Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 967 Comprehensive Enhancement: 28 Starfire Skeleton Sets!

The second floor of Skeleton King City is already the territory of level 156 skeletons.

Level 156 skeletons gain the influence of a dark halo and can reach the level of monsters level 161~162.

It is much stronger than the level 155 skeletons on the first floor.

But for Zhang Yi and the others, it was harmless.

When we arrived on the second floor, it was already six o'clock in the evening.

With 30% fatigue remaining, the five plan to continue to perform the second-level task.

Do as much as you want, and don't expect to finish it tonight.

So, according to the location of Mel on the first floor, several people entered the city gate of the third floor on the second floor, and found the second-floor quest NPC [Guardian of the Skeleton King City: Bro, and each received the second-floor quest from him.

Hunting Skeletons 2, the purpose is the same as the first task above, which is to kill skeletons.

It's just that the number of skeletons that need to be killed has increased from 3000 to 3500!

Without further ado.

After receiving the task, several people immediately started work!

It is still the same as the previous battle mode, every 5 minutes, use a group brush.

Under normal conditions, only six or seven brushes are done at a time.

From 6 o'clock to 8 o'clock in the evening, several people erased the fraction of 500 skeletons each, and then returned to the city to eat and rest.

That night, Zhang Yi had a dream.

Suddenly, I dreamed of what the black dragon said to me before he died:

"Do you think it's over by killing me?"

"Everything has just begun!"

Zhang Yi woke up from his dream.

If it wasn't for the temporary dragon camp experience permission obtained by the level 5 dragon bloodline, Zhang Yi would not have been able to defeat the seventh-order dark dragon emperor, Yigunuo, who had traveled back from the next five years.

Therefore, defeating Heilong can be said to be a fluke, rather than relying on Zhang Yi's strength.

Zhang Yi vaguely felt that the arrival of the ghost king Buye and Mu Chen, that is, the candle dragon, was not a butterfly effect caused by Zhang Yi's rebirth.

It was the arrangement of the Black Dragon!

It is exactly what Heilong said before his death: Everything has just begun!

Is this the backhand left by Heilong?

Zhang Yi pondered and was terrified.

the next day.

The first thing Zhang Yi woke up was to use the title ability.

Three chances, Zhang Yi used it on the 26-star Fire Skull Necklace.

Fail twice, succeed once, upgrade the Fire Skull Necklace to 27 stars!

The energy attribute has been greatly improved, which is a very important improvement for Zhang Yi, who uses skills frequently and has to support the consumption of [Flame Body and [Burning Heaven Jue].

It has reached the upper limit of the upgrade of the super god appraisal, but the fire skull necklace can still be upgraded by passing the task of the Skeleton King City!

So, after breakfast, Zhang Yi and the others continued in a team of five and marched into the Skeleton King City!

When arriving at Skull Island.

The Fire Skull Island area is already crowded with people, and "goods are in short supply".

As soon as some fire skeletons were refreshed, they were looted by several teams of players, and were killed within a few seconds of being born.

It is conceivable that Ice Skull Island and Night Skull Island must have the same magnificent scenery.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi and the others didn't have to go grab monsters.

Pass through the Fire Skull Island area, reach the depths, and enter the Skeleton King City.

When they came to the second floor, Zhang Yi and the others locked on the 156-157 skeletons and continued to brush!

The Skeleton King City series of quests are similar.

All kill skeletons.

The difference is: the level of each layer of skeletons is different, and the number of skeletons required to kill in the mission is also different.

It is nothing more than that the higher the level, the more skeletons you kill, and the greater the difficulty.

But at the same time, the higher the tier, the richer the reward!

The guaranteed minimum reward for improving the quality of a skeleton equipment per mission is already attractive enough.

It is equivalent to that as long as the player completes the seven-layer quest, they can just equip a set of seven parts of a skeleton suit to upgrade the star to 1 star!

And the basic rewards of the following tasks, experience points, gold coins and prestige, are also getting higher and higher!


As a super welfare map, the high-level benefits are also getting bigger and bigger.

On the 1st-3rd floor, killing monsters can normally explode 24-25 star skeleton equipment, and occasionally you can pick it up on the roadside, and it is also 25 stars.

On the 4th floor, ordinary monsters can already explode 26-star skeleton suits!

But this is not something that ordinary players can surpass, and more than 4 floors, the probability of exploding 26-star skeleton outfits is very small, and most of them are still 24-25 stars.

The level of the skeleton on the fourth floor has reached level 158. Under the halo of darkness, the strength has reached the level of level 165 monsters.

And the probability of elite monsters appearing is greatly increased.

Even Zhang Yi and the others didn't dare to easily try the previous swarming method of 100 skeletons at a time, and the number was reduced to 40 or 50.

Because there are too many, they can kill the Dragon Blood Knight in one round of focusing fire.

Even with the protection of the 29-star Hell Shield, the Dragonblood Knight can't resist the swarming damage of these high-level skeletons!

When Zhang Yi and the others broke into the fourth floor of the Skeleton King City.

There are also more and more players who finally cleared the quest of Skull Island outside the city and entered the Skull King City!

Basically, players who clear the mission are all wearing skeleton suits, and their strength has been greatly improved.

However, with their strength

, even though the Skeleton King City channel has been opened to the fourth floor, they can only play slowly from the first floor up.

Night falls.

On the seventh day of entering the Skeleton King City, Zhang Yi and the others finally got through the fourth floor!

After finding the NPC guards on the fourth floor, and submitting the quest, Zhang Yi used the chance to upgrade the equipment that was guaranteed to be rewarded on the [Fire Skull Robe.

During the period, through the improvement of super god identification, in addition to the scepter of the fire, which has already reached 28 stars, Zhang Yi's other six parts of the fire skeleton equipment have all been upgraded from 26 to 27 stars.

Then, through the four quest rewards of Skeleton King City, the four parts of clothes, shoes, necklace and pants were raised to 28 stars again.

Right now, Zhang Yi is just short of two parts: the hat and the ring, and Zhang Yi can put together a complete set of 28 Starfire Skulls!

But if you want to achieve this goal, you have to complete the tasks of the fifth and sixth floors.

It seems that if I want to fulfill this wish in a short period of time, I am afraid there is no chance.

Because tomorrow, Zhang Yi is going to enter the fifth floor and take Fatty to hide the map.

Fatty's adjudicator's transfer is the most important thing at the moment.

The fifth and sixth floor tasks can only be done after Fatty has changed jobs.

It's a pity that there are two parts missing.

Just when Zhang Yi and the others were about to finish work.

Han Yarou, who was beside her, suddenly stared at Zhang Yi quietly with a pair of beautiful big eyes, and asked, "Are you still two parts missing?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yi said, "It's alright, I'll wait until tomorrow to help Fatty complete the adjudicator transfer, and then do the task promotion later."

Han Yarou said thoughtfully, "The opportunity to improve the quality of equipment as a reward for this quest seems to be reserved and given away."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yi didn't realize what Han Yarou meant.

Only two consecutive system prompts were heard from Zhang Yi's ears——

"Ding~ Player [Yarou] uses [Equipment Upgrade Rewards to upgrade your equipment, congratulations on the quality of your equipment [Fire Skull Hat has increased from 27 stars to 28 stars!"

"Ding~ Player [Yarou upgrades your equipment with the [Equipment Upgrade Reward], congratulations on the quality of your equipment [Fire Skull Ring has increased from 27 stars to 28 stars!"

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have collected the [Fire Skull Suit 28-star seven-piece suit, the flame body skill effect has been increased to: increase the damage by 125% and increase the damage of fire skills by 40%!"

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