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Chapter 966 Ultimate cooperation: group skeletons!

Looking in all directions, being attacked by Zhang Yi, countless skeleton people came running.

Except for Zhang Yi, the other four people in the team were all shocked.

Ye Jintianming said in shock: "My God! Are you crazy?"

Zhang Yi smiled indifferently: "This way, the efficiency of killing monsters is high."

Han Yarou was also a little worried: "The shield can only take effect when it resists the attack."

"Dragon blood knights can't resist so many strange sieges at the same time, right?"

The uncle clenched his long sword, and there was nothing unusual on the surface, but his heart began to tremble.

After all, he doesn't have the defensive power of the Dragon Blood Knight, and if he is attacked by these level 155 skeletons, he will easily suffer five or six million damage.

It only takes a round of concentrated fire of ten skeletons to instantly kill him.

What's more, there are more than ten skeletons under siege right now, at least more than a hundred!

Fatty is even more in a hurry. There are too many enemies, and he doesn't know which one to control.

Just when everyone thought that Zhang Yi made a mistake and would lead to the destruction of the team.

Suddenly I heard Zhang Yi shouting softly: "Don't act rashly, let the blood horses pull hatred!"

The voice just fell.

I saw that the Dragon Blood Knight stepped forward a few steps and clenched the shield of hell.

The right hand holds the spear high.


A beam of red light fell, and the shield of hell suddenly transformed into several shield shadows, surrounding the dragon blood knights!

The next moment, launch [Taunt, attract all the hatred and hatred of the hundreds of skeletons that have stepped into the attack range around him.

Immediately after.

Dark Aid, Dragon Blood Shield, Dragon Emperor Body Protection, all defensive skills are enabled.

Those skeletons locked on the Dragon Blood Knights were a slamming blow!

The melee skeleton warrior and skeleton assassin attack at close range, while the skeleton mage and skeleton shooter shoot from a distance.

Countless attacks landed on the Dragon Blood Knight in unison, and most of them did not hit the shield, but landed directly on the Dragon Blood Knight.

Just when the uncle and the others thought that even the Dragon Blood Knight could not resist so many strange sieges, they would be killed by a round of concentrated fire.

The unexpected thing is: the dragon blood knight jumped up a large piece of ultra-low damage of 500,000 to 600,000!

Attacks that don't hit the shield also trigger the shield's damage reduction!

Hundreds of skeletons gathered fire in one round, and after breaking the Dragon Blood Shield, only half of the blood of the Dragon Blood Knight was destroyed!

Simply incredible!

At this time, Zhang Yi said to Han Yarou, "Xiaoya, treat!"

Han Yarou quickly returned to her senses, and cast a spell. Three to four million recovery values ​​appeared on the top of the Dragon Blood Knight's head.

And the Dragon Blood Knight himself also launched [Dragon Blood Self-Healing, continuous recovery of more than 5 million per second, combined with Han Yarou's continuous treatment, he quickly recovered more than half of his lost HP!

Dragon Blood Fury!


The Dragon Blood Knight slammed the ground with a long spear, sending a shock wave to the surroundings, instantly sweeping over the hundreds of skeletons around.

More than 50 million counter-injury hit the audience!

At the same time, Zhang Yi looked at Fatty: "Fatty, set up the formation!"

The fat man said "Oh" with a confused expression.

Then immediately run the ring around the skeleton group and manually arrange the [Seven Star Array!

Take this opportunity.

Zhang Yi and Soul Reaper, the undead crossbowman, attacked at the same time.

One by one, tens of millions of damage exploded in the skeleton group.

The uncle and Ye Jintianming were not idle either, attacking with all their might.

Soon, the fat man's seven-star formation was completed.

wow wow wow...

Seven red lights lifted off, opening a heptagonal barrier in the air.

Immediately, countless aurora fell from the enchantment, covering the entire field.

Hundreds of skeletons, all covered by the aurora rain, fell into a state of continuous dizziness, and at the same time, their heads jumped up one by one, causing more than 30 million damage!

It has been consumed by the Dragon Blood Knight before.

At this moment, under the continuous damage of the seven-star formation for ten seconds.

Ten seconds later, the magic circle stopped.

Around, hundreds of level 155 skeletons all fell to the ground and shattered into a pile of bones!

The experience bars of the five people have risen by a small amount in a trend that is visible to the naked eye!

Except for Zhang Yi, the rest of the people stayed.

After a long time, Han Yarou asked, "Zhang Yi, why..."

"Why didn't the Blood Knight use the shield to block the attack, but it can also trigger the shield's attributes?" Zhang Yi, who saw what Han Yarou wanted to ask, smiled lightly.

Every time the World of Warcraft rises, it will comprehend a skill that can be upgraded.

Dragon Blood Knight rose to 14 stars some time ago, and the comprehension skill: Shield of Life!

Shield of Life: After using it for 1 minute, the knight will be integrated with the shield and get the protection of the shield in all directions!

It's just because I used to farm five or six monsters alone before, and I have never known this kind of brushing hundreds of monsters at a time.

This skill has never been of use.

And Ye Jintianming's focus is on the fat man:

"I'm going, fat brother, what skills did you just use, so hang, why have you never seen you use it before?"

I really didn't know the night

Fatty's Seven Star Array.

It is also because: like the shield of life of the Dragon Blood Knight, it is useless.

The seven-star formation took too long.

I usually spawn monsters, I'm afraid that the fat man's formation has not been completed, and the monsters have already been killed, I'm afraid that it will be lonely in the end~

The seven-star array is manually arranged, and within ten seconds, it accumulates real damage with 80% of the maximum HP!

Fatty's skill is a perfect match with the Dragon Blood Knight's Shield of Life!

At this time, Ye Jintianming couldn't help giving a thumbs up to the fat man: "Really cow, I didn't expect you to be a master who is usually silent, but you are a hidden master!"

The fat man scratched the back of his head and said with a smile, "Where... how can there be..."

Zhang Yi said to Ye Jintianming, "Are you amazing?"

"Let's see when Fatty becomes the arbiter."

This wave, 21 seconds of battle.

The progress of the Fat Man quest is directly increased by 112 points!

Tactics are possible, but not always.

Because Fatty's Seven Star Array and the Dragon Blood Knight's Shield of Life, these two skills are indispensable.

The Shield of Life has a 5 minute cooldown.

The cooldown time of the Seven Star Array is also not short.

So, Zhang Yi and the others group brush every 5 minutes.

Under normal conditions, as before, five or six brushes are used at a time.

At the end of the day, all five people completed the task.

Go back to the city gate, find NPC Moore, and submit the quest.

In addition to regular experience gold coins and reputation and other rewards.

The five Zhang Yi also each got an opportunity to upgrade the skeleton suit series of equipment.

Zhang Yi used this opportunity on the ring.

"Ding~ Congratulations, the quality of your [Fire Skull Ring has increased from 26 stars to 27 stars!"

After completing the upgrade, Zhang Yi's attack power has increased a lot.

From 2.6 million to 2.8 million!

at the same time.

With the completion of the first layer of tasks.

The gate on the second floor of the Skeleton King City has been opened for Zhang Yi and the others.

Map announcement:

"Ding~ Congratulations to the player [Yinuo Qingcheng is the first to complete the task of the first floor of the [Skull King City], and the second floor of the Skeleton King City has been opened!"

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