suit, more suitable for mage, warrior.

And this 23 star fire skeleton equipment that Zhang Yi and the others despised, for ordinary players who are still using 21-22 star equipment at this stage, it is the best of all!

Take these pants.

Zhang Yi and the others, continue to hunt down the Fire Skeleton Mage!

Ordinary players, the ordinary part of the [arsonist mission, it takes at least one day for all five people to complete it.

As for Zhang Yi and the others, it took only half a day to complete the [Advanced Arsonist!

There are a lot of experience rewards for quests, plus the experience gained by five people who killed 1,500 fire skeletons in half a day.

Zhang Yi's level only increased from 10% at level 149 to 25% at level 149.

It can be seen that the difficulty of upgrading.

In addition to some regular rewards, each of the five will get a 24 Starfire Skeleton Equipment!

Players who receive the ordinary [Arsonist quest, each time they submit a quest, there is a very small probability that the next quest will be upgraded to a hidden quest.

As for Zhang Yi and his senior arsonists, the mission upgrade probability is doubled!

So, in the process of submitting the task.

In the fat man's ear, a system prompt sounded:

"Ding~ Congratulations, when you submitted the [Arsonist (Advanced) (1) quest, luck was triggered, and you received the [Arsonist (Advanced Hidden) (2)!"

Fatty was startled for a moment, then looked at Zhang Yi: "Zhang...Brother Zhang Yi, I got the hidden mission!"

Because I was a little excited, I couldn't control it, and the voice was a bit loud.

It immediately attracted the attention of many scattered players around.

But their focus is not on hidden missions.


"Damn it! Their first mission has been completed??"


Except for Fatty, the other four of the five were not so lucky.

The second ring of the advanced arsonist requires the player to kill 500 fire skeletons with a level of at least 151.

And Fatty's hidden mission is to kill 800 fire skeletons in the same time!

Actually simple.

The Skull Island series of quests are all a contest of numbers.

The difficulty of the task is that the specified number of monsters must be killed within the specified time.

Otherwise, the task will start over.

The time for the second ring task is 30 hours.

Fortunately, Skull Island has a more user-friendly setting.

That is: the player will only count the mission time when they are in the Skull Island map.

After all, the map of Skull Island is restricted: players cannot set up tents on the island.

When the fatigue is gone, you must leave Skull Island.

And many people leave Skull Island, and it will be difficult to squeeze in next time.

When the second ring task was triggered, it was still four o'clock in the afternoon.

The fatigue level is still more than 40%.

So, Zhang Yi and the others started the second mission directly.

In the second-ring mission of the arsonist, the level of the target to be killed cannot be lower than level 151.

Zhang Yi and the others went deeper into the Fire Skull Island through the field of Fire Skull Mage.

Until you encounter a more advanced monster: level 151 fire skeleton warrior!

Lock on the target and launch an attack.

The melee fire skeleton warrior with the flaming sword as a weapon is more swift and fierce than the fire skeleton mage.

However, they are still not the opponents of Zhang Yi and the others. It is easy to reduce to experience and task progress, and they are taken into their pockets by Zhang Yi.

Brush from four to nine in the evening.

Except Fatty, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou, the mission progress reached 50%!

At this time, the fatigue level of several people was not much left, and they could not continue to support the battle.

Before ten o'clock, they withdrew from Skull Island.

Outside Skull Island, there are teleportation formations scattered around Liuguang City.

Next to each teleportation array, there is almost a sea of ​​people.

As long as there is a vacancy in the number of people in Skull Island, players will immediately pour into the teleportation array outside...

Skull Island has become a paradise-like and desirable place!

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