Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 943 Golden Armored Soldiers

Flame family.

There are indeed many of them.

Even after the night march was overturned, there were still more than 1,000 people on the field.

There are more than 1,000 people. At this stage, even if you are besieging a high-star boss, it is more than enough!

And soon.

There was a commotion outside the city.

Thousands of players are approaching Jicheng!

The reinforcements of the Flame family have arrived!

It turned out that when he was just fighting the night march, for the sake of safety, General Raging Flame had already sent a message on the team channel and summoned his family teammates in the vicinity.

Soon, countless flaming families poured into the sacrifice city, and they locked the ghost king Buye to death!

Seeing this scene, Nightcrawler and Killer began to panic:

"Yes, there are so many of them! Can the ghost king handle it?"

"The ghost king's strength has increased so much, he will definitely be able to destroy them!"

"But don't forget, it is not invincible. It was almost killed by Yinuo Qingcheng before. Now its strength is only 26-27 star BOSS level. They use crowd tactics, ghost king, danger!"

When nightcrawlers and murderers worry.

The ghost king, Buye, did not panic at all.

"A mere group of mortals want to kill me too?"

"Gluck cluck..."

"Just let you see: the power of the ghost clan forbidden army!"


The ghost king Buye took off a black waist card hanging from his waist, held the waist card high, and roared in a low voice: "With the blood of my king, wake you up!"

"Invincible soldiers, please fight for the king!"


The Nightcrawler and the Killer on the side were shocked:

"Ghost... Ghost King Order?!"

Not so.

As a low-star ghost king, Buye does not have a ghost king decree.

This waist card is the command of the ghost clan that every ghost king rank has, and its authority is far lower than that of the ghost king.

However, the ghost king can control the powerful ghost clan through the command of the army [Ghost clan forbidden army!

Around, the flame family players looked at the ghost king exuding black energy, then you looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other.

They don't know what the ghost king is doing.

But vaguely aware: something bad is about to happen!


In the crowd, I do not know who heard a cry.

The flame family players from all directions rushed towards the ghost king!

at this time.


At the foot of the ghost king, a huge blood-colored barrier suddenly appeared.

Those players of the flame family who tried to approach the ghost king but stepped into the enchantment unintentionally, spontaneously ignited, burning ghost fires on their bodies, and were burned alive in the screams!

Scared the others to dare not approach.

Immediately after.


A beam of red light shot up from the barrier and pierced the sky.

Suddenly, the situation in the sky changed suddenly.

Countless players nearby, and even in Liuguang City, looked up at the wonders in the sky and felt terrified.

Nobody knows what happened.

Except for Zhang Yi, who was on a Rank 6 mission in the suburbs east of the city.

A fissure in time and space with colorful light torn apart in the air, as well as constant lightning around it.

No one is more familiar with this scene than Zhang Yi.

This is the summoning ceremony of the ghost king!

A ghost king is casting a spell to summon [Ghost Clan Imperial Army!

The ghost king Buye, who disappeared for more than a month, has appeared again!

This was Zhang Yi's first reaction.

So, Zhang Yi didn't even bother to do the job transfer task, he immediately rode the minibus, and jumped away at the position where the crack opened!

Inside the sacrifice city.

The crowd panicked.

After a while, a beam of aurora shot down from the colored barrier floating in the air and blasted somewhere in the city.

A black door that seems to lead to hell, turned out at the location where the aurora settled!

A group of flame family players turned back and stared at the door behind which exuded the breath of death.

The audience fell into a dead silence.



The door opened, and a black mist was released from it.

Then, the sound of hooves came.

The next second, I saw several soldiers dressed in fully enclosed golden armor, holding long swords or bows and arrows, and eyes emitting ice blue cold light, riding skeleton warhorses, galloping from the door!

A powerful aura of death spread along the bodies of the soldiers.


The flame family players have not yet reacted.

Whoosh whoosh!

Among the eight soldiers in golden armor, three soldiers who used bows and arrows as weapons quickly drew bows and arrows.

The sharp arrows they released flew into the sky, and directly split from one into dozens, forming a rain of arrows, which fell into the crowd!

Countless players were hit by random arrows, and they jumped up from the top of their heads, causing damage as high as five or six million!

"Meet the enemy!"

a cry.

The flame family players quickly lined up.

However, their formation was completely unable to resist the attack of those soldiers.

Five with long swords

As a weapon, the golden armored soldiers drove their skeleton horses and galloped, instantly breaking through the defense line of the flame family players and rushing into the crowd.

Waving the long sword in his hand, he aggressively harvested the surrounding flame family players.

The super high damage of five or six million, one after another, swept the crowd!

With the screams one after another, those players killed by the golden armored soldiers fell to the ground one after another, as if they were killed by the ghost king, and their bodies were not refreshed.

Around, players who have not yet fought with these golden armored soldiers fell into panic:

"Damn! What the hell is this, so powerful!"

"Their damage is too high, the brothers can't resist it at all!"

The ghost king Buye sat on the skeleton horse, quietly watching the ghost clan forbidden army under him, madly killing the players of the flame family.

"Giggle" said with a smile: "Ghost clan forbidden army, how can you and other mortals be able to match!"

Although there are only eight soldiers in this golden armor.

But one by one is superior in strength, and the damage explodes.

Even if there are two thousand players in the flame family, they are unmatched.

As the number of casualties soared.

Feel the situation is not good.

A soldier player who is a vice-captain [Flame Cyclone hurriedly ordered: "Retreat! The whole army retreats!"

in panic.

The flame family players were killed and wounded, and the remaining people fled towards the surroundings.

The ghost king, Buye, was about to give orders to the eight golden-armored soldiers who were still slaughtering the Quartet.

At this moment, suddenly in the sky, a mass of "fire" leaped towards this side!

"Yinuo Qingcheng is here!"

It was only through a fire that I could tell that it was Zhang Yi's murderer. I didn't panic, but at the moment I was a little happy:

"Master Ghost King, Yinuo Qingcheng is here, we just take this opportunity to use your men to kill Yinuo Qingcheng!"

Look at the blazing fire that is approaching in the air.

But the ghost king Buye ordered: "Withdraw!"

The killer was very puzzled: "Your subordinates are so powerful, why don't you use them to deal with Yinuo Qingcheng?"

The ghost king did not give any explanation.

Cast a spell, summon an enchantment behind you, and then ride a skeleton warhorse into the enchantment.

At the same time, as the ghost king disappeared.

The eight golden armored soldiers also transformed into golden light and disappeared.

I saw that the ghost king and the golden armored soldiers all withdrew.

Killer and Nightcrawler, how dare they stay and wait for the upcoming Yinuo Qingcheng.

He hurriedly led a group of players who didn't have much left in the Ye Marching Army, and followed the ghost king into the barrier he opened!

The next moment, the enchantment disappeared...

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