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Chapter 990 The support of Xingchen Palace and Sengoku Wushuang!

The time is fixed at twelve noon.

However, at this moment, the situation in the floating sky suddenly changed, lightning flashes and thunder, and darkness covers the earth, as if it were night!

bang dong...

bang dong...

The Dark Skeleton King is in the eastern suburbs of Liuguang City, in a forest about ten miles away from Liuguang City, slowly approaching Liuguang City!

Between steps, the ground shook.

Countless players who had the chance to revive came from the wild or from the city to besiege the BOSS, trying to prevent it from approaching Liuguang City.

Just the result, all of them were trampled into patties.

Boom boom boom!

Over the head of the Dark Skeleton King, thunder and lightning continued to bombard him.

Within a radius of 200 meters from Hull, almost no one can survive for more than ten seconds!

They followed one after the other, like a death squad.

Because now is not the time to be greedy for life.

No matter how timid people are, as long as they still have a chance to be resurrected, they must stand up at this time!

Because everyone knows:

Once the Dark Skeleton King breaks through Liuguang City and loses the protection of the main city, the more than 40 million players in Liuguang City will all be displaced and eventually perish!

This is a national struggle!

Death continues.

As time passed by, the number of deaths increased.

The Dark Skeleton King is getting closer and closer to Liuguang City.

According to system statistics:

When Skeleton King was still two hours away from arriving in Liuguang City, its HP was still at 82%!

Obviously, there is no way to prevent it from entering Liuguang City.

"It's over, I can't stop it, can I only let it enter the city?"

"Could it be that our Liuguang City is about to end?"

Just when everyone fell into despair, a loud system announcement gave the players of Streaming City hope—

Full server announcement/star country area:

"Ding~ Now an announcement is made: [Apocalypse/Xingguo District/Human secondary main city Liuguang City is experiencing a natural disaster, an unprecedented super BOSS [Dark Skeleton King: Hull is invading Liuguang City, in order to ensure the safety of the main city. , All secondary main cities have opened temporary teleportation arrays, players from major secondary main cities can temporarily enter Liuguang City through the teleportation array to participate in the rescue, and jointly maintain the safety of Liuguang City! Players within the first 1 million)”

Follow the announcement.

In the Apocalypse Star Country area, a total of more than 20 secondary main cities landed in the center of a teleportation array!

Every second-tier main city, as long as the players within the top 1 million in the battle power list, can use the teleportation array to support the streamer city!

This is a chance to teleport the main city for free.

But it is also very dangerous.

Players in major cities have fallen into controversy because of this sudden announcement.

They came to support Liuguang City out of favor, and it was their duty not to come.

Because for most people: more than 40 million players in Liuguang City can't resist this BOSS called Dark Skeleton King, so what role can they play with millions of support?

And they came, and it didn't do any good.

Therefore, most of the players in other secondary main cities, after communicating with each other through the main city chat function, agreed: refuse to support Liuguang City!

So when the system prompt fell, all the players in Streaming City thought they were saved.

After a long time, there was no movement inside and outside the city!

There is no one to support them!

In the crowd of Skeleton King fighting against Japan, someone complained: "Damn it! As for it! No one came to help, watching our Liuguang City get destroyed? Forty million people!!"

Some people also expressed their understanding: "Hey, there is no way, if it was you, would you put yourself in unknown danger for the life and death of a bunch of people in other cities who don't want to do it?"

"The fate of our Liuguang City can only be in our own hands, don't ask for help from others."

"Brothers, cheer up, we can definitely..."


Before a warrior brother could finish speaking, he was stomped on by the oncoming Dark Skeleton King.

And Zhang Yi is here.

After evacuating the Skull Island map, the use of mounts was finally restored.

Riding a minibus, while flying around the Skeleton King, cooperate with countless players on the land below to attack the Skeleton King.

received a message.

Opened the message list and found that it was an old friend who hadn't been in contact with him for several months.

Captain of Xingchen Palace, Lin Qian's brother: Ruochen!

It seems that since they parted ways from the third-level main city a few months ago, they have not been in touch much.

I remember that it was for the team to have a better development, [Xingchen Palace and [Warring States Warriors] both went to the second-level main city of the Mozu: Tianxuan City!

Zhang Yi saw the message from Ruochen:

"Liuguang City, is it the main city where your Dragon Clan went?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yi replied.

I wanted to say something, but I stopped talking.

Indeed, in this case, even if the Xingchen Palace and the Warriors of the Warring States came, I am afraid it would not help.

Zhang Yi didn't want to reunite the Dragons with them in such an embarrassing way.

However, [Demon Race: Heavenly Chosen City is over there.

In the wild, with the Star Palace players

The level 156 archer [Ruochen] who brushed the picture, received Zhang Yi's reply, but was very excited.

"How is it, Brother Zhang Yi, is Brother Zhang Yi in Liuguang City?" Lin Qian, the assassin on the side, looked at Ruochen with an anxious look, and asked impatiently.

"Yes, they are all dragons!"

Saying that, Ruochen immediately ordered the [Silver Moon Legion Lord: Level 156 Assassin's bloody battle against the Eight Wastes, who is one of the three major legions of the Xingchen Hall next to him: "Pass my order, gather the army, and go to Liuguang City!"

"Don't worry about Brother Zhang Yi, we're here to support you!" Lin Qian looked at a beam of light in the sky far behind in the city of Tianxuan, and meditated in her heart.

While anxious, Lin Qian was also looking forward to it.

Because finally: she can see Zhang Yi again who has been separated for a few months!

At the same time, the battle continued in Liuguang City.

Death also continues.

Although Liuguang City has 40 million players.

But in fact, there are only a few hundred people who can attack the BOSS at the same time.

Because the player's farthest attack distance is only 50 meters.

Only when those players within the attack range are killed by the Skeleton King, can other players have the opportunity to replace them.

Of course, it doesn't mean that other than these few hundred people, the rest of the people are playing.

Following the Skeleton King's army of skeletons, there are millions!

And it is also continuously breeding from the ground, as if as long as the Skeleton King is not dead, they can be refreshed infinitely.

The task of the rest of the players is to fight against the skeleton army!


Skeletron Dark's health dropped to 70%.

And it only takes an hour to arrive at Liuguang City!

Even the Dragon Race players on the front line couldn't resist the Dark Skeleton King and the Skeleton Legion's invasion. Countless people died tragically under the slaughter of the Skeleton Warriors.

In Liuguang City, a large group of high-level Demon Race players poured out!

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