Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 944 The powerful G family forbidden army!


Zhang Yi rides a minibus and sits in the sacrifice city.

On the ground, there are corpses of players of the flame family everywhere.

The traces after a war appeared in Zhang Yi's sight.

It's a pity, it's a step too late.

After a while, a large group of players poured in from all directions!

They are the flame family players.

It turned out that these people didn't run far just now. After seeing the ghost king and the golden armored soldiers have withdrawn, they all came back.

It was the first time that the dead bodies were not refreshed. Obviously, everyone on the field except Zhang Yi was extremely surprised.

They surrounded the corpses, each in grief and anger.

"This... what's going on? Why didn't they refresh and resurrect when they died, did they really die?"

Everyone was helpless and desperate.

Faced with a corpse, I was at a loss.

On Zhang Yi's side, he was groping for the evacuation of the ghost king.

Suddenly, the Dragon Clan Immortal brought people here!

"Why are you here?" Zhang Yi asked.

The Dragon Clan Immortal said: "Sorry, I want to vomit every day, and the task of Skull Island is a bit boring. I thought about coming out at night to buy some fresh goods. I just came here when I saw a vision in the sky."

In the voice of the speech, the dragon clan immortal looked at the corpses in front of them, and said in amazement: "The ghost king has appeared again?!"

The voice just fell.

Long Xingtian, who was traveling with him, said thoughtfully: "A single ghost king should not have such great ability. There should be two or three thousand of these people. Can two or three thousand people be no match for a ghost king?"

"It's not just the ghost king."

Zhang Yi said: "The one who killed them was the ghost clan forbidden army."

"Ghost clan forbidden army?" Both the immortal dragon clan and the dragon travel the world looked confused.

"Is it the same as a ghost servant?"


Zhang Yi said: "Ghost servants are puppets transformed by ghost monsters after killing the enemy. They are relatively weak in combat and do not have pure ghost blood. The ghost clan forbidden army has pure ghost blood."

According to Zhang Yi's knowledge, according to Apocalypse's settings.

The ghost clan forbidden army is the most powerful fighting army of the ghost clan, and its strength is second only to the ghost king.

Like the ghost king, they have a thousand-year history and obey the ghost king.

A thousand years ago, it was with the assistance of the ghost clan forbidden army that those ghost kings could swept the world of Apocalypse.

Even the strength of the ghost king itself is very strong.

The ghost clan forbidden army and the ghost king are a match made in heaven.

According to legend:

A thousand years ago, the forbidden army of the ghost clan assisted the ghost king to conquer the world.

Later, unwilling to be under the command of the ghost king, the five leaders of the ghost clan forbidden army united and led the ghost clan forbidden army to counterattack the ghost king, trying to overthrow the rule!

Later, the ghost emperor, [the ghost emperor appeared, used the powerful ghost power to suppress the five chiefs, and quelled the rebellion of the ghost clan forbidden army.

Since then, the ghost emperor disappeared.

Until Apocalypse [The Lord God appears, seals the entire ghost clan, and restores peace to the world of Apocalypse!

The strength of the ghost clan forbidden army is no trivial matter, far from those ghost servants, can compare.

Zhang Yi remembered the last ghost festival, when the ghost tribe invaded Tianqi on a small scale, there was once a ghost king who led a ghost tribe forbidden army.

There were only a hundred soldiers in the forbidden army, and they literally wiped out a high-level team of tens of thousands of people!

After listening to Zhang Yi's overview.

The immortal dragon family and the dragon travel the world are ashamed.

At this time, the dragon clan immortal said: "Since the ghost clan forbidden army is so powerful, and the ghost king can drive the ghost clan forbidden army, why didn't this ghost king summon the ghost clan forbidden army to attack us?"

"The ghost clan forbidden army that the low-star ghost king can control is limited."

Zhang Yi said: "Buye, it's just a one-star ghost king. The ghost clan forbidden army soldiers that a one-star ghost king can control should not exceed two digits at most."

"There are only a few?" Long Xingtian was shocked: "No wonder it dare not use that forbidden army to deal with us."

A few banned soldiers can completely defeat a family of 2,000 players.

The ghost clan forbidden army is so terrifying!

Look forward.

The players of the flame family were still surrounded by the bodies of their dead teammates, at a loss.

at this time.

A voice suddenly came from his ear: "Take the life beads that fell next to their corpses into the Resurrection Spring."

After saying this, Zhang Yi left with the Dragon Clan Immortal.

The remaining players of the flame family, you look at me and I look at you, each with a suspicious look.

After all, he is the first god of the human race in Liuguang City. Zhang Yi's words still have great authority.

They did as Zhang Yi said.

Pick up the beads that fell next to the corpses, and then use the City Return Scroll to return to Liuguang City and quickly come to the Resurrection Spring.

After a while, in the sacrifice city, those corpses really turned into white light to refresh one after another!

There are also some people who are stationed in the sacrifice city and guard the corpses, and they have a surprise!

"Yinuo Allure is awesome!"

"Yinuo allure, yyds..."

the other side.

The ghost king Buye and the night marching players came to a secluded dark woodland through the ghost clan barrier.

The killer immediately said to the Ghost King Buye, "Thank you, Lord Ghost King, for saving your life!"

Thanks to the ghost king tonight.

Otherwise, they march at night, and they will be destroyed in the hands of the flame family.

And this is the first time, without the candle dragon, the ghost king came directly to the night walkers!

The ghost king, who rode on the skeleton warhorse, directly confronted the Nightcrawler and they went straight to the point:

"My strength is greatly limited, and I can't summon too many banned soldiers. Otherwise, it will only be a snap of my finger to step on the city of light."

Having seen the power of the ghost clan forbidden army with their own eyes, the Nightcrawlers and the others also believed that the ghost king was not talking big.

At this time, Night Walker thoughtfully said: "The candle dragon told us before that there are two ways to strengthen your power."

"One is to get the ghost king's order."

Nightcrawler knew that it was impossible to seize the Ghost King Ling from Yinuo Qingcheng.

Then he continued: "There is one more thing, looking for something. But Torch Dragon has already found most of the things, and it should only be the last thing, which is on Skull Island. He is also looking for that kind of thing on Skull Island now, and it should not take long. , you can get it!"


The ghost king Buye said: "It's just that things on Skull Island must not be so easy to get."

"I need a strong escort team to escort the candle dragon and ensure that he can get things in the end."

After listening, the killer thought thoughtfully: "What do you mean, you want us to protect the candle dragon?"

"Your strength, no."

The ghost king is also very direct: "Only the ghost clan forbidden army can protect the candle dragon."

With that said, the Ghost King took off the [Command of the Army] on his waist and said to the Nightcrawler:

"I give you the power of a ghost king. With this token, you can summon the Imperial Army!"

The Nightcrawler and the Killer were overjoyed and thought to themselves: Is there such a good thing?

And the ghost king went on to say: "This token can guide you to a ghost clan forbidden area, and in that forbidden area, a ghost clan forbidden army was suppressed."

"I need you to help me and release that ghost clan forbidden army!"

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